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Dictatorship is Not the Best Government for the People

Jim Kleinfelder - Aurdal Township

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Now that the debates are over, the country is in financial ruin and more bailouts and stimulus packages are being considered, all of which would put our national debt to over $13T, now is the time for all of us to reconsider our vote on Nov. 4.

Reality check — if anyone really believes that there is a difference between the Democrats and the Republicans, they are running with blinders on.

With only minor exceptions, they all lie/exaggerate the truth, raise taxes (some times called fees), and spend to the maximum. All magazines, newspapers, TV, and radio are either democrat or republican, and never give you both sides.

How often do they talk about third party candidates? Hardly ever, they do not want a third party candidate, they might do something to help our country and the people.

With the current war, wall street and other financial institutions, I believe there is only one way to go, and all of us need to seriously look at it. Vote third party. Vote out all incumbents that are up for reelection, this year, or whenever they come up.

Take a look at the third parties. Libertarian appears to be the best, such as Bob Barr or Ron Paul. Otherwise you are still voting for the same old thing, maybe just a different party. There are other choices out there. The current ruling parties just keep them out of the media, so you are kept in the dark.

It is just like a dictatorship. Research before you vote on Nov. 4.

Jim Kleinfelder - Aurdal Township