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9/11 Ringleaders Execute Brilliant German Spy Plot: ID Theft

Jon Carlson

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Posted 9/30/08

GHW Bush Honored For Committment To Germany!

Holbrooke told The Associated Press that Bush, who was president in 1989-93, lobbied for Germany's reunification against the wishes of his counterparts in Britain and France.

The spy plot was to infiltrate the US government UNKNOWN and make changes to every aspect of a Christian middle class America that would destroy the basic foundation the country rests on AND BRING AMERICA'S REPUTATION TO ROCKBOTTOM WORLDWIDE. An FBI agent circa the Bush I administration said 'They are making everything that was illegal legal." That agent said the FBI knows where illegal aliens live but the Bush administration wouldn't let them do anything about it.

Here is the Nazis WINNING Scorecard: The US turned from the World's largest creditor in 1980 to the World's greatest debtor:


Karl Schwarz updates his reports on Nazi-wrecked America: Winter Soldier

(More Karl)

The first order of business was establishing American Citizenship for George Scherff ('Prescott Bush') and wife and George Scherff, Jr. ('George Bush I') and his German girl friend ('Barbara Bush'). The Constitution clearly states that candidates for President must be native born and have an allegiance to America. McCain born in Panama and Obama born in Kenya need not apply. Add their allegience to Israel not America. Clearly a German citizen EVEN TODAY Bush I NEEDED NOT APPLY. As Bush II was born of German citizens not even naturalized he is in the same boat.

The Scherff's and the Nazi CIA pored over American genealogy records to find a family that they could infiltrate like a virus unknown to that family and relatives AND AMERICA. Just like their plan for 9/11 their genealogical insertion was a Keystone Cops affair, full of holes. Their main claim was that Bush I and 'Barbara Bush' were born in America circa 1925.

The left photo from the lead article shows marked alteration of the skin around the eyes during plastic surgery. The CIA German Nazis were famous for altering official documents and altering their appearances with CIA-paid facelifts and growth hormones. Faking deaths was common in Nazi Germany and Nazi America. Bush has had both hips replaced and 'Barbara Bush' has had one hip replaced. Curious indeed that there were no announcements of Bush I's plastic surgeries and growth hormone therapy! The right photo source is the linked article.

9/11 was a Keystone Cops mass murder of Americans where everything went wrong while cameras galore were rolling. 9/11 Prime Suspects used Boeing 737 drones with napalm bombs attached to create Hollywood Spectaculars at the South and North Towers. The 9/11 article,

Keystone Cops 9/11: Is She Or Ain't She A Napalm Bomb?

made an open and shut case that one of the napalm bombs exited the South Tower before exploding in an enormous flaming cloud AND only a small component of the flaming clouds at the WTC were fueled by aviation jet fuel.

The 9/11 article,

Keystone Cops 9/11: Hell Has No Fury Like A Napalm Bomb

showed the South Tower Napalm crematory of live victims in the most heinous crime possible in this life, suspected to be compliments of the Bush Administration, the CIA, and the US Navy.

Besides the Napalm bomb exiting the South Tower an engine from alleged Flight UA175 went clean through the South Tower landing on a police car in a NYC street. View our collection of fifteen photos of the street engine:

Keystone Cops 9/11: Fifteen Views Of The ST Fake Flight 175 Engine

An associate of Adolph Hitler and Bush I, Otto Skorzeny (left), was cheated out of large sums of money by 'George Herbert Walker Bush' after both left Germany in WWII, and to get even, Slorzeny told the origins of the 'Bush family' using supporting Nazi Germany photos:.

Bush's father, 'Prescott Bush', his mother, and Bush I, were captured in a rare photo (also below) when Bush I was in his teens serving in the German Navy. Read the first installment:

The 9/11 German Connection: Bush I, Born and Trained As A Spy In WWII Germany,

Stood down America's Defense

In the second installment the spotlight turned on Bush I with a collection of later Bush I photos establishing beyond a shadow of doubt that the rare photo was indeed incriminating. Clearly Prescott Bush, Bush I, and Bush II are German Citizens with allegiance to Germany. Presidents are required to be native born and owe their allegiance to America. In previous articles we established that Bush I was the lonesome 9/11 operator of the Standdown of America's Trillion dollar defense. Bush II had taken normal White House workers to Florida so there would be no witnesses. Even Laura was sent packing to Congress during the standdown.

