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Tuesday I watched Obama speak at the Merkel Press Conference saying that his ‘Economic Recovery’ is coming along just fine with an occasional bump in the road. Tuesday afternoon Bernanke, speaking at the Bankers Conference in Atlanta, stated clearly that the Fed can not, given current data, assure the audience our country is in Recovery. Unemployment is rising. Home valuesagain falling dramatically. Foreclosures rising. Deficit running 1.5T annually. Borrowing limits reached. China and Japan cutting back Treasury purchases, there is just no end to the bad news. Obama’s entire ‘economic team’ has now resigned, Summers, Roemer, Goolsbee, all of them gone now.All have returned to their respective ‘teaching positions’ where they are insulated from real world realities and they can teach their Keynesian Theory Nonsenseto their ‘just graduated high school audience’.   Where ever you look things are getting worse not better. And so I ask you Liberals, you kool-aid drinkers, is Obama the biggest LIAR in history(recovery going swimmingly)? Or is he simply the most blind, incompetent  and STUPIDEST President in history? OR BOTH?  Dozens of Economist projected the certain outcome of the Obama/Bernanke/Geithner Policies. It’s not like ‘no one knew’.


The approaching, now well under way, breakdown of America, of Free Enterprise, even of Christianity, at the hands of these Liberal anti-american Communist/Socialist Insane Idiots was entirely predictable and was predicted publicly by virtuallyevery Conservative Austrian School Economist while the Liberal/Keynesian/Democrats told you then “Gov’t. is the Answer” and tells you now, “no double dip-all is well”. And still, even now, 40 plus percent of the American people cheer for still more of this ‘hope and change’ garbage.  In plain view tens of Trillions of dollars of toxic, bogus, worthless debt was lifted from the corrupt and guilty Domestic Banks and placed squarely on the backs of these uninformed Americans and their children with additional immeasurable amounts moved from the offshore banks onto the people worldwide. ‘More’ screams the idiot class, ‘give us more’.  Meanwhile ‘back at the ranch’ Obama takes 500 people with him at taxpayer expense to Europe for the 3 day G-8 meetings and Michelle spends $150,000. on her ‘spring wardrobe’. Not needed ‘negotiating personnel’ mind you, but any cronyflunky friendwho could fog a mirror vacationing in Europe at taxpayer expense.


These people are beyond arrogant and beyond disgusting. He, Obama, is now providing his cronies and ‘czars’ who have been moved onto Gov’t Payroll’s—Limousines. Yes, Limousines all around, 77 new Limousines, Limousines at taxpayer expense for everyone who supports Obama’s destruction of America, Limousines to go with their exemptions to ObamaCare. The partying, the golfing, the trips and vacations, the wasting of tens of millions of taxpayers dollars never stops and never slows down. There are ‘words’ for people like this, perhaps you are familiar with some of them?  Do the American people deserve what they are getting? Do they deserve the ‘hard times’ headed their way? I say yes, yes they do deserve what’s coming which is basically a loss of their way of lifeas more and more are moved onto Gov’t unemployment and welfare rolls.. Excuses can be made for voting into office an unknown like Obama. Continuing to support him and his policies now is a different matter. There is a difference, IMO, between ignorance and being ‘willingly ignorant’.


So many LIES. Virtually everything is a lie. The unemployment numbers are one of the biggestexamples. Had BLS not ‘imagined’ into being 172,000 new jobs in May via the absurdfraud of the birth/death (business) model the May (un)employment report would have shown the truth, which cannot be allowed, the loss of 200,000 jobs in May rather than a gain of 54,000. Our situation is dire and getting worse. In lieu of the truth a steady flow of lies from all Gov’t Agencies as the President himself sets the example. No black or white anymore, no truth or lies anymore, just ‘moral relevance’ where anything goes if you think you can get away with it. Worded another way, the enforced decay and destruction of our once great nation by Lying Liberal Losers who are MENTALLY ILL and belong together somewhere in a giant sewer all their own. Instead they work for the mainstream media, hide in tenured college positions, live in Hollywood or San Francisco or work for Soros, Pelosi, Obama or the current U.S. Corporate Government. Choose America. Either you will make a conscience decision to return to our roots, to the things that made our country great, or you will be drug into the sewer by those Liberals you elected to lead you.


