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Two Ways to Conquer and Enslave a Nation. One is by the Sword. The Other is by Debt

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----- Original Message -----
From: JC
Sent: Sunday, March 29, 2009 8:37 AM
Subject: [frameup] Two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt
The people voted for change.  Change for the American people I’ve spoken with meant, truth, transparency, what one says he’s going to do, he does.  The alleged president elect promised to review agreements that were notoriously detrimental to America , such as NAFTA, GATT, he stated the boarder needed protected, etc., which he has reneged on each and every one.  If one purchases an automobile based upon fraud, there is a lemon law to remedy such misrepresentation and false impression.  We have an alleged president elect that it is an irrefutable fact and documentable has not and has evaded at every opportunity the production of valid documentation showing being natural born, has done a 180 on each and every pre-election promise that was absolutely instrumental in his achieving being bestowed the power of office by the people.  Has willfully selected cabinet members of known questionable character, known violators of law, participants in economic crises brought about by a Democratic Congress and a Republican Executive upon the counsel of agents, lobbyists and agendas of political parties supported by and at the behest, benefiting financial institutions, that jeopardize life, liberty, pursuit of happiness and American way of life, attempted institution of gun control laws and a socialist form of government in direct conflict and violation of his oath of office for the purposeful destruction of a people, a nation, the Republic of America.

On Wednesday, March 18 2009, at approximately 11:16 am EDT, Reuters release article by Jeremy Gaunt, European Investment Correspondent stating, U.N. panel says world should ditch dollar.


     At approximately 3:10 p.m., March 20, 2009, FOX News floated the idea the UN wants to replace the dollar with another currency.  Chris Cutter, the talking head, stated it wouldn’t matter much to America .


Please, send the following to your representatives and senators, state and federal.


President John Adams is quoted as saying, “There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt.” Sheldon Emry, expanding on this concept two centuries later, observed that conquest by the sword has the disadvantage that the conquered are likely to rebel. Continual force is required to keep them at bay. Conquest by debt can occur so silently and insidiously that the conquered don’t even realize they have new masters. On the surface, nothing has changed. The country is merely under new management.  “Tribute” is collected in the form of debts and taxes, which the people believe they are paying for their own good. “Their captors,” wrote Emry, “become their ‘benefactors’ and ‘protectors.’. . . Without realizing it, they are conquered, and the instruments of their own society are used to transfer their wealth to their captors and make the conquest complete.”1


'The new (Federal Reserve) law will create inflation whenever the trusts want a period of inflation. . . they figure they can unload the stocks on the people at high prices during the excitement and then bring on a panic and buy them back at low prices. . . The people may not know it immediately, but the day of reckoning is only a few years removed' - Congressman Lindberg, Congressional Record, Dec 22, 1913.


To obtain the power of office, must not one swear to uphold the Constitution?  If one attempts to destroy or do away with [it] or any part which one must swear to uphold to obtain the power of office, for instance, the second amendment, is not one acting outside the scope of office and is that action not ultra vires and does it not subject the actor liable to criminal and civil penalties?  Would that not also apply where one attempts to replace a republican form of government with socialism?  Is that not what is meant by binding them down with the chains of the Constitution?


During the 1970's the changing elected faces of members of government passed legislation that financed sending domestic technicians to foreign countries, as a precursor to transferring domestic manufacturing overseas.  During the Clinton administration super-computers and multi head missile technology was transferred from the pentagon to commerce, so sales could be made to China , our sworn enemy, i.e., Magog, from the increase in wealth caused by this transfer of manufacturing.  Until that time neither China nor North Korea had the capability to separate stages of missiles for long distance attacks or the ability to target multi-cities with one missile.  Today, with the assistance of our elected members of government, they do. We have a six hundred billion dollar trade deficit with China .  NAFTA was passed, without debate, purely on and up or down vote again based upon Office of Legal Counsel’s [all Bar Associations throughout the world are signatories and franchises, owing allegiance, performing as the behest of the international Bar Association located at the Inns of Court at Crown Temple, Chancery Lane, London, international financiers/MONEYCHANGERS] memos from the Clinton-Gore administration and trade lobbyists.  Members of our government have permitted sales of IBM to China and proposed sale of the Tyco Global Network, 90% of the Pacific bandwidth, that cost America approximately 3.4 billion dollars to develop, a true American national asset, to an Indian company, VSNL, for $130 million, that will deny unrestricted and secure U.S. Military communications use of fiber optic infrastructure, consistent Treasury Department - an agent of the Federal Reserve - encouraging the repatriation of U.S. Dollars through the sale of American properties to foreign investors, further indebting and exposing the American people to harm.  The gasoline shortage is caused not by the lack of crude oil but by the closing of refineries for increased profits benefiting the corporations.  How much more is needed before it is apparent to all our government is being run not for the benefit of our Republic or "The People," those legislators allege to represent [from which all authority emanates], but for the benefit of the corporations, that is banks [from where all hard and soft money contributions emanates], i.e., Rothschild of London, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy, Chase Manhattan Bank of New York, Goldman, Sachs of New York, Lehman Brothers of New York, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, and our justice system is enabling this treason, legally, under a commercial, foreign jurisdiction to the several united states, Law Merchant, that's object is credit to pay the debt, benefiting the banks, the Crown, and not fraud that would benefit the people? 




