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Dear Mr. Whistleblower,

 In addition to my previous questions:

 From your earlier posting:

Having said that I suspect that our Legal Counsel did actually retain copies of all documents and secreted them away for future reference. Unfortunately, our Legal Counsel was assassinated in Switzerland (Jan 2006)……………

I believe it's more accurate to say that your Legal Counsel was found dead from a gunshot wound in his hometown (in Switzerland).

That depends entirely on whether one believes Press Reports or hard evidence that did not appear in the Press, nor has yet been released publicly. Yes, Legal Counsel was found dead from gunshot wounds and it was quickly expedited and  assessed, without an autopsy or forensic investigations, as suicide.

However, there are facts that you and others are unaware of.

Two (2) hours prior to the recorded time of death, our Head of Intelligence and Security was speaking to Legal Counsel on the telephone. Our Head of Intelligence has given a full "Affidavit" which clearly states that Legal Counsel was in a high spirited frame of mind, very happy with his new young wife, and very positive and buoyant regarding his actions against UBS, clearly indicating that UBS had raised the "White Flag" and was in the process of conjointly resolving the long term question of the Assets of the Collateral Accounts under their Custodianship, which they had illegally used for many years. In the "Affidavit" our Head of Intelligence states that Legal Counsel claimed that UBS realised their days were over, and that any agreement with us would save them from International embarrassment.

In addition to that, we have had Forensic specialists working on all of this, not only with the material evidence but also with the family, whom by the way, dispute and have always disputed the comments and findings of the Police. In the professional opinion of the Forensic experts, the position and shape of the body, the gun and the blood splashes, could not derive from any act of suicide (They detail various proven forensic and medical factors here, including photographs). Their report is very conclusive and confirms that suicide was, in their opinion, impossible, citing very recent bruises to parts of the body that clearly indicate restraint by a third party which were totally impossible to inflict by the victim himself.

Privately, we have sought an independent professional review of the evidence, or part thereof, contained in the first report. The report of the independent Forensic party was also conclusive and confirmed the technical factors as stated within the first report.

The overall conclusion, in writing, of both independent Forensic parties, conclude that suicide was totally impossible and that in their professional opinion death was sustained by the actions of an unknown third part, which in legal terms amounts to MURDER.

We are still investigating matters relevant to this. One prominent factor was that "Death Threats" were and had been received (These are reported and recorded). These are no different, although maybe issued by another person or party, to other "Death Threats" received by other Officers of the Institution, including our Chairman on whom an attempt, by "Heptic" poison, was made just 3 months later.

You will appreciate that investigations following something of this nature, can go on for years, but we intend that the real truth of Legal Counsel's death to come out, as neither we, or the two independent parties engaged, or the family of legal Counsel, are satisfied at the "convenient and expedited" manner in which the Swiss authorities closed this case, based upon the independent experts reports we now have at hand.

We are fully aware of what Legal Counsel was handling relative to UBS and the risks he was taking, but Legal Counsel took them and suffered as a result. It is also quite common knowledge that it is highly dangerous to take any Swiss Bank to task upon its own territory. Suspicious deaths of Bankers and Attorneys, not just in Switzerland but in various other countries as well (The London Bridge incident with the Italian Banker springs immediately to mind) have occurred before and no doubt they will occur again in the future.

In your earlier posting you stated that the Durham Trust is part of the Combined International Collateral Accounts. Now, V.K. Durham is one hell of a lady (in a positive sense). She knows what the US Government has been doing and is fighting them all the way.

Does she confirm /acknowledge that in fact the Durham Trust is owned by the Legal Owner, and Sole Arbiter of the Combined Collateral Accounts?

We have indeed written previously to V. K. Durham clearly informing her of the real and actual situation, but we have received no response from her, which is neither an admittance nor denial, although the Law of Silence, in some countries, is considered to be an admittance in silence. This may not be applicable in the USA because of the 5th Amendment.  However, the facts are all there, even to the extent that Durham Trust (TIAS) is clearly identified within the screen "Print Off" of the accounts obtained off the Blue and Grey screens held within the Federal Reserve, The US Treasury, The Swiss National Bank, The Swiss Federal Finance Authority, and the B.I.S.

