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HENEGHAN: Obama Extends Bush's 'Phony War on Terror' UN-Constitutional 9/11 State of Emergency for 10th Year, Part 1 of 2

Tom Heneghan - International Intelligence Expert

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Sunday  September 12, 2010

Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate + rogue CIA + Israeli Mossad = 9/11 FALSE FLAG BLACK OP

UNITED STATES of America  -   Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen!  Today we are going to bring you the truth on 9/11 and its implications that have allowed a criminal elite to shred the Constitution of the United States and basically occupy America.
We can now report that alleged President Barack Hussein Obama-Soetero continues an UN-Constitutional 'state of emergency' all based on a phony 9/11 rogue U.S. CIA-Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate-Israeli Mossad FALSE FLAG BLACK OP.

Note: It is important to remember that the most significant repercussion of 9/11 was that it allowed former illegal White House occupant, nation wrecking, election stealing, Constitution shredding, cocaine snorting, U.S. Treasury embezzling, homosexual in-the-closet, AWOL war criminal, George W. BushFRAUD and his crooked daddy, George Herbert Walker Bush, along with the Bush Family business partners, Bill and Hillary Clinton, to get emergency control of the U.S. Treasury, which was then LOOTED by this TREASONOUS, criminal gang of filth.

At this hour,
alleged President Barack Hussein Obama-Soetero continues this UN-Constitutional 'state of emergency' that allows Obama the ability to forestall the final implementation of the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols, which would return $27.5 TRILLION back to the U.S. Treasury, eliminate the U.S. budget deficit and put America back to work with a national high-speed rail program, the AmeriRail.  It is none other than Israeli Mossad agent and White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, that remains the lynch pin in blackmailing and controlling puppet Obama when it comes to this TREASONOUS UN-Constitutional war that is being directed against the American People.

Enjoy our intelligence briefing as we bring you the truth about 9/11 on all fronts and remember that
alleged 9/11 perpetrator Osama bin Laden aka CIA asset and employee Tim Osman, was nothing more than a patsy who has been dead for over eight (8) years, since December of 2001.

Obama Extends Bush's 9/11 State of Emergency
America to Enter Tenth Year of 'Emergency' Next Week
by Jason Ditz, September 10, 2010
In a letter issued to the heads of Congress today, President Barack Obama announced yet another one year extension of a State of National Emergency which has been going on in the United States since September 14, 2001. This means that as of Tuesday America will officially be entering its tenth year at an emergency posture them seems destined to last pretty much forever.
...The claim of “time of emergency” has also been cited in countless other measures taken by the presidents to expand their own power.
Al Qaeda is nothing more than an extension of the operatus linked to US intelligence that was allowed, by script, to remove itself as a rogue break away entity of the US government, allowed to de-compartmentalise from oversight, and was run instead by Gary Best, rogue black ops specialists for scripted activity outside of the US Government, with its funding being orchestrated through the Pakistani secret police, an entity of the US Government itself.  --Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
Pentagon Fighting Release of New War Memoir, 'Operation Dark Heart'
excerpt: DIA director Lt. Gen. Ronald L. Burgess Jr. wrote that the release of Operation Dark Heart "could reasonably be expected to cause serious damage to national security," because of the book's claims that "Able Danger" successfully identified hijacker Mohammed Atta as a threat to the United States before 9/11.

...The newspaper had obtained a copy of the book, which it described as "a breezily written, first-person account of Colonel Shaffer's five months in Afghanistan in 2003."
Shaffer was a civilian Defense Intelligence Agency officer based near Kabul, the paper reported. But he ran afoul of the DIA in 2003 when he claimed that one of his assignments uncovered that Mohammed Atta was a potential terrorist threat before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Atta was the lead hijacker of one of the planes that crashed into New York's World Trade Center.
Shaffer's relationship with DIA worsened, until he was stripped of his security clearance and then fired, Zaid said.
Still, the Army Reserves promoted him from major to lieutenant colonel, and he was awarded the Bronze Star for his work in Afghanistan.
"Tony Shaffer has been a thorn in the DIA's side for years. Anything that Tony said or did was of concern to the DIA," Zaid said.
In 2005, the DIA censured Shaffer and prohibited him from testifying before Congress on an operation code named Able Danger, which Shaffer maintains uncovered Atta as a potential threat. Zaid had to testify in his place, he said.

