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PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 0px } BODY.hmmessage { FONT-FAMILY: メイリオ; FONT-SIZE: 10pt }  ----- Original Message -----

Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 5:43 AM

Response to Christopher Story’s false accusations of death threats from me

The following remarks by Christopher Story represent slander:

A web report published on 12th January and promoted inter alia on another US website by Benjamin Fulford from Japan gratuitously brackets this Editor with notorious website abusers of both fact and the English language, and then adds: ‘As for me, I am a spokesperson for the Black Dragon Society’ – which, ‘folks’, in case you didn’t know, are JAPANESE ASSASSINS.

This careless comment could therefore rightly be interpreted as another death threat: if aimed at the Editor of this service, it would be his 34th threat since the start of this research in 2002, and his 11th threat of death. The same source completely misreads the central import of the LINE-ITEM PAYMENT issue exposed in our report dated 10th January; but when someone is engaged in issuing threats, one imagines that it is hardly their highest priority to reflect the truth.

First of all I have not made any death threats or otherwise against Christopher Story. I am a journalist who reports what reliable sources tell me. If the information turns out to be wrong, I will issue a correction.

The Black Dragon Society I speak for does not engage in assassination. There is another society known as the Kokuryukai (which means Black Dragon Society) but they are a separate entity.

Both the Black Dragons and the Kokuryukai never attack but they will defend themselves vigorously. The fact of the matter is that Western civilization has been taken over by brutal gangsters who are killing millions of people and planning to kill billions. In such circumstances the people of the world are entitled to defend themselves. The judicial “horizontalizations” referred to by Mr. Story are a case in point. Killing in self defense is legal in certain circumstances.

Hopefully the new financial system will be announced soon and humanity can be free at last.

Benjamin Fulford