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THE GULF OF MEXICO IS DYING - A Special Report on the BP Gulf Oil Spill

Dr. Tom Termotto

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The Gulf of Mexico (GOM) does not exist in isolation and is, in fact, connected to the Seven Seas.  Hence, we publish these findings in order that the world community will come together to further contemplate this dire and demanding predicament.  We also do so with the hope that an appropriate global response will be formulated, and acted upon, for the sake of future generations.  It is the most basic responsibility for every civilization to leave their world in a better condition than that which they inherited from their forbears.

After conducting the Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference for over seven months, we can now disseminate the following information with the authority and confidence of those who have thoroughly investigated a crime scene.  There are many research articles, investigative reports and penetrating exposes archived at the following website.  Particularly those posted from August through November provide a unique body of evidence, many with compelling photo-documentaries, which portray the true state of affairs at the Macondo Prospect in the GOM.

The pictorial evidence tells the whole story.

Especially that the BP narrative is nothing but a corporate-created illusion – a web of fabrication spun in collaboration with the US Federal Government and Mainstream Media.  Big Oil, as well as the Military-Industrial Complex, have aided and abetted this whole scheme and info blackout because the very future of the Oil & Gas Industry is at stake, as is the future of the US Empire which sprawls around the world and requires vast amounts of hydrocarbon fuel.

Should the truth seep out and into the mass consciousness – that the GOM is slowly but surely filling up with oil and gas – certainly many would rightly question the integrity, and sanity, of the whole venture, as well as the entire industry itself.  And then perhaps the process would begin of transitioning the planet away from the hydrocarbon fuel paradigm altogether.

It’s not a pretty picture.

The various pictures, photos and diagrams that fill the many articles at the aforementioned website represent photo-evidence about the true state of affairs on the seafloor surrounding the Macondo Prospect in the Mississippi Canyon which is located in the Central Planning Area of the northern Gulf of Mexico.  The very dynamics of the dramatic changes and continuous evolution of the seafloor have been captured in ways that very few have ever seen.  These snapshots have given us a window of understanding into the true state of the underlying geological formations around the various wells drilled in the Macondo Prospect.

Although our many deductions may be difficult for the layperson to apprehend at first, to the trained eye these are but obvious conclusions which are simply the result of cause and effect.  In other words there is no dispute around the most serious geological changes which have occurred, and continue to occur, in the region around the Macondo wells.  The original predicament (an 87 day gushing well) was extremely serious, as grasped by the entire world, and the existing situation is only going to get progressively worse.

So, just what does this current picture look like.  Please click on the link below to view the relevant diagrams and read the commentary:

As the diagrams clearly indicate, the geology around the well bore has been blown.  This occurred because of drilling contiguous to a salt dome(1), as well as because of the gas explosions which did much damage to the integrity of the well casing, cementing, well bore, well head, and foundation around the well head.  Eighty-seven straight days of gushing hydrocarbon effluent under great pressure only served to further undermine the entire well system.  Finally, when it was capped, putting the system back under pressure forced the upsurging hydrocarbons to find weaknesses throughout the greater system, which revealed all sorts of compromised, fractured and unsettled geology through which the hydrocarbons could travel all the way to the seafloor and into the GOM.

(1)“The rock beds in the vicinity of a salt dome are highly fractured and permeable due to stress and deformation which occur as the salt dome thrusted upwards.” (Per BK Lim, Geohazards Specialist)

We also have faults* to deal with in this scenario of which there are both deep and shallow.  Depending on the current vital stats of the blown out well, especially its actual depth; the number, location and severity of the breaches throughout the well system; the pressure at the wellhead; as well as the type and status of geological formations/strata it has been drilled into, these faults will become prominently configured into the future stability of the whole region.  Larger faults can open up much greater opportunities for the hydrocarbons to find their way to the seafloor via cracks and crevices, craters and chasms.  In fact the numerous leaks and seeps throughout the seafloor surface, which are quite apparent from various ROV live-feeds, give testimony to sub-seafloor geological formations in great turmoil and undergoing unprecedented flux.

*“Once the oil gets into the shallow faulted zones, we have an uncontrollable situation.  The place where most of the oil and gas is coming out  is at the foot hills of the continental shelf as shown in figure 134-1 in the article “BP continues to dazzle us with their unlimited magic”.  The discovery by WHOI of the 22 mile long river of oil originated from these leaks.  So the leaks will be mainly along the faults where I have marked (shallow) in “What is going on at West Sirius” and deep strike-slip faults (red line)  on fig 134-1.” (Per BK Lim, Geohazards Specialist)

Just how bad is this situation? There are actually three different ongoing disasters – each more grave and challenging than the previous one – which must be considered when assessing the awesome destruction to the GOM by the Oil & Gas Industry.

I.  A single gushing well at 7o – 100,000 barrels per day of hydrocarbon effluent for 87 days into the GOM at the Macondo Prospect along with two smaller rogue wells

II. Numerous leaks and seeps within five to ten square miles of the Macondo well with an aggregate outflow of an unknown amount of hydrocarbon effluent per day into the GOM

III.  Countless gushers and spills, leaks and seeps, throughout the Gulf of Mexico, where drilling has been conducted for many decades, with an aggregate outflow that can not even be estimated, but is well in excess of any guesstimate which would ensure the slow and steady demise of the GOM.

