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Symbols of Control - Part Two

Research By Jordan Maxwell

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rty is a form of a freedom but it is a freedom granted by a controlling authority. So "liberty" is really a freedom with limitations! The Statue of Liberty then can be seen as a giant magical symbol which radiates energy different from what the American public thinks it does. It means to ask permission and once it is granted you are given a ‘license’ to act. Most people don’t realize that words are symbols too and it is no coincidence,, my friend, that the roots of modern language can be traced back to Sumeria. They are all just symbols used to manipulate human consciousness.

Q: You are adamant that part of this global magical control is reinforced through television and Hollywood "pop" culture symbolism as well?

Do you know why a television or radio show is called a ‘program?’ Because that’s what it does, program your mind. Your brain is a computer and what do you do with a computer? Program it. There is a good book written on this called The Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television by Jerry Mander. It basically showed that television does exactly what it was designed to do, override your consciousness and put you to sleep. Druidic magical wands were always made from the wood of a holly tree because of its magical properties. So Hollywood is named Hollywood because it perpetuates the programming, hypnotism, and magic of control over the minds of the people. Look, stories are just programs. So when you see what kind of information is presented in movies like the Indiana Jones trilogy, Star Wars, Star Trek and of course, The Lord of the Rings, among many others, you’ve got to ask yourself if guys like Spielberg, Lucas, Roddenberry and even Tolkien didn’t know what was really going on. I see these guys as true geniuses working within the system to counteract the effects of Hollywood mind control. They are attempting to wake us up to our true history and enable humanity to take back its power by giving us ‘insider tips’ to what they believe may be happening."

Q: What kind of information do you think is being presented in movies like Raiders of the Lost Ark and Lord of the Rings?

Well let’s take Raiders. If The Ark is Jewish then why do the Nazis want it? Why do Jones and the Nazis look for the key to The Ark in Tibet? What is the Tibetan connection? It is well known that Hitler sent expeditions into Tibet looking for secret knowledge during World War II. Then they both go to Egypt. Why not The Holy Land? Because there is nothing in The Holy Land that is holy except for the stories: They’re full of holes! [laughs heartily] There is something much bigger going on and I think Speilberg knows it. Then they find it [The Ark] in Egypt. There is also a French archaeologist leading the Nazi team. Most people don’t know about the Nazi/French connection. It is the planet Saturn. He is the Lord of the Rings. This is really not new stuff. Look at The Two Towers, read: 9/11. This is Tolkien’s original title. This goes back to Sumeria and the story of Jaochim and Boaz. All churches in Europe had double towers. Many corporations today build two towers when they build. You really can’t understand the Middle East without an understanding of Saturn. And the symbolism behind the twin towers.

Q: You say that there is no actual gold backing the American dollar? Why is this important and how has this happened?

No longer are we living under the United States Constitution or Bill of Rights. In 1933, public policy was installed which states that you cannot pay a bill but you can discharge a debt. So very simply no one can own anything. Ask any good corporate attorney and they’ll tell you that in maritime law, no one can own anything. The banks own you. You see, people think that paper money is a dollar, but it is not. Remember a ‘bill’ is an IOU; it is the promise of gold. It is not gold. Therefore, it is not money. America no longer has any gold since the Federal Reserve Act removed the gold standard. All the gold is in Europe, which is controlled by The Vatican. In this country, though, everyone is working for the banks. But people remain happy because they know that they can pass the bill on to the next guy and so on. Don’t you realize that when someone gives you a bill for $100 you turn around and give him or her a $100 bill? You just give the bill right back. You’ve paid nothing but have discharged, or balanced, your debt. But make no mistake about it, there is no money in America. Public Policy is really more at the end of all this. This all started in the Fourth Century when The Vatican installed maritime law into the business/mercantile culture. In America it was in 1868 that we stopped being sovereign citizens of the country of the Untied States of America and became employees of the company known as the United States. This is all really tricky stuff, a sort of legal semantics that amounts to a magical mantra of control. The web site explains this in much greater detail.

Q: So how and why did you get started researching these types of symbolic connections?

I first came to Los Angeles when I was 19. I had lived in the former UFO hot spot in the 90s known as Gulf Breeze, Florida. I had had many strange experiences from entities coming into my bedroom to seeing mysterious lights and from out-of-body experiences to tragedies that happen just after I leave a place. My life has been one of peculiarly profound synchronicity. When I got to LA I met a girl and we dated a few times. Then she took me to meet her father. From the moment I met him I knew that I was in the company of a not normal man. There was something about this man; the way he moved and spoke. I was fascinated by his spirit and the words he used. Then we began to chitchat and he began to describe an incident that happened to me when I was eight years old. He described the incident to me exactly how it happened right down to the memory of the smell of the funny green wood and said that he heard me when I said a prayer to God asking to do something good with my life. He said that he was there! Then he asked me if what he described was accurate and I told him that he was right in every detail. Then he said to me, "How did I know that?" and it gave me a really weird feeling. He then pulled out a book that he wanted me to read called The Complete Works of Charles Forte and seemingly randomly opened to a page and what he read just blew my mind. Then another page and that one blew my mind. Then we began to hang out and he told me about UFOs as if it was from first hand experience. On that first night he asked me if I had ever seen a UFO up close. I told him no but that I had had several strange experiences. Well he looked up to the sky and began to inaudibly talk towards it and within 10 minutes we saw a UFO. He said that I was led to LA. Then they moved several weeks later and I never saw them again.

Source: Magical Blend .html