Ponzi Capitalism

If Americans don't take democratic control of their country, they could suffer a much worse fate than Ponzi, who only served a few years in jail. That means paying close attention to what our economy really is, and not believing myths about what it’s supposed to be. If we don’t come to grips with a reality that is destructive of all our futures, we may have to pay the ultimate price of capital’s punishment, not as individuals but as a society . We need a political form of crisis intervention, democratically practiced, and very soon.



Elected officials were and are creating additional powers, giving amnesty to illegal aliens, authority to NAFTA, North American Union, GATT, etc., that violate what the politician swore to protect and uphold to gain the power by which they [the politicians] allege to give the amnesty and surrender our nation’s sovereignty.  This action has already been determined contrary law.  See, Reid v. Covert, 354 U.S. 1 (1957).  This action also changes the character of government which the constitution forbids.  See, De Geofroy v Riggs et al. 133 U.S. 642.  Please, verify, shepardize and prosecute this matter, no matter if the politician be a democrat or a republican.


 Khazari Involvement in Influencing U.S. Immigration Policy

the driving force at the core of the movement, reaching back to the 1920s, were Jewish organizations long active in opposing racial and ethnic quotas. These included the American Jewish Congress, the American Jewish Committee, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, and the American Federation of Jews from Eastern Europe. Jewish members of the Congress, particularly representatives from New York and Chicago, had maintained steady but largely ineffective pressure against the national origins quotas since the 1920s...


If there is no retribution for violating the oath to uphold the Constitution, there is no law.  If the president, congress or any elected official can create additional authority and act ultra vires legally, contrary well settled law, e.g., Reid v. Convert, and members of the bar will not uphold the law and prosecute such unlawful criminal acts, then there are individuals above the law and operating under a system of men not law, tyranny, a dictatorship and it should be no surprise the unfathomable fraud that occurred in our nation’s history by financiers and institutions, e.g., 1929 Stock Market Crash, Bank Holiday, 1933, is again occurring with assistance by the judiciary and elected officials, either by their participation or malfeasance of office.


Within this private jurisdiction of the International Bankers, the private and foreign-owned “Congress” formed a corporation, commercial agency, and government for the “District of Columbia” on February 21, 1871 (Chapter 62, 16 Stat. 419). This corporation was reorganized June 11, 1878 (Chapter 180, 20 Stat. 102), and re-named “United States Government.”  This corporation privately trademarked the names: “ United States ”, “ U.S. ”, “ US ”, “ U.S.A. ”, “ USA ”, and “ America ”.  


On October 6, 1917, Congress passed the Trading With the Enemy Act (aka H.R. 4960, Public, No. 91).  This nefarious act reads, in part:  


“... (b) During time of war or during any other period of national emergency declared by the President, the President may, through any agency that he may designate, or otherwise, investigate, regulate, or prohibit, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, by means of licenses or otherwise, any transactions in foreign exchange, transfers of credit between or payments by banking institutions as defined by the President, and export, hoarding, melting, or earmarking of gold or silver coin or bullion or currency, by any person within the United States or any place subject to the jurisdiction thereof: and the President may require any person engaged in any transaction referred to in this subdivision to furnish under oath, complete information relative thereto, including the production of any books of account, contracts, letters or other papers, in connection therewith in the custody or control of such person, either before or after such transaction is completed...” and “(c) Such other individuals, or body or class of individuals, as may be natives, citizens, or subjects of any nation with which the United States is at war, other than citizens of the United States, wherever resident or wherever doing business, as the President, if he shall find the safety of the United States or the successful prosecution of the war shall so require, may, by proclamation, include within the term ‘enemy’.” [emphasis added.]


 On March 9, 1933, just after Franklin Roosevelt’s Inauguration, Congress passed the Amendatory Act (48 Stat. 1 ) to the Trading With the Enemy Act, at a time when the United States was not in a shooting war with any foreign foe. This was due to the Government having become an administration for the Creditors in Bankruptcy, The amended version provided legal justification for dramatic increases in the power, scope, and authority of the U.S. Government (now owned by, and an administrative agency of, the bankers).  Aspects of such increase are;  


·        The President -- or the Secretary of the Treasury (the latter an organization which is not listed as the “United States Secretary of the Treasury”, but “something else”) -- became the supreme authority (e.g. “King”-, “Caesar”, “Monarch”) via Section 1 of Title I of the Act, i.e. 


"The actions, regulations, rules, licenses, orders and proclamations heretofore or hereinafter taken, promulgated, made, or issued by the President of the United States or the Secretary of the Treasury, pursuant to the authority conferred by subdivision (b) of section 5 of the Act of October 6, 1917 as amended, are hereby approved and confirmed.”  


This means that anything the President wants to do is “approved and confirmed” automatically, in advance (“hereinafter”) and backed by the full force, effect, and power of the “Government”.


