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Ron Van Dyke

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The following is a lawful document. It is likely considered a legal document as well; however, know that there is a difference. Lawful refers to Cosmic and Common Law, or even Natural Law. Legal refers to Admiralty/Maritime/Commercial/Statutory Law. Some things can be unlawful in the higher sense of the law; yet criminals who operate the system for their own profit and the exploitation of the uninformed make them legal. I encourage everyone to learn as much as you can about the system. There are remedies and lawful excuses to being victimized by a system of fraud and corruption. This does not mean that you will not need to put on your warrior role and stand up for your fact, you will have to do that. What I have outlined here is based on my experience and research. It is far from complete. Hopefully, those of you who want to fully awaken will avail yourselves of the material and find it helpful. If that is the case, I have discharged my duty at the moment. More info will be posted at a later time showing other documents I created in this long, drawnout matter that began in July 2005.

The names of the other parties have been replaced with a ______.





CASE NO. 05-2005-CA-9048

____________ and

____________, husband and wife



Ronald Van Dyke as Trustee of the

Mary Annetta Horgan Revocable Living Trust,


________, ________ and ________




Third-Party Defendant


February 13-27, 2009

Affidavit: Declaration of Personal Independence…

and Mutual Inter-Dependence

Let it be known that distribution of this affidavit will be made to all parties involved…and many, many more! It is my intention that this be an educational instrument for those ready to expand their awareness of Cosmic and Global realities.

This is the scenario: on Thursday, February 12, 2009, I appeared in the above court for a hearing on my motion to dismiss, reach settlement or move to common law court for trial and adjudication by a jury of my peers. The first two options were denied, and the third was virtually ignored, although the judge did say that the Probate Division did not customarily include juries. The truth is, it never does!

I was appalled upon entering the court’s lobby and viewing the directory, realizing that the Civil Court judge that had been handing this case most recently was now in the Probate Division. I see this as gross deception and fraud, changing the venue of a case in midstream without the consent of ALL parties involved. Of course the lawyers loved it, for now it could be, with my approval, out of the range of non-lawyer peer review and my right of trial by jury, which, as pointed out on previous occasions, was the intent of the plaintiff from the onset of the case; and, subsequently, of the primary defendant, namely, me as Trustee. Of course that is NOT in the lawyers best interest, for they apparently do not see enough money left to steal; and make no mistake, theft seems to have been their motive from the onset. Quo bono? Certainly not the plaintiffs or the ordinary defendants in the case! Only the lawyers benefit in the long run. They have virtually eliminated the charitable donation to the children Leroi and Dr. Mary Horgan intended to be helped by/in the Shriners Children’s Hospitals. Greed is the curse of our society; and many lawyers are experts at greediness.

I have stated emphatically in the past that I will NOT subject The Mary Horgan Trust (hereinafter, simply The Trust) to Probate Court. I remain steadfast that I will NOT play in that ballpark, which, as I perceive it, is merely an extension of a private Legal Society/BAR Association of which I am NOT, nor will ever be, a member. The by-laws of that association do not, and have never applied to me, despite my previous ignorance of this truth. Now, I know; therefore, I will NOT recognize that any of its members have jurisdiction over me in this or any other matter, nor will I give consent to its intimidation and fraudulent tactics of pretending to have authority over me as a FREEMAN ON THE LAND, a SOVEREIGN created with unalienable rights given, not by any government, CORPORATION or legal society, but by my Creator in whom I live and move and have my being. I will NOT stand under its corrupted and falsified claim of empowerment over others who, as the Declaration of Independence declares, “[ALL] are created equal.”

