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Unusual Black Oil Plume

Nancy Lazaryan

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Eastpoint, Florida


John Hutchison and I have been traveling the beaches of the Gulf of Mexico, using his \"special frequencies\" to clean the polluted Gulf waters. I have joked with John about the radio frequencies becoming a \"beacon\" to \"other enitites\".


On January 28, 2011 \"something\" responded to the frequencies.

At first I thought it was \"just a shadow\".

But then I loaded the video I had taken into my computer for a closer look.

After about three hours of reviewing the video, I thought I had lost my mind.


The next day, January 29th, I video taped a \"normal day on the creek\".


What happened on January 28th..was \"not normal\".


High definition video has now been posted on John Hutchsion\'s Youtube channel.

I had to break the video into five (5) parts.

The five parts are fully loaded onto Youtube.


part one:

part two:

part three:

part four:

part five:


Clearly something was \"imprinting\" the water with geometric patterns....pinwheels, flowers, circles. And there is a \"form\" hovering over the \"black plume\". Closeups of the black plume are just too weird.


We have had more \"visitors\" since Jan 28th...imprinting and hovering...some very large, some only about six feet tall.  Got them on video, as well. But we have not had anymore \"black plumes\".


Invitation is made to serious researchers to come to Sportsmans Lodge in Eastpoint Florida and to do their own filming, monitoring. And if desired, to go over all available videos.


Nancy Lazaryan

Feb. 4, 2011