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Trump Campaign Set to Release Explosive Ads Slamming Biden

TTN Staff

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October 20, 2020

The Trump campaign is set to release five new ads targeting Democrat nominee Joe Biden at midnight. The ads focus on a range of issues from Hunter Biden’s dirty dealings with Ukraine to Biden’s proposed tax increases. The ad buy centers on Trump’s “promises made promises kept” campaign theme and blast Biden as a career politician who had done little in his nearly five decades in office. Keep reading to see the explosive ads:

In this ad, First Lady Melania Trump speaks about the importance of bringing children back to school and sending parents back to work. She stresses the health benefits of having children back in schools, adding that there should be equal focus on a child’s physical health along with their mental health and social development.

The campaign ad titled “Influence” takes a closer look at Hunter Biden’s nefarious overseas business dealings and the connection to Joe Biden.

This campaign ad, “Now We Know Why Joe Got So Angry” shows Joe Biden repeatedly losing his temper when reporters inquire about Hunter’s business dealings while Biden held the office of Vice President.

In the powerful ad, UFC Champion Jorge Masvidalin delivers a compelling speech to empower Latino voters to vote against Democrats. In the speech, Masvidalin says, “The Democrats just think that they’re entitled to the Latino vote. They think that we just have to hand it over to them. That’s right. We sure as hell don’t.”