Do YOU under-stand what I am saying? You lawyers have a choice. You can either continue your masquerade as false authority figures, or you can step out of The System yourself and play in integrity, perhaps even helping to recreate a fair system where Truth brings real Justice to and for ALL! Every one of you knows, in your heart of hearts or Higher Self, that justice is NOT being served or sought in this matter (and most others before the courts)…rather, some among you seek, through blinding greed, personal enrichment at another’s expense, as did the plaintiffs in filing this case. All of you, heretofore, have been attempting to subvert the wishes of Dr. Mary A. Horgan, whose Trust you have determined to undermine. This shall not stand! Mark my words: she made no mistake in appointing me as Successor Trustee; because I truly can be trusted to be fair, impartial, and do the right thing for all concerned… even for those who have demonstrated a personal lack of integrity in this matter.

I had hoped that I could appeal to reason among the lawyers involved, offering a viable solution: i.e., turning over the real estate property involved in The Trust – 10090 South Tropical Trail in Merritt Island, Florida – to the Shriners Children’s Hospital as long as all beneficiaries of The Trust would receive their bequest according to Dr. Mary’s intention for her estate. Further distribution could then be decided by others without my involvement. I am even willing now to relinquish the $22,000 already paid out to Sandra Oak and Bob Wilhoit prior to the appearance of the lawsuit. I am willing to suffer the loss of over $100,000, probably closer to $200,000, had I been able to sell the property as intended in the months following Dr. Mary’s death at a time when Real Estate costs were at their peak. This loss does not even consider the legal costs and the emotional trauma caused by _______ and The System, itself. All this I am willing to forgive, since it has been a learning experience of great value to my soul and understanding of the world of deception in which I live. Through this lawsuit, I have more fully remembered who and what I am, which is most empowering and enriching.

Of course I see that my vision is not grounded in the perceived “reality” of others involved in this matter, which, I now know, is an illusion sustained by the ignorant acquiescence of the masses. In the movie "The Matrix," Morpheus says, "The Matrix is a system, Neo, and that system is our enemy. When you are inside, you look around: What do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters… the very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are part of that system and that makes them our enemies. You have to understand most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many are so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it."

While I too have been deceived by the Matrix of the System, ignorantly relinquishing my God-given rights as a son of the Living God, I am awakening to the reality of the illusory scam in which I temporarily forfeited my birthright. Now, I have become a spiritual warrior, forced by circumstances that seemed beyond the scope of my control. I will not allow you who are still enmeshed in the web of deceit—created for OUR awakening—to further entrap me in the same morass in which you, yourselves, seem entrapped. I am freeing myself! How you choose to react is YOUR responsibility. Know, however, that I stand as a living testimony to each of you of the Truth of ALL of our beings. We really are ONE (interconnected in the Web of Cosmic Life), regardless of the illusion of separation, which is what Dr. Mary taught throughout the latter part of her life as minister of the Chapel of Light; and why it is my passion to continue her work through the Mary Horgan Center for Spiritual Development and my other community service that has been ongoing since before she and I ever met. The other primary reality is that only LOVE is eternal. These Truths you will never escape, here, or in any other world. Knowing and embracing them extricates one from the Matrix, though, as the lawsuit exemplifies, not without challenges.

My challenge, obviously, is to help you comprehend that I do not choose to live in your reality of control by deceit. The documents that follow: Memorandum of Understanding, Claim of Rights, and Recognition of Responsibility will establish my Sovereignty under Common and especially Cosmic Law, both of which supercede and render obsolete currently practiced Admiralty/Maritime/Commercial/Statutory Law designed to protect and shield the public from knowledge of the fraud perpetrated under the so-called Uniform Commercial Code of/by/for International Banking and Bankers and their scheme of world control through domination of those choosing to remain ignorant of their natural and God-given heritage.

I do solemnly swear, I am…

Ron Van Dyke, Sovereign Child of the Ever-Living Creator

Operating the Mary Horgan Center for Spiritual Development

At 473 Thomas Drive in Melbourne, FL, USA, 32935


Witnessed by: _______________________________________________

Memorandum of Understanding

I believe in God! I define God as the multifaceted Creator of all that is; and All That Is is the most complete definition of what I call God. All Creation is part of God. Nothing exists or can exist outside of God. God is the Super and Supra Consciousness that connects EVERYTHING through Hyper-dimensional Physics, having the following characteristics: Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnipresence, Infinite and Eternal. The character of God, though unknown and perhaps unknowable in many aspects, can best be described in my current awareness as LOVE! Attributes of LOVE include: Truth, Justice, Integrity, Compassion, Mercy, Kindness, Patience, Freedom, and Free Will, to name a few of many, all good and all purposeful and meaningful.