The Trust is actually owned by another Trust, which is ultimately owned by Foundation Divine. In fact, Lord Carrington of the UK, was an over-seeing Trustee at one time. He was removed and replaced following some small misdemeanours.

The real question here is, Where (in what bank) are the real and original Peruvian Debt Notes held ….. Answer …… The Federal Reserve against the Parent Registration Account of the Collateral Accounts.

Another point here is that these Peruvian Notes (these are just some of the assets held under Durham Trust (TIAS)), were in fact used to back (collateralise) other instruments such as the Philippine Victory Notes as being one example. Other collateralisation resulted in various forms of "National Obligation Notes" which are stored in the Philippines, and other countries, in containers, warehouses, bunkers, etc, located in specific places under the Custodianship of another party.

However, this is a matter between us (The Institution) and V.K. Durham (Head Trustee of Durham Trust (Tias). The real situation here is that we are all working the same route, so such disputes which are effectively private between two parties should not be open to public observation or notification, or used in an attempt to discredit any party. The overall task is to prevent anymore deception, corruption, illegal use, etc by the US Government, and possibly others, at the expense and detriment of the US People and indeed the People of the World.

I must personally concur with your comments re: V.K.Durham. She is indeed one hell of a Lady and she has my personal admiration. I would therefore like it to be known that, irrespective of any dispute which as stated before is a matter to be handled between us, we do fully support her actions and would do nothing to impede same. My only wish is that she simplifies her own Web site so that it is not so confusing and daunting to read by the normal public person.

We have heard stories about her scaring the pants off one US Government Official, who visited her and used her bathroom, when she deliberately used her gun to speed him up a little because he was taking too long. He quickly removed himself from her premises. Good for her. It's just a pity there aren't more like her because you probably would not have the problems that you have today in America.  

Do I understand it right that:

-         some of the assets from this Trust were illegally used in the  Iran-Contra Affair?

You are perfectly correct in your statement. The assets were illegally used within the Iran – Contra Affair.  In fact I can add to that a little. The Assets held in Iran under the Shah of Iran, were removed just prior to the Ayatollah Khomeini taking control. These assets (Gold and Currency) were devolved to Thailand, including a few thousand palettes of new Iranian Currency printed by Thomas de la Rue in the UK. These assets remain in Thailand to this day. The currency part was to be used (under covert operations) by the Allied Powers to destabilize Iran in the future, should it ever be needed.

These assets were also illegally used by the US Government at the time, within the Iran-Contra Affair.

We actually come back to a situation here that I have previously explained and which has been reported on various Web Sites before by other parties. This is a situation, and not solely with the Iran – Contra Affair in mind, of the Illegal retention by Central Bank Senior Officers of Secret Access and Security Codes, subsequently used for illegal activities. The system has now been changed whereby no Officer of any bank, whether Central Bank or Commercial Bank will ever again be passed / given / presented, or otherwise, with such codes. Any movements on the Collateral Accounts are now moved to a separate screen on their own, which is given a Screen Access Code on the basis of "Singular" use only. Once used and any transfer undertaken, the screen will be close until the next transfer is applicable when a new screen access code will be allocated.

-         later on the initial funds that were illegally used for Russia (Wanta Accounts) also  originated from the illegal use of assets fraudulently acquired from the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, via the Durham Trust?

-         from the 27 T that is often talked about in reference to Wanta, some will go to Russia and some to China as payment of (US) debt, and that the balance should go back to Durham Trust, this is the Legal Owner, and Sole Arbiter?