International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL--reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.

September 12, 2010 - Sunday 
September 12, 2010 - Sunday 

Category: News and Politics

Awakening Americans: Behind the scenes intelligence briefings ALL Patriot Americans MUST know...the REAL facts and truth the corporate-controlled mainstream media covers up

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Obama Extends Bush's 'Phony War on Terror'

UN-Constitutional 9/11 State of Emergency for 10th Year

Part 2 of 2

by Tom Heneghan

International Intelligence Expert

Sunday  September 12, 2010

April 2, 2010 SIGNIFICANT intelligence briefing:

9/11 Hijacker Mohamed Atta & the Unreported Story

September 10, 2010 posted by Dr. Ashraf Ezzat

Atta and Crew Living it Up in Florida Doing More Cocaine than Scarface Downing More Booze than an Eighties Rock Band 

By Dr. Ashraf Ezzat 
Mohamed Atta.
On September 11, 2001, American Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767 out of Boston for Los Angeles, crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York at 8:48 a.m. Mohamed Atta was the presumed team leader of the hijacking of American Airlines Flight 11, which was the first plane to strike the World Trade Center. Atta was one of the 19 hijackers who pulled out the scariest terror attacks ever on American soil.
The deadly attacks that killed around 3000 Americans were simply beyond belief. The American authorities declared that the hijackers were a group of Islamic fundamentalists who belonged to a terrorist group called al Qa`ida led by the infamous Osama bin Laden. Bin Laden denied any connection to the attacks. Nevertheless he was unofficially accused of being the mastermind behind the attacks. The 19 hijackers were all killed in the crashes. This much we know. Much else remains a mystery.
Mysteries remain mysteries only if we let them to be. Mysteries could be unraveled only if we wanted them to be. Of all the hijackers’ mysteries, the one connected with Mohamed Atta has lately begun to unravel and yield some fascinating results that contradicted the mainstream thesis of the official story of 9/11.
The one thing all the 9/11 hijackers shared was their adherence to the extreme side of Islam. Meaning they believed in employing violence to achieve their goals. And since religious fundamentalists are always obsessed with observing the rituals and the appearances dictated by their faith. That’s why Islamists are usually bearded men with austere outfits, keen on praying five times per day, fasting a lot, reading their holy scripture of Qur’an on daily basis and never associate with women except in matrimony. They do not smoke nor drink nor gamble nor eat pork.

Hitting the Towers with Planes; Whose Idea was it?

The 9/11 story has a lot of unanswered questions but one of the most perplexing questions is who came up with the devilish idea of crashing planes into skyscrapers. Who first thought of it? Whose idea was it?
The 9/11 Commission Report briefly mentions that Mohamed Atta along with Marwan al-Shehhi, Ramzi Binalshibh, and Ziad Jarrah who all became what is known as the Hamburg cell flew to Pakistan in November 1999 where they met Osama Bin Laden in Kandahar. Bin Laden asked them to pledge loyalty and commit to suicide missions, which Atta and the other three Hamburg men all accepted. Bin Laden sent them to Karachi to see Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to get a general overview of the planes operation.
9/11 terrorist attacks.
But I tend to doubt that the idea of crashing the planes into the towers was of Bin Laden’s or Khalid Sheikh Mohammed,s thinking. Al Qa`ida was familiar with regular suicide missions but this 9/11 planes operation was quite new, it was not their style nor their caliber. This kind of thinking needed someone educated, highly specialized in engineering, knowledgeable on the dynamics of building and maybe demolishing skyscrapers. It needed someone who studied urban planning. It had to be Mohamed Atta’s own idea.
At the Technical University of Hamburg where Atta was studying for his degree in urban planning. He often criticized the modern skyscrapers and thought they were disrupting the fabric of ancient cities by blocking community streets and altering the skyline.
He believed that the large, impersonal, and often ugly apartment blocks built in the shape of towers had ruined old neighborhoods, and took away privacy and dignity from people. He strongly believed that skyscrapers stood as a powerful sign of modern west and similarly powerful his anti west sentiments were growing.
Mohamed Atta, There he was, an alien in Hamburg, thousands of miles away from his home, unable to cope with the new life in Europe, troubled with an identity crisis, surrounded by Muslim fundamentalists who envisioned him as a new recruit.  Meanwhile, Atta- who kept on vanishing for months and reappearing again - seemed like the only one who envisioned skyscrapers as sitting ducks waiting for the perfect aim and he began to sort of marketing this horrible idea amongst the members of the Hamburg cell and all the way to Kandahar.