The 9/11 German Connection:

9/11 Ringleader And Nazi CIA Behind

The Sabotage of America

In the third installment the spotlight turned on Martin Bormann, the No. 2 to Hitler in Nazi Germany, the Scherffs ('Bushes') were exposed as German Jews (Also Google Scherff Jewish), and the proof that Katrina was just another US Navy, CIA, Bush Administration Black Op.

9/11 Ringleaders Execute Brilliant German

Spy Plot Destroying America: KATRINA

Don Nicoloff gives the background for the article ('Bush I' was George Scherff, Jr. in Germany.):

Well before the end of World War II, Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, head of the Abwehr (defense intelligence) decided to make plans to regroup. It had been determined that Germany was to “lose” the war and the organization was forced to move “underground.” Their long-range plans, described in the “Madrid Circular,” a document discovered after the war, were to covertly infiltrate the United States and eventually take over the country, thus establishing a “1000-year Reich”--without firing a shot.

Skorzeny and GHSII/GHWB, through ODESSA and Operation Paperclip, formed the CIA by aiding some 50,000 German spies in illegally entering the country, many via Argentina.

GHSII/GHWB, a master at staging international political coups, was responsible for organizing and training CIA-backed marksmen, guerillas and drug smugglers. GHSII/GHWB has also been implicated in the Bay of Pigs invasion that preceded the Kennedy assassination. His Zapata Oil Company was used by the CIA as a means of financing and orchestrating political assassinations, arms deals and money laundering.

Reliable intelligence sources have stated that GHSII/GHWB holds a German passport and German citizenship. British intelligence satellites have photographed Scherff (aka George H.W. Bush) attending DVD meetings at Dachau Munich, Germany. 

Conclusion: Based upon the “deathbed confession” of Hitler’s bodyguard and master spy/assassin Otto Skorzeny, we were given a clue that George Herbert Walker Bush and his father Prescott Sheldon Bush were not who they pretended to be. By following the clue, we found other clues that began to support the claims of Skorzeny: That PSB is really GHSI and GHWB is really GHSII.


CIA Helped Bush I In 1950's Oil Venture

This Otto Skorzeny photo shows 'Barbara Bush' (far left) and George Scherff, Jr. ('Bush I') next to her. Both are in their teens with 'Barbara' appearing older. In the background is a 1931 Stoewer G15 automobile. This photo was taken circa 1931. Yet in the Bushes fairytale they claim to have born circa 1925. More like circa 1915.

Highlighted in this rare Otto Skorzeny photo are 'Bush I' (George Scherff, Jr.), 'Prescott Bush' (George Scherff), and wife. Circled in red is MARTIN BORMANN, eventual No. 2 to Hitler. Both Bormann and 'Bush I' are dressed in their German Navy outfits. Bush I was about 18 years-old in this photo with Bormann, Otto Skorzeny (far right), and Mengele (rear) in their 20's. This photo was shot circa 1933.


Along with Martin Bormann, Bush I, Prescott Bush, and his wife, later photos are a dead match proving Otto Skorzeny has gotten even and more for Bush I stealing from him:

A staunch supporter of Bush I got also got knifed in the back by Bush I in business dealings. He had done work for Saudi Arabia and one of the 'princes' was given money as payment for his services to be given to the businessman. However, the Saudi prince stuck the funds into his own pocket. The businessman asked Bush to intercede but he refused. The Bush-Saudi connection goes way back. The Bushes are in their early sixties in this photo circa 1988. More like early seventies! READ ON.

The story goes that 'these kids' are twenty years of age at their 1945 wedding. More like thirty years of age.

Bush II born in 1946 was about three years-old in this photo--1949. Is 'Barbara Bush' age 24 or age 34?