Please Note: Both Russian and China are fully aware of the situation and are just waiting for America, the American Government, to make the biggest mistake of the last 1000 years, so to speak, at which time they will pounce. Do not under-estimate either of these countries as they could literally destroy America over all of this. We are, or have been, in communication with them and know what they are doing, although we are not involved as this is International Politics, which we will not become involved with. Do not believe that these countries just want the money, far from it, to them it is a big Chess game, and they will win. The extent of their "Win" situation depends upon the American Government, but it didn't do GWB any good whatsoever when he apparently, as was claimed by Russian and International Press reports, threatened to "Crash the Dollar and the Banking System", whereby Russia would be holding $800 bill US Dollars worth of useless paper". One does not threaten either of these countries, or if one does  then be prepared for the ramifications. What a "BIG FOOL" GWB was, but there again we all know that.

I have previously stated that the funds generated from the illegal use of Assets of the Collateral Accounts, are legally the property of the Collateral Accounts, and that any agreements executed by any party, which including several Governments, with the Government of Reagan were illegal based upon the illegal use of Assets owned by the Collateral Accounts. In Law, you cannot derive legality at any time from illegal acts. To give a simple example, If one stole a car and sold it on with false documents, then it was sold on again several times, one might believe that the final end buyer is a true legal owner. Not so, as ownership derived from an initial and original illegal act cannot at any later date be legally considered or construed as being legal. Legality cannot derive at any time from illegal acts.

As far as I am aware, and I must point out that such decisions will not be mine, and neither will I be a part of the decision making process on this, as those decisions can only be made by the International Treasury Controller. The surplus funds, legally, have to be returned to the Collateral Accounts. How they are returned and under which Trust, Foundation, Corporation or otherwise, they are allocated for Custodianship will be a decision of the International Treasury Controller. I am however, aware that no decisions have been made by the International Treasury Controller, nor will be, until the US Government admit to their massive deception and Fraudulent activities. Therefore in my opinion, no deliveries will ever be made, because I cannot see any of these people ever admitting their criminal activities as they will use their immunity factor to protect them now and well into the future.

I will however give you my opinion, based upon what I know. Considering the vast problems we have encountered, which derive from America and the successive American Governments, whether Sovereign Governments or Corporate Government over Sovereign Rights, I would envisage that a new Trust will be established and the funds placed under the Custodianship of the new trust with the relevant Trustees, so that no one person or party can claim preferential treatment against others (on this point one has to take into account the Custodian Fee which is payable to the Country / Nation / Person / Party / Trust / Foundation, or otherwise, as Custodians). It may be that the International Treasury Controller decides that the Custodians of assets that were illegally used, receive the surplus funds under specific directions for their use in the fight against Poverty etc. I do not know, and as stated, this is the sole decision, and at the sole discretion, of the International Treasury Controller whose rulings and decisions must be complied with and are inviolate. One thing you can be totally sure of, these surplus funds will not be passed to any Government, or any party that has openly shown their corruptive attitudes, deviousness, fraudulent actions, etc. This is not implying that Durham Trust is considered or construed in that manner, quite the opposite in fact. VKD is a woman of strong principles which is, and has been, very evident over several years.

This is one situation where GWB and his cronies are really in a tight spot. On the one hand if these payments are made, GWB would have committed massive Fraud against the Collateral Accounts, as he does not hold, neither does anyone else in the US Government, nor has held, any authority over the Collateral Accounts. The US Attorney General, The US Secretary of the Treasury, Congress, Senate, The Federal Reserve, and the Major World rated Banks, are also aware of this fact, and likewise, hold no authority whatsoever over the Collateral Accounts.

On the other hand if they do not pay out, the surplus funds legally have to be returned to the Collateral Accounts, and they are fully aware of that fact, but we are fully prepared for the scenario that they will not be, whereby the surplus funds will probably end up for a short time in various personal or corporate bank accounts in quiet "Off Shore" locations, if this is not already the case.  In which case, again, GWB will have committed massive Fraud against the Collateral Accounts, and indeed against the World at large, because these accounts are for the benefit of the World and its People. Whichever way GWB and his cronies move it is Fraud and ultimately they will be arrested, or, if they still carry their immunity, then quietly they will pay it all back even to the extent of losing their own assets and probably a quiet death from natural means will be reported.

