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Kamala Harris’s debate performance was shot through with falsehoods

Steven Mosher

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My mind is still reeling from the sheer number of false or misleading statements that Joe Biden’s running mate made in her debate against Vice President Mike Pence Tuesday night.

October 9, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — My mind is still reeling from the sheer number of false or misleading statements that Joe Biden’s running mate, Kamala Harris, made in her debate against Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday night. I counted 24. But I have to admit that it’s entirely possible I missed some, they came so fast and furious.

The first fabrication to escape from Harris’s lips is one that we often hear from the Biden campaign — namely, that “the president said [the coronavirus] was a hoax.”

Except he didn’t. Nearly everyone acknowledges this by now except the Biden campaign. It has been debunked by the media at least eight times, including by outlets that are no friends of the president, such as The Washington Post and CNN

But Harris was just getting started.

Hot on the heels of her first coronavirus whopper came the next. As Mike Pence looked on incredulously, she said: “And in spite of all [that’s happened], they still don't have a plan. They still don't have a plan.”

Anyone who has lived in America the past six months knows that President Trump put the entire government on a semi-war footing to deal with the pandemic. The vice president, who chaired the coronavirus task force and led the whole-of-government response from the beginning, knows this better than anyone. He easily swatted away Harris’s accusation with a torrent of facts about PPE, testing kits, therapeutics, and vaccines.

Harris apparently thought better of continuing her coronavirus attack, because she then switched gears to attack Trump for not...rebuilding America’s infrastructure. The president, she said, had not “invest[ed] in infrastructure, something that Donald Trump said he would do. I remember hearing about some infrastructure week. I don’t think it ever happened.”

Of course the California senator knows — even if most Americans don’t — that President Trump released an infrastructure plan more than two years ago. America’s master builder has repeatedly included proposals in his budget to rebuild America’s roads, bridges, ports, and railroads, only to have them ignored by Congress.

Why? Because the Nancy Pelosis, Jerry Nadlers, and Adam Schiffs of the world were too busy trying to investigate, indict, and impeach the president to worry about America’s crumbling infrastructure — or much of anything else for that matter.

Harris next tried class warfare, claiming that “Donald Trump ... measures the strength of the economy based on how rich people are doing, which is why he passed a tax bill benefiting the top 1 percent and the biggest corporations of America[.]”