With Obama’s entire Economic Team now gone why do you suppose no replacements have been announced? Since becoming President, Obama has increased the debt 4.2 Trillion Dollars. Additional Trillions from the Fed to Banks worldwide and billed to taxpayers. Now Obama/Geithner are raiding/looting public employee’s Pension Funds to keep the Gov’t operating, to maintain the Status Quo and to avoid ‘the new’. Meanwhile, as Trillions of taxpayer dollars continue to flow into the Banks they continue to pay themselves shameful ridiculous bonuses. Food stamps for us, third and fourth homes for them made possible by the whores in Congress who work for the banks not the people. Ultimately it is ‘we the people’ who are responsible as we have not upheld our end of the bargain that comes with ‘Freedom’ and theRepublican Form of Government provided to us by our Founding Fathers. It is being taken from us daily and still we support those doing the taking. What a terrible shame that ‘the lessons’ coming upon the people must once again be learned ‘the hard way’.


Of course our funding and the worlds ‘refunding’, should it occur, when it occurs, puts a big ‘Kings X’ on much of this ‘hard times’ talk. People awakening to debt forgiveness, the demise of the Illuminati and the retrieval of our Constitutional Republic will have reasons to celebrate.  


Are you aware that Obama’s third White House Council has resigned? What do you suppose is going on that they want no part of?


There is no stopping ‘Q.E.’ now(unless the ‘old’ gives way to the ‘new’). In for a penny (actually a few Trillion) in for a pound (still more Trillions). There will likely  be a pause(QE II expires 6/30)  while they gas the choppers and clean the windshields but they can’t stopas this is the only thing propping up the market and asset values. They have trained the addict (the economy) to be dependent upon its next ‘fix’. This meanscontinued dollar destruction which means inflation which means lower and lower living standards as moreand more money goes for gas, groceries, utilities, etc. etc..


A very strange American? Flag behind Bernanke Tuesday at the Atlanta Bankers Conference. The usual red and white stripes but only one star in the field of blue. Whatdoesitmean? Behind the scenes WE hear, acknowledgement that failure to fund the settlements and programs will guarantee a gargantuan crash world wide. IMO ‘the world’ is telling Obama et al to get out of the way before it is to late.  


Did you see the video/u-tube making the rounds recently? The City States Flag? Three red stars representing the D.C. Corporation, the City of London and Vatican City?  All in bed together. Answering to no Government, no country. Pays no taxes.The twelve ‘councilmen’ in the ‘City of London’ represent the 12 Banking Families. “THE CROWN”-a reference to the 12 Banking Families rather than to Royalty.  How little we know. Our world is not ‘structured’ in the way we have been taught (lied to).


As we all know it is impossible to teach a Liberal anything so they will surely put the following ‘out of mind’ immediately. The 10 poorest cities in America? Detroit, Buffalo, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Miami, St Louis, Milwaukee, El Paso, Philadelphia and Newark. And what do they ALL have in common? None have had a Republican Mayor in decades, several of them not in a hundred years.


Every family to pay $2100./year more for Insurance under ObamaCare says CBO. Three TRILLION in new spending. Tens of thousands of new Gov’t Employees. Now 60,000 Businesses have said they will cancel their Insurance Plans as soon as ObamaCare is fully operational. ObamaCare mandates by Gov’t your purchase of health insurance and is clearly unconstitutional on its face. It’s purpose, Obama’s purpose, is to capitalize (securitize) the resulting Gov’t income stream 30 years in advance generating the up front cash necessary to continue running Gov’t. under the ‘Status Quo’.


Obama has declared June “National Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, and Transgender PRIDE MONTH. Time to get naked and March March March through the streets of the city as we are all so full of Pride are we not?


More later. Doing fine health wise but tire easily.


                        Casper    6-10-11    opinion