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Hours Before Vice Presidential Debate, They Make New Rules – Now They’re Putting Up A Plexiglass Shield

Adam Casalino

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What’s Happening:

The vice-presidential debate might be more momentous than in previous years.

Why? Because with Trump recovering from COVID, some are looking to Pence for a greater leadership role.

And with Joe Biden’s frequent gaffes, many wonder if he is suffering from mental decline.

If he’s elected and can’t finish his term, his VP might have to take over.

Plenty of Americans are eager to see Mike Pence take on Kamala Harris.

But with the recent COVID scare on Capitol Hill, they are implementing some odd new rules:

After President Trump’s coronavirus diagnosis last week, the Commission on Presidential Debates said it will separate the vice presidential candidates with plexiglass, in addition to other precautions, during Wednesday night’s encounter…

Pence and Harris will be seated roughly 12 feet apart, compared to the seven feet that separated President Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden during last week’s presidential debate…

Pence and Harris will not have to wear masks onstage, but they will have to be tested for coronavirus prior to the debate.

Why It’s Important:

The committee is implementing ridiculous new rules before the debate—in a supposed effort to prevent possible infection.

In addition to awkward plexiglass barriers, the candidates will be spaced twelve feet apart. They will also be tested for COVID beforehand.

Shouldn’t the testing be enough? Call me crazy, but if someone tested negative, then they don’t have COVID.

Why waste all the time and money on these other measures, if they can know ahead of time who might spread the disease?

We know that the virus has spread despite heavy lockdowns and mask mandates. While everyone should follow local rules and stay safe, let’s not kid ourselves.

Are these new rules really about keeping the debaters and moderate safe, or just for show?

Perhaps the committee is more concerned with perpetuating fear of the virus, with these dramatic “measures”?

We all know COVID isn’t going to go away tomorrow. Many Americans have long ago chosen minor risk over getting back to normal life.

Yet those in Capital Hill seem intent on reminding us COVID is lurking around the corner, like Freddy Kruger.

If someone like Trump (who is 74 years old) can beat it, should we still be cowering in our houses?

Regardless of these measures, the debate is sure to make news for days. Many are eager to see Pence go toe-to-toe with far-left Senator Harris.

Will you be watching?