JD Heyes
On Tuesday reports published by the Left-wing “mainstream” media claimed that convicted former Trump campaign manager and longtime Republican political operative Paul Manafort had “violated” his plea agreement with special counsel Robert Mueller by lying to him.
As The Associated Press reported:
The special counsel in the Russia investigation is accusing former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of violating his plea agreement by repeatedly lying to federal investigators, an extraordinary allegation that could expose him to a lengthier prison sentence — and potentially more criminal charges.
The AP and other mainstream news outlets claimed that Mueller made his accusations in a new court filing on Monday. For his part, Manafort, through lawyers, says Mueller’s allegations are bogus and that he “believes he provided truthful information” during a series of interview sessions with Mueller’s prosecutors and investigators.
That should be the end of it, considering that fired FBI Director James Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton despite her very obvious felonious mishandling of classified information because he determined she didn’t really mean to do it — even though she went to the trouble of setting up a private email server in her Chappaqua, N.Y., home for the express purpose of hiding her email traffic from government record keepers.
Beyond this obvious attempt to pile more charges onto a long-time associate of POTUS Donald Trump — and remember, the entire Mueller probe is political — there is much that, in a world where justice truly prevailed, Mueller himself would be a heap of legal trouble. (Related: Deep State tool Robert Mueller has a long history of targeting innocent people, which explains why he was picked to go after POTUS Trump.)
All those times when Mueller violated the law
As noted by The Gateway Pundit on Tuesday, there are at least 10 instances where Mueller and his Democrat-loving prosecutors have been operating outside of the actual law of the land, aided and abetted by Deep State figures in the DoJ, the FBI, and the intelligence community:
— The special order issued by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointing Mueller cites “collusion” (as in the Trump campaign’s “collusion with Russia” to “steal the election”) is a criminal act, but as Gregg Jarrett, legal analyst at Fox News wrote a year ago, no such statue exists in the U.S. Code. If there is no crime of collusion, why was Mueller even appointed?
Unethical Mueller, in his court filing, admits that Rosenstein’s order appointing him was intentionally vague. This violates the special counsel law that requires a specific statement of facts to be investigated. Rosenstein and Muller colluded to break the law and should resign
— Rosenstein’s mandate to Mueller was overly (and intentionally) broad, which also exceeds the requirement in the statute that such investigations be narrow in scope and involve specific allegations of criminal activity.
— Mueller has known conflicts of interest (one of them being longtime friend and colleague Comey, who was up to his neck in “Spygate” — the plot to spy on and then undermine the Trump campaign). That alone should have disqualified him from accepting the assignment.
— Even Rosenstein has a conflict of interested because he signed off on at least one of the FISA warrants used to spy on minor Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.
— Nearly all of the prosecutors Mueller chose for his team have financial ties to Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 campaign — as donors. How can donors to a political campaign be unbiased in their investigation of Clinton’s rival?
— One member of Mueller’s team — fired FBI counterterrorism official Peter Strzok — was also involved in Spygate. He was eventually fired by Mueller once news broke of his anti-Trump texts to his lover, anti-Trump FBI lawyer Lisa Page, but that was only because of the bad PR.
— Mueller has also been accused of illegally obtaining evidence, such as the raid on former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen’s offices, where investigators seized documents and materials that are supposed to be protected by attorney-client privilege.
All in all, whatever Manafort did or did not do in terms of ‘breaching’ his agreement with Mueller, a deal with a liar and a criminal is no deal at all. If anyone ought to be singled out for prosecution, it’s Robert Mueller and his anti-Trump legal hit squad.