9/11 Attacks and Florida Connection 

The 9/11 commission final report that came out on July 22, 2004 clearly identified intelligence failures occurring before the attacks.  The Commission also relied heavily on the FBI‘s PENTTBOM investigation. But nobody was aware of the fact that the FBI investigations were conducted in a way that only contributed to the pretext that was already fixed in the mentality of the white house. The 9/11 commission embarked on a job of hunting down criminals who had already been incriminated and hunted down. In this sense, the report came short of a lot of people’s expectations and failed to alleviate the ambiguity that shrouded the 9/11 story.
Nevertheless, the FBI was not the only party interested in investigating the 9/11 case. There were others  more committed to thoroughly investigate it in the hope that they would reach- not a predetermined notion- but the truth or any shred of new clue for that matter.
Back to Mohamed Atta who  According to official reports arrived at the United States on June 3, 2000 at Newark International Airport from Prague.
That means he had lived in America for more than a year prior to the 9/11 attacks.   Atta ate, drank, slept, engaged in a full social and professional life and he even had an American girl friend. Atta was not on the move much during his stay in America and he chose Venice, Florida to settle down and focus on his flight training.

Daniel Hopsicker  -a reporter from Florida and the author of The CIA, the Mob, & America’s Secret History and filmmaker of the documentary Mohamed Atta & the Venice Flying Circus- spent nearly two years investigating everything and everyone who happened to came in touch with Mohamed Atta during his stay in Venice, Florida.

"Welcome to Terrorland" book cover
Day by day Hopsicker found himself following the story of a man with an image totally different from the one depicted for him by the official story of 9/11.   The never before reported findings of his investigative journalism were published in his latest book by the name of  Welcome to Terrorland
Since the 911 report only dealt with information from the FBI, this book is necessary to see what you are not being told about 911 in relation, especially to what the ‘terrorists’ were doing in Florida. In the book you will find out -and to your surprise- that the FBI timeline says Atta left Venice Florida in December 2000 after completing his flight training. But he didn’t. Dozens of locals say different – his landlord, neighbours, cab drivers, restaurant employees and his girlfriend, for a few instances – and have been told not to talk about it by federal authorities.
The FBI publicly sought information regarding Atta’s time in various US locations, but not Venice Florida, where he spent most of his time in the US. Why the intentional misdirection? What are they trying to keep hidden?  But whatever they were trying to hide Hopsicker managed to expose in his book.

Meet the Real Atta

 In his investigative book, Hopsicker discovered the following;
1. In Venice Florida, Mohamed Atta lived for two months with an American stripper/lingerie model named Amanda Keller.
2. Atta loved to party. He was out with Keller nearly every night they were together. He was a heavy drinker, snorted coke, was a stylish dresser and wore expensive jewelry.
3. According to Keller, Atta loved pork chops and was a big Beastie Boys fan.
4. Keller dumped him after he embarrassed her at a night club by dancing, poorly, atop a speaker.

5. Atta revenged himself later on Keller by returning to the apartment they’d shared and killing her cat and kittens, disemboweling and dismembering them in her apartment for her to find.