In God, I live and move and have my being as a singularly faceted expression of the Creator. This expression is and can only be limited by my choice, whether conscious or unconscious. This is true of every other singularly faceted expression of God. This is the God-given exercise of God’s gift of Free Will: to choose what I am, or what I am NOT. The latter produces the appearance of limitation through the consensus illusion of separation.

I believe that we all, like God, are powerful creators. All of us together, co-created that which we now call human life on Planet Earth. This is an exercise in exploring the depths of limitation; albeit, such limitation has no bearing in actual Cosmic Reality. It is only true within the matrix of this finite, consensual reality. This matrix gives the outward show of inequality, pitting one human against another. Some play victims; others play victimizers. Each is but a role in a Cosmic Game and Cycle of devolution and evolution: forgetting our true nature and identity, and then remembering again. Each facet is totally responsible for the role they play through the inexorable Cosmic, Karmic Law that whatever one puts out, one gets back.

For a long time in human history, we forgot who we are. We thought: I am this, but not that. The polarization of this and that created alienation, and war, and death. All were delusions as pointed out by the Buddhas, Christs and other adepts that have peppered our history. Others, grasping the reality that most could not yet grasp, used their superior knowledge to create systems that seemed to empower themselves through the enslavement of others. These leaders became the victimizers, while the vast majority became virtual slaves, not seeing that authority was in them, as well as those claiming to be authority figures. Religious and political structures – the systems of control – were instituted; and all humanity became enmeshed in this competition. Eventually, both groups forgot who they were. Polarization dominated, while ignorance abounded. The matrix system continued unabated century after century, into multi millennia.

In 1297, the King of England signed The Magna Carta. Much of our legal system worldwide is based on facets of this document. It is widely viewed as one of the most important legal documents in the history of democracy of which Winston Churchill said in 1956, " is a law which is above the King and which even he must not break. This reaffirmation of a supreme law and its expression in a general charter is the great work of Magna Carta; and this alone justifies the respect in which men have held it."

One section [29] states, “No freeman is to be taken or imprisoned or disseised of his free tenement or of his liberties or free customs, or outlawed or exiled or in any way ruined, nor will we go against such a man or send against him save by lawful judgement of his peers or by the law of the land. To no-one will we sell or deny of delay right or justice.”

In 1776, the Declaration of Independence, signed by the founders of the Divine experiment called the United States of America, made a bold statement in their “memorandum of understanding.” They said, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (property, in some versions). That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness….

“And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.” [Emphasis mine.]

As of February 2009, I, Ron Van Dyke, recognize that I was born into the matrix that denied the self-evident truth that I am equal with everyone else. No one is superior or has the right to make a demand or order another to do anything not in accordance with his or her free-will choice. No One! Not a king, president, lawyer, judge, law enforcement officer, ad infinitum … none hold rule except by consent of the governed. Having recognized this basic truth, I no longer consent to accept orders from the corporation operating under the UCC known as THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE EIGHTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA, its officers, attorneys or any other court that dares attempt to deny my right to have my case be heard by a jury of my peers, of which I will say more in my Claim of Rights. I am still learning much about who I am and the system that I face; and for which reason state that this is ONLY my current understanding.

I have learned that when the corporation known as THE STATE OF NEW YORK in the corporation known as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA issued a birth certificate (C030570118-1 –679A) in my name shortly after my birth, a virtual STRAWMAN was created as a corporate entity. In most courts and legal documents, it is this STRAWMAN, an artificial person that is named. Artificial persons have no rights, only liberties granted by the corporate states and legal entities operating fraudulently as de facto authorities. Of course I was totally ignorant of this until relatively recently.

