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Jim Stone

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Water really appears to be coming up between the slabs on the new spillway.

This can only mean the original reason for the original spillway failure was not found and fixed. There's a water channel going right under the new one.

IMPORTANT: Both pictures above were taken from the exact same live stream frame, that had three simultaneous live streams of the dam in one frame. There really is mystery water coming from somewhere.

Now the only question that remains is whether or not the new spillway, which was built like a "brick sh*thouse" will "brick sh*thouse" it's way to survival. There is clearly a major problem here, IF YOU LIVE DOWNSTREAM FROM THIS DAM, GET AHEAD OF THE TRAFFIC BY PACKING NOW. I would not leave yet, but I'd certainly have the bug out bag already in the trunk and the gas tank full (enough).

I did not want to be a doomer with this, but I did not hear anything at all about a supplementary water injection system on this spillway. Water coming up through the cracks is the only way that so much water could be going down the hill and not exiting the gates anywhere near the same amount at the top.

Maybe they will use it and all will be well, but it is damn certain there is something wrong. They were trying to inject grout to stop a leak in the dam earlier in May, but it really looks like they missed the target, which is probably squarely UNDER the spillway, which they can't get grout to.

My guess is that they can't stop this leak, this leak caused the first spillway to fail, it got missed because scummy liberals put a bunch of third world hacks on this job, (at least enough to irrelevate the ANGRY WHITE MALES) and incompetence ruled the day, where the actual cause of the problem the first time around was not found and they built right on top of it. I'd bet the problem is easily seen from the lake side of the gates when the water level is low enough to walk around over there, it is probably entering right under the main slab right at the bottom of the intake and is getting channeled right under the spillway (which is why it is not popping up springs anywhere else on the dam.)

If this thing blows and washes the libs out of Sacramento because they got all the "angry white males" removed from the decision making and troubleshooting process at Oroville it would serve them right, and if that happened anywhere, California would be it.

June 3-4 2019