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Obama Bashing (Updated Oct. 30, 2008)

Eldon Warman

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Eldon Warman" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 11:12 AM
Subject: Obama Bashing

These supposed American pundits, such as Hennigan and others, still do  not get the 'in your face' facts regarding the US Constitution.

[pundit - Definition at Your Dictionary (on line)

      "pundit Definition. pun·dit (pun&#8242;dit). noun. pandit; a person who has

       or professes to have great learning; actual or self-professed authority ..." ]

The US Constitution is not an "adult free will American human's document".  It is a "corporate document" [corporate States, corporate UNITED STATES - They are the only bodies that ratified it and adopted it]; and, as such,  with all corporate bodies being 'make-believe ships at sea', the 'notwithstanding  clause' may be invoked at any time against any provision of the US Constitution,  or any other law legislated. The universal notwithstanding clause of all ships,  real or imagined is: "The Captain, or his designated officer may deviate from any rules or regulations when he DEEMS it necessary for the good of the ship".

The Federal Judge in the recent Berg lawsuit against Obama tells all. As as been  repeated in many a US court case, when the defendant pleaded US Constitutional  rights or provisions, they have been told: - "You are not party to the Constitution  [and thus you cannot use the Constitution as an authority to provide rights or to demand Government compliance to the Constitution.]"

The Boston Lawyer, Lysander Spooner, covers that problem in detail in his writings  on the subject back in 1870.

If the Electoral College decides Obama can be President, that is the end of the story.

Eldon Warman


Reply to: Obama bashing                                                   October 30, 2008

What is most remarkable is that anyone can run for political office at any level of government without knowing the first thing about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

  Quoting from a statement made by Dr. John Tiggert, United States Commissioner of Education, October 1924:

 “ I do not believe that there are more than a very limited number of persons, perhaps a 100, who really know what is in the Constitution of the United States.”   I presume we should be honored or horrified, that in our presence is  someone who understands the “in your face facts” regarding the U.S Constitution. This is indeed a blessing.  We have been taught to “think” and do a thorough research before stating the facts, or in your case  Mr. Warman, erroneous misstatements. The united states of America, did go bankrupt on March 9, 1933, and was dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act( Public Law 89-719).

A permanent state of emergency was instituted, formed and erected within the Union through the contrivance, fraud and avarice of the International Bankers and their  unconstitutional  “Corporations.”  The first rule on Constitutional law is that the U.S Constitution and the Bill of Rights cannot  be compromised. There exists weather by design, or ignorance, some violations of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which the legislature and the judiciary maintain are legal, when even to the untrained mind it must be obvious they are not.  I have been confronted by many misinformed zealots, like yourself, that my arguments are futile, because the Constitution is dead---killed by the War Powers Act. This dangerous misrepresentation appears to be fooling even the very elect.

     There is no power in the U.S Constitution that gives to government powers other than those delegated to it in Section 8, Article 1, Clauses 1-18 and NOWHERE is it given that the Congress or the President has any right to amend,alter or suspend the Constitution.  Congress can do nothing to diminish the power of the Constitution, nor give itself new powers or alter any existing powers. The same iron clad rule applies to the Judiciary. Did you imagine in your wildest dreams Mr. Warman, that Mr. Obama would be granted a “get out of jail” card and proceed right to the White House without any impediment. We owe true patriots like Casper and Tom Hennigan a great more than having their impeccable research and credibility tarnished by  negative and ill feelings. As for Federal Judge Surrick that ruled against Mr. Berg, an additional piece of Constitutional jurisprudence. Where in the Constitution is the term Federal Judge written? It is just not there. Yet , we have these Federal Judges increasingly thwarting the  will of the people of the sovereign States, on a host of issues and grossly intervening  in matters that are in the purview and sole prerogative of the States. Please study the 9th Amendment, which is a restraint, to prevent Judges from reading their own views into the Constitution. The 9th Amendment was written to prevent gross distortions of the Constitutions by Judges.  The neglect of the study of the U.S Constitution and the Bill of Rights is one of the most appalling development in American education.


                                                                                            George Karavelis