I hereby sever all claims against this STRAWMAN, which, by doing so, it is my intent to reestablish my individual sovereignty as a Divine Being in a human body. I declare all such claims to be null and void. Any and all involuntary and/or ignorant consent previously given was unconscious and is hereby recanted – revoked now and forever.

I have learned that various governmental agencies have requested, in the form of demands, various consensual agreements from me over the years of my life, such as Driver’s License, Vehicle Registration, etc. I have even received Marriage Licenses from these agencies supposedly acting on my behalf, while actually depriving me of my God-given rights to live my life without asking for permission, as if I were a small child seeking the approval of my parents. While I ignorantly approved of such permissions and agreements: I no longer do so. I am an adult needing no permission from any authority other than God, who automatically allows me total freedom to be and do as I wish. I no longer wish to be under any authority for any commercial purposes that deprive me of my freedoms granted by God.

While I may continue to hold a driver’s license and other papers currently required by the system, the purpose is not compliance and relinquishment of my personal rights and responsibilities, but rather my attempt to avoid unnecessary conflict in my life. As will be stated in my Claim of Rights that follows, I reserve the right at any time to suspend all systemic documentation that represents my previous, involuntary acquiescence to the matrix.

It is my understanding from the aforementioned Declaration of Independence that governments derive “their just powers from the consent of the governed.” I reiterate that I no longer give unconscious consent to be governed by the current system that had, heretofore, made me a virtual slave. Let this writ show that, henceforth, I am a Freeman on the Land.

This Memorandum of Understanding is hereby filed as part of the Affidavit: Declaration of Personal Independence … and Mutual Inter-Dependence relating to CASE NO. 05-2005-CA-9048 and in conjunction with my Claim of Rights and Recognition of Responsibility. These become the supreme law under which I choose to be governed from this day forward. Recipients involved in related matters have until March 31, 2009 to respond, after which, as stated later in Claim of Rights, they automatically are understood as agreed to in principle. Thereafter, these matters become incontestable and form a lawful basis for conducting my life in peace.

My right is reserved to learn more and to create new documents establishing my lawful demeanor vis-à-vis, living in a matrix of confusion.

I do solemnly swear, I am…

Ron Van Dyke, Sovereign Child of the Ever-Living Creator

Operating the Mary Horgan Center for Spiritual Development

At 473 Thomas Drive in Melbourne, FL, USA, 32935


Witnessed by: _______________________________________________

Claim of Rights

• U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, Amendment I

“Congress [or any other governing body] shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” Therefore, I claim the right to practice my faith according to the dictates of my own conscience, to maintain my home as the Mary Horgan Center for Spiritual Development, i.e., a “church” or educational center, to speak freely of my beliefs, to publish those beliefs in any format, to peaceably assemble with others, and to petition any government agency for a redress of grievances. Furthermore, beginning in 2009, this property named above becomes exempt from all taxation normally granted to nonprofit organizations.

• U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, Amendment VII

“In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.” Therefore, I claim the right to reject the jurisdiction of any court that would attempt to deprive me of my right to trial by jury of my peers.

• U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, Amendment X

When the Constitution was being ratified during the 1780s, the 10th Amendment was understood to be the linchpin that held the entire Bill of Rights together. The amendment states: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Whereas the Federal Government has usurped powers not granted to it in the Constitution; and whereas every office holder, including soldiers and peace officers, solemnly swear to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic, I hereby claim my right of personal sovereignty and freedom in all matters not specifically granted to government at the federal level. Whereas a growing number of states in these United States are declaring their sovereignty from federal control, and whereas Florida is not one of them, I do hereby declare myself sovereign from the State of Florida until such time as officials within the state honor their oath of office and do the will of the people rather than the will of the fraudulent corporations, including the Federal Reserve, the Internal Revenue Service, and any other privately operating agencies under the umbrella of the federal government through the State of Florida.

