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New Border Wall Project Progressing in Texas


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The border wall fight continues in Washington but a new barrier is set to break ground in Texas. The new border project is worth $600 million.

According to Fox News:

MISSION, Texas -- Heavy machinery has started to roll in near the National Butterfly Center, which straddles the Mexican border. Customs and Border Protection has positioned vehicles here. And construction workers and architects have started plotting out their work for the next few months, and possibly years.

As the nation's capital grapples over how to fund the controversial border wall, construction of a new one in the Rio Grande Valley is set to begin in the next few days.

Bentsen, a top national destination for bird watching, is located down the road from the bird center and will see one of two Rio Grande Valley border wall projects run through its property. Both plans were funded by last year’s congressional appropriations. Congress green-lighted more than $600 million for 33 miles of wall in the area.

Environmentalists are not happy.

The border will disrupt natural habitat but it looks like the project will move forward. President Trump continues to fight for border funding, and it remains unclear if Congress will provide that before a shutdown happens.