Bush II born in 1946 was about age 4 in this photo--1950. Were the 'Bushes' about 25 years-old? Or about 35 years-old?

Ditto for this 1947 photo of baby Bush II:

Dorothy (far left) was about age 4 in this photo hence a circa 1963 photo. Is 'Barbara Bush' age 38 or age 48? As late 1958 was the last evidence of fertility--Dorothy's conception--the story goes that 'Barbara Bush' was 33 years-old. Or was she 43 years old, a common time for a woman's fertility to decline?

Which of these photo shows the 20 year old 'Barbara Bush? 'Bush I's' high hairline certainly isn't typical of a 20 year-old male. It is typical of a 30 year-old male. With her lack of muscular development 'Barbara' was definitely not a commoner or farm girl who was capable of hard work.

Another view:

Another view shortly after their wedding:

The story goes that the 'Bushes' are age 66 in this photo? Bush's neck skin gives him away in this photo. Contrast the look of his eyes in this photo and the first photo above:

The left photo below is supposed to be 'Bush I' at age 13 in America. The right photo shows Adolph Hitler and Martin Bormann in the thirties. Did these guys get their duds at the same German tailor?

View our articles proving Bush I was in the White House on 9/11 as the White House personnel normally in charge of the Situation Room were taken to Booker School for merely a photo opportunity:

Bush's Dirty Little Secret: 9/11

The 9/11 White House

So Where Was Bush I Anyway?

As in War murder is Weapon No. 1. Murder, Fear, Threats, and Bribes keep the GOP pols in line. A number of Democrats were killed in plane crashes. Teddy survived one and never was the same. Hale Boggs, Wellstone, JFK,Jr. Several blackmailers of the Nixon role in the JFK killing were killed in a similar MOD plane crash. The anthrax went only to Democrats. Fort Detrick Scientists Admit Source.

As most MSM writers have no practical political party experience and are merely entertainers with no journalistic standards, most of what they say can be taken with a grain of salt. Former GOP insider Karl Schwarz has analyzed the state of American policies that are turning the US into the most hated country in the world even by Americans. Karl's views will be supported by most intelligent Americans.

A Platform for America

BBC Photos Corroborate

A3 Skywarrior 9/11 Pentagon Hit

Latest analysis of the Pentagon Doubletree Video corroborates that a substitute A3 Skywarrior struck the Pentagon:

The Doubletree Hotel

9/11 Pentagon Video

INVESTIGATOR Karl Schwarz was the originator of Intelligence that an A3 SKYWARRIOR, not a Flight AA77 Boeing 757 airliner, HIT THE PENTAGON ON 9/11. Now Karl tells the rest of the story:


EXCLUSIVE 9/11 Pentagon

A3 Skywarrior Wreckage Photos

FBI Hides 911 Pentagon Hoax A3 Skywarrior

Fuselage, Engine, & 9/11 Truth

CNN, Pentagon Videos Expose

9/11 White Jet & Helicopter

Smoking Gun Photos SHUT 9/11 Pentagon Coffin

9/11 A3 Skywarrior Wing Impact Caused Pentagon Fire Truck Fire

Rare German Photos Expose 911 Pentagon Hoax

Of course, DON'T MISS more 9/11 photos and analysis:

Click to update archive:

9/11 Ringleaders Execute Brilliant

German Spy Plot: ID Theft

9/11 Ringleaders Execute Brilliant German

Spy Plot Destroying America: KATRINA

The 9/11 German Connection:

9/11 Ringleader And Nazi CIA Behind

The Sabotage of America

The 9/11 German Connection:

Bush I, Born and Trained As A Spy In WWII Germany,

Stood down America's Defense

Keystone Cops 9/11: FifteenViews Of The ST Fake Flight 175 Engine

Keystone Cops 9/11:ID The South Tower Fake Flight 175

Keystone Cops 9/11: View The Pentagon Target Wall Demolition

Keystone Cops 9/11: Analysis Of The Pentagon A3 Skywarrior Napalm Bombs

Keystone Cops 9/11: Hell Has No Fury Like A Napalm Bomb

Keystone Cops 9/11: Is She Or Ain't She A Napalm Bomb?

