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Ted Cruz Calls For Supreme Court To Hear Swing State Appeal – He Claims Mail-In Voting Violated The Constitution Of Pennsylvania

Ben Dutka

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Some Republicans and right-wing lawmakers believe President Donald Trump should concede the 2020 election. But Trump hasn’t backed down, and he retains some powerful allies.

One such ally is Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who has mostly supported Trump’s battle from the beginning. And now he’s taking his case to the highest court in a critical battleground state.

Cruz wants the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to reconsider the election results — and perhaps for good reason.

The emergency appeal centers on one particular point: last year, the state voted to allow universal mail-in voting. It was a controversial move but it passed.

Now, Cruz says it should never have happened, because it’s actually a violation of the Pennsylvania Constitution.

The Republican Senator seeks an “expedited” decision from the court, and hopes PA will reconsider their decision to finalize the presidential election results.

As Cruz stated (via The Daily Wire):

Late last year, the Pennsylvania Legislature passed a law that purported to allow universal mail-in voting, notwithstanding the Pennsylvania Constitution’s express prohibition.

This appeal argues that Pennsylvania cannot change the rules in the middle of the game. If Pennsylvania wants to change how voting occurs, the state must follow the law to do so.

Cruz begged the court to hear the case in order to “heal the nation.”

He further called out the “partisan Democrat Supreme Court” in the state, and said 3 U.S. Supreme Court justices said there was a definite chance that the PA Supreme Court had violated the U.S. Constitution.

Cruz added that typically, the U.S. Supreme Court should stay out of election disputes, especially where state law is concerned.

But he clarified his stance, saying these aren’t “ordinary times” and the “integrity of our democratic system” is at stake:

As of today, according to Reuters/Ipsos polling, 39 percent of Americans believe that ‘the election was rigged.’ That is not healthy for our democracy.

The bitter division and acrimony we see across the nation needs resolution.

And I believe the U.S. Supreme Court has a responsibility to the American people to ensure that we are following the law and following the Constitution.

There certainly appears to be even more polarization across the country since the November election.

Both sides seem 100% convinced, too: Democrats believe the election was fair and accurate, with no “voting irregularities.” While Republicans and Conservatives view this as a “stolen election.”

President Trump’s appeals and lawsuits haven’t been particularly successful, though.

Maybe Cruz’s move to take his case to the PA Supreme Court will make some waves, despite the media and many politicos and lawmakers saying the race is over.

Key Takeaways:

  • Sen. Ted Cruz has filed an emergency appeal with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.
  • He claims that their universal mail-in ballot rule – passed last year – actually violates the state’s Constitution.
  • Cruz adds that 3 members of the U.S. Supreme Court believe there’s a “strong possibility” this claim is accurate.