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Larry Klayman

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If you thought that the lying, deceit and outright corruption at my once proud alma mater, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), had reached an end point – with phony claims by Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI Director Christopher Wray promising to clean up the mess that resulted in the “witch hunt” by Special Counsel Robert Mueller against President Donald Trump – think again!

Just yesterday, Sessions and equally corrupt prosecutors in Las Vegas, Nevada, along with appellate lawyers at “Main Justice” in Washington, D.C., incredibly had the shameless chutzpah to appeal the dismissal by Judge Gloria Navarro (who was not and remains no friend of Cliven Bundy, his family and the armed peaceful protesters who stood down a tyrannical government at Bunkerville in 2014) of the supercedeas indictment that resulted in an eventual criminal trial earlier this year after Cliven and his sons were imprisoned without bail for two years. The goal was to have the Bundys imprisoned for life.

Navarro, who was recommended to the bench by Sen. “Dirty” Harry Reid and nominated by President Barack Hussein Obama, and whose hometown paper, the Las Vegas Review Journal, had called a “friend” of the prosecutors, Steven Myhre, Daniel Schiess and Nadia Ahmed, all Deep State holdovers in the U.S. Attorney’s Office, did not out of the goodness of her cold heart dismiss the indictment, with prejudice, thereby cutting short the jury trial. The judge could have not cared less about doing the “right thing.” Rather, not wanting to go down with a sinking ship, Navarro had no choice, as the early days of the Bundy trial exposed wholesale lying and obstruction of justice not only by the FBI, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and a cover-up by the prosecutors themselves, which resulted in them dishonestly burying exculpatory evidence. If the case had gone to the jury, they would have most certainly entered a verdict of acquittal for Cliven and his sons, Ryan and Ammon, as well at other defendants.

During the lead up to the trial, I had lobbied Attorney General Sessions to review the Bundy prosecution, as it was in my opinion politically motivated by “Dirty Harry,” Obama and his Justice Department. The Bundys and their supporters never threatened federal agents when, in a paramilitary raid the henchmen of the BLM, assisted by the FBI and the prosecutors, sought to take over their ranch, seize their cattle and put them out of business on land the family had ranched for nearly 150 years. And, if this were not enough, BLM and FBI goons threatened the Bundys with death if they did not accede to the federal government’s demands. When the Bundys held their ground, the feds violently assaulted Cliven’s sister Margaret, throwing her to the ground, tased his sons and killed scores of cattle, burying them in a secret mass grave.

This government tyranny was a flashback to the years, months and days leading up to the American Revolution, when the redcoats of King George III used similar tyrannical means to terrorize colonialists. Eventually, the colonies had had enough, as was true centuries later at Bunkerville. These colonialists, exercising their “right” to bear arms, like the Bundys many years after, defeated an oppressive sovereign. However, the major difference with Cliven and his clan, is that the neither the Bundys nor their peaceful but armed protester supporters ever fired a shot, much less menacingly pointed any weapons at the so-called federal agents, many of whom were paid mercenaries hired by Harry Reid’s former chief of staff, Neil Kornze, whom Dirty Harry had appointed through Obama to head the BLM. The likely reason for this: Reid and his equally unethical son Rory, a downtown Las Vegas Mafia-connected lawyer, were reportedly attempting to not just seize Cliven’s cattle and take over his ranch, but also sell off the Bundys’ grazing rights to Chinese environmental interests, likely with kickbacks to the Reids from the Chinese buyers.

At this point – having witnessed the disgraceful inaction by Sessions to oversee the Russian collusion “witch hunt” of Robert Mueller – the attorney general in name only abdicated his commitment to me to review the Bundy case. Only when Judge Navarro dismissed the supersedeas indictment did Sessions begrudgingly agree to a review of his prosecutors’ gross prosecutorial misconduct and the FBI’s role in the attempted malicious prosecution and later cover-up.

This review was allegedly underway when just last Thursday, Sessions’ prosecutors in the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Las Vegas, Myhre, Schiess and Ahmed, with the obvious approval of the Trump-appointed U.S. Attorney Dayle Elieson, filed a notice of appeal of Judge Navarro’s dismissal. This act in and of itself shows that the Obama Deep State is well and alive inside the belly of the corrupt beast, aka the Justice Department.

This is the same Justice Department that is attempting to take down President Trump, his family and colleagues and has become, along with the leftist media, the true enemy of the people.

It is high time that the president clean house at my alma mater and fire Sessions, his lackey Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, the hapless establishment and “out of his league” director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, and restore some sense of justice to the nation’s top law enforcement agencies.

Short of this, I will do my best to defend Cliven Bundy and his family against a corrupt government that is doomed to the ash heap of history if its “bad act” is not cleaned up fast. The thought of Judge Navarro’s dismissal of the supersedeas indictment being overturned, and the Bundys retried, is more than any true American patriot should stand.

Go to to learn more about and donate to Cliven Bundy’s defense, which now moves to the leftist U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit. We need all the support from fellow patriots we can get!


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