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HENEGHAN - U.S. Near Breaking Point as Obama Prepares Martial Law

Tom Heneghan International Intelligence Expert

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UNITED STATES of America  -  Tonight we bring you a special report by SoCal Martial Law Alerts (SCMLA), which details the horrendous catastrophe still occurring in the Gulf of Mexico and the insidious plans the criminal U.S. Government aka Obama and his Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate handlers have for America.

First a quick update on all fronts.

Robert Pence, former CIA and now FBI Division 5 out of Denver, Colorado [(303) 532-9619] has been fingered as working directly with the Israeli Mossad to coordinate domestic assassination teams on American soil.

click to enlarge

We can also divulge that these domestic assassination teams were originally outsourced in the assassination of known Hamas official Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in a Dubai hotel room in January.

There is a major cell that has been linked to Eagle Rock, Iowa.

The treasonous Obama Justice Department and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) refuses to take action against these terrorists and allows them to operate with immunity.
June 15 (Bloomberg) -- BP Plc's well in the Gulf of Mexico is gushing as much as 60000 barrels of oil a day...

1 barrel of oil  =  42 US gallons

60,000 barrels per day = 2,520,000 gallons of British Petroleum oil spewing into the Gulf of Mexico  per day

We can also reveal that British Petroleum (BP) has hired some of these domestic Blackwater-Mossad mercenary assassins to sanction aka kill witnesses who know too much about the British Intelligence-Israeli Mossad Gulf of Mexico terrorist attack that was directed against the American People.

We can also report at this hour British Petroleum continues to install new valves and pipes that are intended to gather  more  oil, which British Petroleum can then sell on the open market for more profit.

British Petroleum has no intention to plug this leak.

Note: It has been reported in many press outlets that White House Chief of Staff and Israeli Mossad agent Rahm Emanuel told the Dutch government to "go to hell" and stay home when the Dutch government and Dutch engineers offered to plug the leak with their technology.

British Petroleum has refused to allow scientists to study the leak on the ocean floor or test oil spill samples.

Al and Tipper Gore

Finally, don't be fooled, folks, by the latest smear vs former Vice President now year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr. directed against him by the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly U.S. media filth.

Gore, who recently separated from his wife Tipper to protect the security of his own family, has been accused of having an affair with Laurie David who has denied these allegations as completely untrue.

The lynch pin for this smear was closet homosexual and Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate stooge, Matt Drudge aka Drecht, and Rupert Murdoch Greenberg's puppet tabloid, along with the Mossad-riddled, closet homosexual controlled Washington Post and the British Intelligence rag, Tina Brown's Daily Beast.

The smear on Gore comes as the corporate-controlled fascist media is trying to once again promote loser and dysfunctional U.S. Secretary of State, lesbian in-the-closet Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, as more popular as alleged President Barack Obama and simultaneously try to promote the Bush family's new found support for Obama's socialized medicine.  Former Vice President Gore is now working directly with Obama's National Security Adviser General James Jones to affect plans that will liberate America.

You can see, folks,why the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly media launched their attack on Gore.

Final note: We would also like to divulge that the Atlanta Constitution is now sitting on the full story detailing the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate-NASA space agency electronic THEFT of the year 2000 presidential election from then Vice President Albert Gore Jr.

This report details not only how Florida was electronically stolen but also the states of Missouri, Tennessee, New Hampshire and West Virginia.

The election was not even close.  It was Gore 51 and Bush 46 and Nader 3.

Also remember, folks.  Albert Gore Jr is a  natural  born citizen of the United States.

Cleanup crews work to remove oil in Orange Beach, AL

AP Photo/Dave Martin

BP Death Clouds Already Onshore! Benzene-3400ppb & Hyrdrogen Sulfide-1200ppb TOXIC AIR ALERT

MARTIAL LAW ALERT: Gulf Coast Evacuation Scenario Summer/Fall 2010

Posted Jun 13, 2010 12:00 AM

SoCal Martial Law Alerts (SCMLA) has been in existence for a year and a half and this is our first MARTIAL LAW ALERT.

We have withheld putting out information on the Gulf oil spill for a variety of reasons, but there is now enough evidence for us to put together a fairly clear picture of what really happened, what may result and to warn people who live in the area.


Due to toxic gases from the fractured oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, the possible off-gassing of the highly-toxic Corexit 9500 (the chemical dispersant used by BP in the oil spill clean-up), acid rain and various as-yet-unknown forms of environmental damage, we believe that the government will have no choice but to relocate millions of people away from the Gulf Coast. Those living in Florida are presently at the highest risk, but the danger also appears likely to spread to all Gulf Coast states east of Louisiana and possibly even to the entire Eastern half of the United States once hurricane season begins.

Greg Evensen, a retired Kansas Highway Patrolman, estimates that 30-40 million people would need to be evacuated away from the Gulf’s coastline (i.e. at least 200 miles inland). In order to accomplish this gargantuan feat, the federal government (through FEMA and other agencies) would most likely seek first to control and manage the transportation system and then operate relocation centers to manage evacuees. Toward this end, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has already declared the airspace over the oil spill site to be a no-fly zone until further notice. Various sources have indicated that local police, highway patrol, National Guard, US military and foreign troops may be involved in an operation to evacuate the Gulf Coast. In fact, the Governor of Louisiana has already requested evacuation assistance (i.e. National Guard) for his state from the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Those living inland may also be at risk, since the movement of vast numbers of evacuees would cause a significant strain on local resources. In other words, inlanders should not expect life to continue “as normal,” since, under a martial law scenario, the government would have the power and the motivation to seize everyday necessities, such as: food, water, fuel, housing, etc. Some have also suggested that if a hurricane were to occur over the oil spill area itself, lightning might possibly ignite volatile organic compounds, not to mention the acid rain clouds that could form and be carried inland (i.e. acid rain could pollute the water table, destroy crops, kill wildlife and pose significant health risks to humans in the southern and eastern states.)

Lastly, Lindsay Williams, a former Alaskan pipeline chaplain with high-level oil industry connections, has suggested that BP, in conjunction with the federal government, might try to cap the well by using a nuclear explosion – the environmental consequences of which are currently unknown.


If you live, or if you know people who live on, or within 200 miles of the Gulf Coast area, we recommend that they immediately relocate to at least 200 miles inland (i.e. the farther away, the better). If people living within this 200-mile zone do not relocate voluntarily (i.e. on their own initiative), it appears likely that a forced evacuation through a martial-law scenario may occur within the coming weeks and (possibly) months.

Our country has been in a state of national emergency since September 11, 2001, which means that martial law (i.e. military rule) can be declared by the President at any time, for any reason – large, or small. If martial law is implemented, evacuees will lose their ability to determine when and where they will move and for how long, since the normal protections of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights will have been suspended. To put it bluntly, a scenario in which evacuees are forced to live in relocation centers for an unspecified length of time is not unlikely.



International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL--reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.