• Re: Deed to Property… I hold a Warranty Deed to the property on which I live, which is also my lawfully established homestead. I merely accepted this without being informed of alternative deed types. While there is still much I do not know or understand, I believe I should have been issued an Allodial Deed or Land Title, since, at the time of filing, the property was clear of any mortgage or other fiduciary encumbrance. Therefore, I retain my right to contest the incorrect deed being issued by the court system at some future date when more information is known. In the meantime, I hold my property and home inviolate by all government agencies… especially courts operating under maritime law on the land, which are, by their very nature, fraudulent and without proper jurisdiction.

• Re: Mortgage… I have a copy of a mortgage signed on July 8, 2005 that I hold to be invalid for reasons stated in my letter of November 16, 2008. Again, briefly, there was no signature by anyone on behalf of the bank: therefore, no contract. In addition, the mortgage itself was listed as a bank asset, monetized and sold in the derivatives market, all of which are standard operating procedures in the fraudulent financial industry worldwide, as is becoming better known at this time. Furthermore, the mortgage was created for my STRAWMAN, which is a fraudulent classification that no longer applies to me. I claim the unalienable right to be free of all such conveyances from my natural being to a fictitious person under commercial law. I further claim the right to be free from the dictates of Admiralty/Maritime/Commercial/Statutory Law Courts designed to protect and shield the public from knowledge of the fraud perpetrated under the so-called Uniform Commercial Code established by international bankers through the Federal Reserve and the Internal Revenue Service with US, state, and other international government compliance and against the people of the world.

• I reserve the right at any time to suspend all documentation currently used in the System that represents my previous, involuntary acquiescence to the matrix of control and enslavement

• The bond created at my birth and signified by the number on my birth certificate, C030570118-1 –679A, became an asset of the State, i.e., the System, and has since produced assets that were monetized, the value of which I have never been fully paid. Therefore, I claim the right to use the funds either in my bond or to use the funds generated by that bond to pay for my further education in exploring the rights and responsibilities related to my personal sovereignty in such a manner as I see fit, for as long as I uphold my Recognition of Responsibilities.

• I also claim the right to use the funds in the bond or revenue generated by those funds to pay for food and shelter and any other necessities and rights recognized by the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including article 17. These rights are enumerated at this website:

• I claim the right to fire anyone acting or claiming to act as a fiduciary over my bond if they fail to acknowledge all rights herein claimed.

• I claim the right to revoke or deny consent to be represented, and in so doing I free myself from all statutory obligations and restrictions, wherever doing so is, in my opinion, in my best interest.

• I claim the right to direct my fiduciary, i.e., government and non-government agencies, as to what to do with the revenue generated by my bond provided the directives are a benefit to my society and to me.

• I claim the right to order and direct my representatives at all levels of government to transfer funds and monies directly to me that would normally be transferred by, within or to government agencies, absent of any directives from me, if doing so is, in my opinion, in my best interest. (My piece of the pie is mine by right!)

• Any and all concerned parties wishing to discuss or dispute these claims must send a notice of dispute or offer of discussion by March 31, 2009 via registered mail to the address below. Failure to do so means that all parties agree that these rights herein claimed are lawfully established and will not be infringed, violated or abrogated in any way. All parties who have been served proper notice of this claim and failed to discuss or dispute, and then infringe, violate or abrogate said rights, directly or through their agents, employees or proxies, agreeing that they do so under full commercial liability; and further agree to pay to me upon my demand one million dollars for every infringement, violation or abrogation.

This claim of rights is made and served with the intent of bettering my society and myself, with soundness of mind and without ill will, malice of forethought, frivolity or vexation.

I do solemnly swear, I am…

Ron Van Dyke, Sovereign Child of the Ever-Living Creator

Operating the Mary Horgan Center for Spiritual Development

At 473 Thomas Drive in Melbourne, FL, USA, 32935


Witnessed by: _______________________________________________

Recognition of Responsibility

The right to rule depends on ruling over one’s self; and with rights, come responsibilities. That is the reality of conscious awareness. That is the foundation upon which freedom creates peace, rather than anarchy.