 ·        Title 12 USC 95(a) states in part:  


“(a) In order to provide for the safer and more effective operation of the National Banking System and the Federal Reserve System [indicating that the President acts for, on behalf of, and under the direction of the Federal Reserve]... , during such emergency period as the President of the United States by proclamation may prescribe, ...”  

Every President since Roosevelt has reaffirmed the “national emergency” and issued Executive Orders under 12 USC 95(a), while continuing the “reorganization” of the country to the Bankers.  Since March 18, 1968, 31 USC 5112 (84 Stat. 1769; 1970) and 31 USC 5119, FRNs have not been redeemable in silver.  In 1971-1973 President Nixon declared total international bankruptcy, rendering private Federal Reserve Notes unredeemable, non-negotiable (“floating”) pieces of paper as a medium of exchange. These Notes are listed in 26 USC 165(g) as “worthless securities”.  


·        The original Trading With the Enemy Act excluded citizens of the United States from being treated as the enemy when involved in transactions wholly within the United States . But the Amendatory Act of March 9, 1933, included the people of the United States as the enemy by inserting the following:  


“... by any person within the United States or any place subject to the jurisdiction thereof; ...” Chapter 1, Title 1, Section 1(b).  

By operation of law the American people became the “enemy” of the private Creditors in bankruptcy, The CROWN, which, have thereafter, been administering their prize/conquest through their alter ego, the “U.S. Government”. To regulate and control their slaves/chattel property, they rendered all intercourse illegal amongst the American people without obtaining paid for permission through licensing. To travel, a driver’s license is required; to open a business requires a business license (not to mention additional and on-going mountains of red tape); to work for another one must obtain licensing through a Social Security Account Number and card.  

Revelation 13;17 in the New Testament states; “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”  Per Black's Law Dictionary, 5th edition, a mark/ marque is a “license of reprisal”. A Social Security Account Number is a commercial tracking number (Federal Reserve bank account number) enabling the bankers to monitor (tax and regulate) their commercial chattel property (you) anywhere in the world.  


Notice that the word “mark” is synonymous with “marque” and both words have the same Etymology.  A common definition of the two is a license of reprisal. The definition of license in Black’s 1 is: “In international law [i.e. trade or commerce] permission granted by a belligerent state to its own subjects, or to the subjects of the enemy, to carry on a trade interdicted by war.”  As we have seen in the Amendatory Act of March 9, 1933 to the Trading With the Enemy Act of October 6, 1917, the American people were legally classified as enemies of their misrepresented government. To do business with their new enemy, the U.S. Government, corporation, thereafter instituted wholesale licensing and issued Marks/Marques, or licenses, to the subjects of the enemy, to carry on a trade interdicted by war, thus enabling American men and women to buy or sell and otherwise engage in ‘trading with the enemy’ despite being at war [economically, debt]. 


For the average person to be identified and validated, and permitted to buy or sell in today’s industrial society, they must have a special mark, without which they are not allowed to participate.  It is interesting that the word ‘mark’ is also a synonym for the terms “servicemark” and “trademark”, the special marks used to identify and distinguish “the services of a certain provider” or the product or products of a certain “manufacturer or seller.”


The United States is now monetizing its currency.  As in Germany , this process has never been successful.  Through purposeful deception necessities are in place for the Federal Reserve Note to lose all credibility justifying banks to close sometime near August or September, roadblocks, checkpoints and vouchers to obtain the necessities of life, such as food, clothing and shelter.


Do you now believe the United States, the once ten [10] miles square, now seven [7] miles square, Washington, D.C., is foreign, re Marriam, and declared economic war upon the several states pursuant the Amendatory Act of 1933, requiring performance according to man’s gratification [secular/socialist] rather moral truth [conscience/Creator]?

                                         Anthony James; Parissi, Jr.

Part II: Geithner, Obama Kowtowing to "Massively Corrupted" Banks, Galbraith Says

Posted Mar 23, 2009 12:07pm EDT by Aaron Task in Newsmakers, Banking

Related: XLF, FAS, SKF, C, BAC, JPM, ^DJI

Like it or not, many people seem to be resigned to the idea there's no alternative to the public-private investment fund scheme Treasury Secretary Geithner detailed this morning. (Click here for part one of our discussion of the plan.)

That's hogwash, says University of Texas professor James Galbraith, author of The Predator State. Of course there's an alternative: FDIC receivership of insolvent banks.

Aside from being legally proscribed, the upside of FDIC receivership is the banks are restructured and reorganized for potential sale (either in whole or parts), Galbraith says. Such was the fate in 2008 of, most notably, Washington Mutual and IndyMac.

Crucially, FDIC receivership also means new management teams for insolvent banks; and Galbraith notes new leaders will have no incentive to cover up the fraudulent or predatory lending practices of their predecessors. Given the entire system was "massively corrupted by the subprime debacle," the professor believes criminal prosecutions on par with the aftermath of the S&L crisis - when hundreds of insiders went to jail - is a likely (and necessary) outcome of the current crisis.

But don't expect to see many "perp walks" if Geithner's current plan comes to fruition. That's one reason Galbraith called the plan "extremely dangerous" in part one of our interview.