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Charles Miller

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by Charles Miller

June 19th 2020

Dear President Trump, our President,

Please Pen a Thank You Note to the Supreme Court.


Beneficiaries Letter of Wishes to Trustee Donald John Trump, holder in due course of the Right and Duty to enforce the Law of our Constitution at all times in all places.


Beneficiaries Charles C. Miller, Andre’ Paul Provost Jr. , on behalf of the American People, WISH our President send a written Thank You Note to the Supreme Court for identifying and admitting their Divided Loyalty, subversion of the Constitution and Trespassing on both Legislative and Executive Branch powers in their recent OPINION concerning the illegal and void DACA operations.


The letter on Presidents stationary could be considered notice and opportunity to correct egregious legal errors rising to TORTS of a massive nature.


We all now have undeniable facts, Court certified public record, admitting and confessing that the Supreme Court operates in subversion and in open rebellion against the rule of law declared in our Constitution, resulting in very high crimes that are subject matter of the criminal statutes covering civil rights, conspiracy, and judicial terrorism, disguised pettifogging, legal chicanery, obviously intended to destroy what little trust or confidence remains in the federal judiciary.


All of the People, our governments both state and federal, have once again been denied access to our own laws by a mere OPINION issued by the Supreme Court.


What makes the judges insult so galling is that these Supreme Court characters provided the legal benefits of being an American to illegal immigrants while in the same cases denying the protection of the laws to those who employ and pay them, the American People.


The Judges were and are acting as the attorneys defending known illegal trespassers in our country as defense counsel advocating for and representing known felons!


The OPINION it’s self is iron clad proof of impropriety qualifying for both impeachment and criminal prosecution.


These characters were not appointed, authorized, nor paid to be OPINIONATED. These Justices were appointed to apply judicial enforcement to the Constitution, valid Statutes and valid Executive Orders, as written, not interpreted, in all cases or controversies before a United States Court, doing justice to all parties and those affected by their actions.


These characters are not authorized in any manner whatsoever to recognize or give credence to the non-constitutional DACA. Doing so has placed the Supreme Court Justices in the position of harboring known felons, and covering up crimes by fancy words, legal shenanigans, impaired logic, apparently believing and acting as if their privileged position elevates them above the law.


Where are the straight up hard core real Americans?


Where are the alleged majority of HONEST PUBLIC SERVANTS?


Why are so many crooked public servant posers flaunting their special protected class positions?


The well studied and practiced perversion of fundamental law blatantly thrown in the face of the People would be astounding, had not the Court legislated from the bench, constructed social engineering programs, consistently held the People liable for paying to take care of illegals, and supported illegal aliens as if they had more rights and value to and in our country than We the People, for so many years.


Your Beneficiaries, Miller and Provost Jr., are unaware of any authority Judges hold, particularly the characters at the Supreme Court, that authorizes judges to make law, issue OPINIONS having the effect of law, recognize a conflict between two acts of government, one legal and proper, immigration statutes, and one illegal, DACCA, and not settle the conflict by Judicial Order benefitting the People and our country.


We do not believe there is any evidence anywhere that could indicate these Supreme Court characters are stupid, ignorant of the Constitution, proper government operations, particularly separation of powers, and where valid laws come from. That means these characters act for some other purpose than honest public service for which they are paid, promised to do under unlimited personal liability oath given prior to assuming the position as Justice, as a public servant to the People, not illegal aliens.


Mr.President, if you choose to not send an official objection Letter to the Justices then please consider sending this officially served Letter Of Wishes to the Court.


We, your Beneficiaries, will advise the Supreme Court that Beneficiaries, Grantors, Bailors and Depositing Creditor’s to all governments powers require honor from our public servants and now demand those criminally negligent in carrying out personal public duties properly to resign forthwith.


Mr. President, our Beneficiaries ‘opinion’ should carry more credibility than the ‘opinions’ of the mere justices. We are the principles to the contracts that all public officers swore to uphold. The members of the Supreme Court are public servants owing their fidelity to the People not illegal immigrants. Further the President as co-equal in power to the Court holds a duty to hold these characters representing illegals to account to the law.


Mr. Trump, we love, care and respect you and appreciate your hard work as our President. However, we are are also required to Advise of issues affecting the People.


Many doubt MAGA is possible given the current operations allowed to go on in the courts by both you and your Department of Justice. The political, medial and social platform buffoons are destroying themselves. No so the courts. The 15% properly adjudicated bait is switched.


We beg you to consider filing impeachment documents from the Office of President with Congress against the TORTFEASING Justices.

Charles Miller