Having recognized and reclaimed my rights as a personal Sovereign under God, I hereby acknowledge my duties and responsibilities in exercising those rights among a world on men and women in the process of remembering our heritage.

• I have a duty to tell the truth, as I know and understand it, to anyone and everyone.

• I have a duty to recognize everyone’s right to see differently than I see, to savor his or her own experience of awakening.

• I have a duty to live peaceably with all others to the best of my ability.

• I have a duty to educate myself, to strive to learn what I do not know or remember... yet.

• I have a duty to serve others, for service most fully expresses my nature, which is Divine and unconditional Love.

• I have a duty to defend those not yet aware enough to defend themselves, and to teach the willing, through humility, that which I have come to know.

• I have a duty to contemplate the effect of my words and actions upon others so as to create the most beneficent and beneficial result possible for everyone concerned.

• I have a duty to act in the utmost kindness to all I may encounter, especially those who may appear hostile.

• I have a duty to pay attention to the things that happen and the people that appear in my world, knowing that their gift to me is the revelation of things in me that are or have been hidden from me. This is how the Universe works to create the evolution of consciousness.

• I have a duty to honor differences, knowing that in diversity is great beauty and strength.

• I have a duty to recognize and integrate the opposite polarities within myself to the best of my ability.

• I have a duty to look inward every day of my life to see and reflect on the silent messages I am given.

• I have a duty, as a conscious being, to recognize the Higher Law at work in the affairs of men and women.

• I have a duty to speak the Truth to those claiming false power over others.

• I have a duty to laugh at myself when my ignorance surfaces.

• I have a duty to play with children… and to learn from them the art of innocence and the beauty of forgiveness.

• I have a duty to forgive others when their weaknesses or mistakes cause pain for me or for others.

• I have a duty to allow all of my emotions peaceful expression... even and especially my anger at injustice.

• I have a duty to challenge the status quo that invalidates and enslaves my brothers and sisters.

• I have a duty to rock to boat when that is necessary to awaken those in danger.

• I have a duty to give freely of that which is in my power to give.

• I have a duty to rise above my fears to the best of my ability.

• I have a duty to walk humbly before God and Man.

• I have a duty to know, beyond all appearances, that I am God’s Holy Child, eternal, infinite, and compassionate.

I do solemnly swear, I am…

Ron Van Dyke, Sovereign Child of the Ever-Living Creator

Operating the Mary Horgan Center for Spiritual Development

At 473 Thomas Drive in Melbourne, FL, USA, 32935


Witnessed by: _______________________________________________

This 8-page document is to be delivered by various means over the next week (2/27-3/6/2009) to the following:

· The court named on page one.

· The lawyers involved in this case, including: Alan P. Whitehead, Keith S. Kromash, Kimberly Bond Rezanka and Robert E. Bickford.

· Other defendants, including: Sandra Oak, Bob Wilhoit and Marion Johannesen…all by email.

· Various government agencies, including: President of the United States of America Barack Obama, US Senators Bill Nelson and Mel Martinez, US Congressman Bill Posey, Florida Governor Charlie Crist, Florida State Senator Thad Altman, Florida State Representative John Tobia, and various Brevard County officials.

· It will be posted on my personal website.

· It will also be submitted to various websites both national and international.

· Many individuals will be offered a copy beyond the timeframe shown above.

· The original, notarized copy will be retained by Ron Van Dyke

To those who would spread tyranny: Yes, people are waking up…finally! You have done your job well. No, you cannot rule the world! You can, however, join us as we create Heaven on Earth where Truth and Justice prevail and Love abounds! As ever, the choice is yours; however, the doors are closing on those who attempt to remove choice from others. The times, they are a-changin’. A word to the wise…………..