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Democrat Senate Candidate’s Closet Swings Open – He Drops Out Of Town Hall After Racy Texts Drop In NC Race

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What’s Happening:

Politicians have a bad reputation for scandals.  Kick open their closets bones often come tumbling out.

But Democrats seem to get away with even the worst behavior. Often, they don’t even apologize.

(I guess Bill Clinton showed them how it’s done.)

Clinton was caught with an illegal server—and paying for a Russian dossier. Nothing.

Now we have a man running for Senate in a key swing state caught up in a major scandal.

Will he get away with it?

North Carolina Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Cal Cunningham, a married father of two, sent text messages of a sexual nature to a woman who is not his wife, his campaign confirmed Friday night…

The report included pictures of the text messages, in which Cunningham and Guzman, who is also married according to the report, talked about kissing each other and more.

The campaign of Cal Cunningham, Democrat candidate for senate, admitted he was texting explicit messages with a woman other than his wife.

The contents of the texts suggest they might have a previous, ongoing affair.

News of these texts has prompted Cunningham to drop out of a town hall event.

Sure, get out of the limelight so nobody can question about this affair, eh Cal?

But he has yet to announce if he is dropping out of the race.

In the past, something like this would have ended a man’s career. But these days? The left-wing media will just sweep it under the rug.

They might even convince enough voters to elect this man, despite the fact he was cheating on his wife.

Will there be any kind of investigation at all? This is the sort of thing the press used to chase after.

Not anymore.

The real question is, will the people of North Carolina make him pay at the polls?

Key Takeaways:

  • North Carolina Democrat candidate Cal Cunningham was exposed for texts.
  • His campaign admitted he had texted explicit messages to another woman.
  • He has yet to say if he’ll drop out of the race.