Keystone Cops 9/11: The Rare South Tower White Jet Photo

Keystone Cops 9/11:WTC7, The Building That Wouldn't Fall

Bush's Dirty Little Secret: 9/11

Rare 9/11 CNN Photos

Expose South Tower Bomb

Rare Photos Expose

The 9/11 Flight 93 Hoax

The 9/11 White House

So Where Was Bush I Anyway?

Operation Northwoods:

Just Another Fake CIA Document

Rare Video Opens 9/11 Pandora's

Box of WTC Mushroom Clouds

BYU Physicist Confirms Demolition

Cutter Charges At World Trade Center

The FBI Altered Telltale Photo

Of The 9/11 Pentagon Aircraft

CBC Video Exposes 9/11

Secrets At The South Tower

Spanish University Analysts Detect

CYLINDERS on South Tower Aircraft

Smoking Gun Photos Close

The 9/11 WTC Demolition Case

Pilot Views, Photographs South

Tower Boeing 737 Drone Up Close

Russia Watched 9/11

In Real Time On Satellite

The 9/11 Base Of Operations:

Aircraft Carrier USS George Washington

Original WTC Design Document

Spills NIST 9/11 Demolition Beans

The Flight Of The

South Tower Drone Engine

A Close Look:

The North Tower Napalm Bomb

CBS Video Shows Military Helicopter

Leaving At South Tower Demolition

CNN Photos Catch South Tower

9/11 Show Director White Jet

Pentagon 9/11 Flight AA77

Left Telltale Engine

Dirty Little 9/11 Secrets Exposed II

The 9/11 Keystone Cops Crime

The Pavel Hlava Video

The 9/11 Keystone Cops Crime

The Missing Bush I Alibi

The 9/11 Nutshell Timeline

North Tower Napalm Bombs:

Two Misses, Two Duds

South Tower Flight UA175 Dropped

WRONG Engine In NYC Street

The NBC News Helicopter Views

The South Tower Napalm Bomb

The South Tower Crash Videos:


The South Tower Napalm Bomb


The South Tower Napalm Bomb


The South Tower Napalm Bomb



The 9/11 Pentagon TARGET WALL

CNN, Pentagon Videos Expose

9/11 White Jet & Helicopter

Smoking Gun Photos SHUT 9/11 Pentagon Coffin

9/11 A3 Skywarrior Wing Impact Caused Pentagon Fire Truck Fire

FBI Hides 911 Pentagon Hoax A3 Skywarrior

Fuselage, Engine, & 9/11 Truth

Flight 93 Crash Witnesses Saw Only A Saab Jet

Rare German Photos Expose 911 Pentagon Hoax

Karl Schwarz gives his insight

On 911 An Ill Wind Blew Clinton To Australia:

Pentagon 9/11 Blue Tarp Photo Uncovered

Showtime - Look Inside The 911 Smoke Plume

911 Timeline Missing Pieces

Hunt The Cherokee - The 9/11 Pentagon Impact

The 911 North Tower Air Show

Professor Jones Teaches Tucker About 911

German Intel Agent Von Bulow Solves 9/11

Positive ID: The 9/11 South Tower Airliner 'PODS'

FBI Claims 84 Videos Show NO Flight 77 Impact

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The 9/11 Pentagon Engine Story

The 911 North Tower Demolition Explained

The Rest Of The 911 Flight 93 Story

South Tower Exit Wounds Tell 9/11 Tale

Dirty Little 9/11 Secrets Exposed

Bush Responds To 911 Fireworks

Hollywood-like Fake Smoke Made 9/11

WTC 7 Smoke & Mirrors On 9/11

CBC 9/11 Video Secrets Revealed

911 CNN Reports Boeing 737s Struck WTC

Sneak Preview - 911 Pentagon Tapes

The Rest Of The 9/11 Street Engine Story

NYC Photos, Flight 93 Witnesses Identify 9/11 White Jet

On 9/11 An Ill Wind Blew to Booker School

WTC Jet Engine Confirmed NOT From Boeing 767

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