There is a lot going on at the moment, and people of all descriptions are being threatened, each one trying to protect their own backsides. We patiently wait and see what happens as the days of their deception and Fraud, and that of the Big World rated Banks are basically over, although it may take time for the last ones to be removed and held responsible.

To put it bluntly, the Treasury Secretary, The US Attorney General, The Federal Reserve, the major World rated Banks, have boxed themselves in completely. There is no way out for them, which is usually the case when thieves get too, or over, confident, then they get caught, which is exactly what is happening now and will continue to happen until these people are removed completely, brought to justice and incarcerated, plus being replaced by decent people.

Finally, on this point. Durham Trust (Tias) is not the "Legal Owner, and Sole Arbiter" as you comment, or make claim.

In respect of the Legal Owner issue. This will eventually be resolved based upon recorded fact, but this is a private matter between the Institution and Durham Trust and is contained in "Classified" documents.

As for "Sole Arbiter, again, this is contained in "Classified" documents, but you can be assured that neither VKD or Durham Trust (Tias) is the Sole Arbiter of the Collateral Accounts. The Sole Arbiter is the institution headed in fact by a member of a Royal Family, who is a special Federal Reserve Officer and has been for many years, who was the Signatory (not decision maker) to the parties (USA, UK, and France) of the Trilateral Trillenium Tripartite Gold Commission established LONDON 1921, plus many other factors which I am restrained from disclosing. These facts are all part and parcel of, but not restricted to, the reasons why the appointment to International Treasury Controller, Chairman of the Institution was actually made.

This is all on record, contrary to what others claim, executed by the Nations of the World, and can be proven whereby proof could be passed to any Supreme Court Judge, International Court Judge, who will be made fully aware of the "Classified" nature of the documents and will not be allowed to disclose those documents or their contents to any other person or party, but who will be able to adjudicate and rule accordingly.

In fact, the decisions and rulings of the International Treasury Controller take precedence over all / any other National or International Laws, judgements, rulings, or otherwise. They are inviolate, and cannot be amended, set aside, modified, or otherwise by any other person or party, whether by agreement or otherwise. They are absolute in their nature and are enforceable without question or reservation. This latter fact is known by all Law Enforcement agencies, Intelligence Agencies World Wide, including the US Attorney General, The US Treasury and the Secretary of the Treasury, The Federal Reserve and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, The Special US Senate Committee (for which there is a special account of the Collateral Accounts, which is Account No: U.S. Senate Account No. 9845270019), The Special US Congress Committee and so on and so forth.

There is also a Special Account for the Swiss Government as Custodians of Assets held in Switzerland including those held by the Swiss Banks, being Account No: Swiss Government Account No. 9845 2700-845-34-10, in addition to a Special Account financing the Fed/BIS system being Account No: Fedsystem / B.I.S. Account No. 8543418(8). All of these accounts and usage thereof require the signature of the International Treasury Controller for any movements on the accounts. They cannot be accessed otherwise.

Now you are probably going to ask me "Why were these Accounts opened? and, What are these Accounts for, or used for?".

I will pre-empt the question and give you the answer, which is "That is something I am not permitted or authorized to disclose. It is "Classified" information".

Once again, please feel free to ask any other questions, which subject to my authority and any "Classified" factors I will respond to accordingly. The purpose is to assist the People of America and indeed the people of the World, resolve all these problems, not to inflict any more damage on any person of like mind. Internal matters, such as Durham Trust and the Institution, are internal and will be resolved internally. Please allow us all to remain focused with the facts that actually relate to the corruption, deception, illegal activities of successive US Governments and specific persons within Government. The information you and others,  are receiving from us, compliments the vast information you have all collated over a long period of time. It is adding the International factor to you cause that is highly relevant, as your good self, and others, are focusing more on the National factor which may resolve some problems but not all, whether Internationally or Nationally.

Thank you once again for your communication and efforts, it is appreciated.

Yours faithfully