6. In Miami, Atta consorted with women known to be linked to the Mafia.
7. Atta’s email list included names of people who worked for defense contractors. One, for instance, worked for Canadian firm Virtual Prototypes, which helped develop the avionics for F-15, F-22 and B-2
9. Atta was fluent in at least Arabic, English, German, French and Hebrew.
10. One day when Atta was rummaging through his flight bag, Keller got a look inside. Her words:
“The thing the FBI was most interested in was his pilot bag. They asked about it a lot. He kept it locked, and they wanted to know whether I had ever seen anything in it. I told them yes. One day he opened it briefly, and there were a lot of papers in it, and there was a blue log book in a different language. Mohamed was fluent in almost any language you can think of. He had a kind of Daytimer in there, too. And a folder with all these different ID’s in it. And that’s when I saw one – because it fell out – a little blue and white thing the size of a driver’s license. It had his picture on it, and it looked like a mug shot, or a prison shot. And it didn’t look like him, and I asked him, ‘Who is this?’
“And he said, ‘that’s me.’ He told me it had been taken back when he was in some kind of militia-type deal, like a military-type deal, he said. He compared it to our military only they teach you different tactics. He didn’t elaborate.
“He didn’t say where it was from, either. But the writing looked like a cross between Hebrew and Arabic, those frilly little lines. He told me he spoke Hebrew. I said bullshit. So he started speaking it, and I guess he did.
11. Atta, Keller, a stripper named Linda and two Germans, Peter and Johan, partied for three days in Key West. Atta paid for everything. Rented three rooms, one just for the men’s luggage, which Keller says contained drugs. The men had a business meeting the women were not permitted to attend. Met with people, Keller says, who flew in just to meet Atta
12. Atta was already a licensed pilot when he arrived in the US. He had the privileges of an instructor while he was at Huffman Aviation, and may have helped pilot South American drug runs.
 13. Six nights before the attack, at a bar called Shuckums in Ft Lauderdale, Atta and two companions got drunk. The FBI showed up at the bar just 12 hours after the attack with pictures of two of them, one Atta, saying only “they were on the plane and passed away.” Manager Tony Amos and bartender Patricia Idrissi identified both. Manager Amos said they’d gotten “wasted,” Atta drank Stoli vodka for three straight hours. Atta blasphemed: “F*ck God!” he’s said to have cursed.
14. Under pressure from the FBI, and despite numerous witnesses who had known them together, Keller publicly retracted her story of having lived with Atta, saying he’d been another hijacker named Mohammed, no last name, who seems to have only existed to get Atta out of this story that didn’t fit the official version.
Not only what Keller had told Hopsicker about Atta contradicted the official story of 9/11 but a lot of other details as well. . This isn’t conspiracy theory. This is factual information gained by solid investigative reporting that would undermine the whole 9/11 official narrative and shows that-while terrorism is about ideology-it can also be about cover up and deception.
 New findings were beginning to unfold. Mohamed Atta was not a devout Muslim as a matter of fact he was not religious at all. so much for the islamophobia that has been ignited ever since.    Atta and his crew were living it up down there in Florida, doing more cocaine than Scarface and downing more booze than an eighties rock band. But more important, who trained Atta how to fly before he came to Florida? How Atta came to be so connected with people working with defense contractors?
 According to the FBI & CIA, during his stay in Germany, Atta only kept a small and closed circle of Muslim friends.
    So, who were the Germans who came all the way from Europe just to have an urgent business meeting with him?
    Were they really German or did they hold a dual citizenship?
    Why the FBI led a massive post-911 cover-up designed to conceal any knowledge of the terrorists’ activities in Venice Florida?
 According to the records, Atta’s whereabouts in February and March 1998 are still uncertain. In those 2 months Atta was probably convening with people who gave him a special and intensive training that qualified him to be the most dangerous secret agent in the world and may be this is where he picked up Hebrew.

Google - Veterans Today -Meet Amanda Keller, Mohamed Atta`a girl friend


International Intelligence Expert, Tom Heneghan, has hundreds of highly credible sources inside American and European Intelligence Agencies and INTERPOL--reporting what is REALLY going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled mainstream media cover up propaganda of on-going massive deceptions and illusions.