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Obama Born In Kenya (with video)

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----- Original Message ----
From: JR
To: ; Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2008 10:08 PM
Subject: Fw: Obama born in Kenya
I cannot understand how Americans are willing to sweep this birth certificate issue under the rug while they willingly vote for him.  This is like a vote against the Constitution.  The man is not American.  He doesn't salute the flag, won't wear one and I do not think he is for the US.  I think he is only about carrying out the wishes of the illuminati.  Where did he raise $450 million for campaign funds?  I am very concerned about Obama winning the election.  I have concern for either McCain or Obama...but far more concern about Obama.  I do not know of any campaign promises that will bode well for the American people.  I believe we are going to have civil unrest if he gets in or if he doesn't.  The illuminati knew exactly what they were doing when they set this up.  I will say again that I believe if Obama wins, they will have him whacked shortly after he is in office.  We will then have civil unrest.  George Ure and Cliff High predict civil unrest in the US next summer.  Prepare now to lock and load!!!!!  I do not know how this runaway freight train can be stopped at this point without a lot of praying.  M.