It is the last scenario which we all face and to which there is no easy or obvious solution.  The truth be told, there currently does not exist the technology or machinery or equipment to repair the damage that has been wrought by the process of deep undersea drilling, especially when it is performed in the wrong place.  Therefore, wherever the oil and gas find points of entry into the GOM through the seafloor, these leaks and seeps will only continue to get worse.  Here’s why:

Methane gas mixed with saltwater and mud makes for a very potent corrosive agent.  Under high pressure it will find every point of egress through the rock and sediment formations all the way up to the seafloor where it will find any point of exit that is available.  The longer and more forcefully that it flows throughout the fractured area, which is dependent on the volume, temperature and pressure at the source of the hydrocarbons, the more its corrosive effects will widen, broaden and enlarge the channels, cracks and crevices throughout the sub-seafloor geology, thereby creating a predicament that no science, technology or equipment can remedy.

Dire realities of the methane hydrate predicament

The Macondo Prospect in the GOM is just one of many throughout the oceans of the world where the seafloor has beds of methane hydrate locked in place by very high pressure and low temperatures.  Likewise, there are myriad repositories and large “reservoirs” of methane clathrates in the sub-seafloor strata, and especially within the more superficial geological formations, which are being greatly impacted by all oil and gas drilling and extraction activities.  It does not take much imagination to understand how the upsurging hydrocarbons (very hot oil and gas) are quickly converting the frozen hydrates to gas, thereby causing innumerable “micro-displacements”, the cumulative effect of which will translate to larger “macro-displacements” of rock, sediment and other geological formations.

When you factor in this constant vaporization of methane hydrates/clathrates both sub-seafloor as well as those scattered around the seafloor surface to the existing scenario, this devolving situation becomes that much more difficult to effectively remedy.  With the resulting shifts and resettling and reconfiguration of the entire seafloor terrain and underlying strata occurring in the wake of these dynamics, we are left with a situation that is not going to get better through the use of even more invasive technology and intrusive machinery.

Question: How many times can you grout a seafloor crack that was caused by an underlying superficial fault after drilling into an old mud volcano?

Answer: “In the attempt to seal the oil from oozing through the faults, BP resorted to high pressure grouting.  Basically it is like cementing the cracks in the rock by injecting grout (cement mixture) at high pressure. The way they do this is by drilling an injection hole into the shallow rocks and pumping in the grout. The grout in “slurry” state will permeate into the cracks, cure and seal up the cracks. However it is not working because of the presence of gas and oil. It is like super-glue. You need to clean the surfaces before you apply the glue; otherwise it won’t stick and will come off eventually after a few days or weeks.

That is why we can see a few blown out craters – shown in my article – Is the last rite for the Macondo Well for real?(Per BK Lim, Geohazards Specialist)

Likewise, how do you fill a newly emerging gash in the seafloor which is caused by a deep fault due to low level seismic activity, or worse, a full blown earthquake?!

Seismic activity in the GOM and the uptick in earthquakes in the

Mississippi River Basin and surrounding region

The oil and gas platforms that were in operation throughout the northern Gulf of Mexico in 2006 (per Wikipedia).

We now come to the most serious issue regarding the relentless drilling for oil and gas throughout the Gulf of Mexico.  The map above clearly illustrates the density of drilling throughout the northern GOM as of 2006.  Likewise, the map below demonstrates the extraordinary and increasing intensity of these very same operations off the coast of Louisiana alone.

Green lines represent active pipes (25,000 miles in all). Yellow dots represent oil rigs.

The map that follows, however, tells a story which demands the attention of every resident of the GOM coastline.  The video link below the map shows the development timeline of the successively deeper wells being drilled during the last decade.  Of course, with greater depths come much greater risks, as the technology and machinery have not been proportionately upgraded to accommodate the extraordinary demands and unforeseen contingencies of such a speculative and dangerous enterprise*.

*Oil and gas drilling in seawater depths of over 4000 feet, and through 15,000 to 25,000 feet of the earth’s crust and mantle, is considered extremely dangerous to those from whom reason and common sense have not yet fled.

Click on the map to enlarge.

It’s critical to understand the location and current activity of the various faults which exist throughout the GOM and how they connect to the New Madrid Fault Line, as well as other major faults at much greater distance.  There does appear to be a emerging uptick in earthquake activity in the greater Louisiana area, as well as contiguous regions in the GOM as demonstrated by unprecedented, albeit low level earthquakes.  Correlations between these earthquakes/seismic activity and major operations at the Macondo Prospect have been alluded to in our previous postings.

Now then, the question remains just how vulnerable has the GOM been made to a truly catastrophic event ending up with an overwhelming displacement of water (tidal wave) in the aftermath of an undersea earthquake.

There is no question that the ceaseless fracturing of the seafloor and fissuring of the sub-seafloor geology by the Oil & Gas Industry has set up a quite conducive environment for HUGE unintended consequences.  We leave it up to the experts to conduct the necessary risk assessments, which will most assuredly let loose a sea of red flags about what Big Oil has done, and is currently doing, in the Gulf of Mexico.  Furthermore, we are deeply concerned that, if a permanent moratorium on all new oil and gas drilling and extraction in the GOM is not put into place poste haste, the coastal communities will remain in a very precarious situation.

Worsening GOM predicament is reflective of the status quo around the globe.

Now consider the following scenario: that this very same predicament, which we have all witnessed in the Gulf of Mexico, is happening wherever oil and gas drilling is conducted in the various water bodies throughout the planet.  Therefore we can multiply the Macondo Prospect disaster a hundred times and still not come close to the impacts that these ongoing gushers and spills, leaks and seeps are having the world over.

Perhaps the BP Gulf Oil Spill was the defining moment in modern history when all the nations of the world community were called by Mother Earth herself to begin transitioning the planet away from the Hydrocarbon Fuel Paradigm.  After all, we may never get another chance!

Tom Termotto

Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference

SKYPE: Gulf_Advocate

Author’s Note: This short reality check was made possible by BK Lim, Geohazards Specialist, whose research and analysis of the BP Gulf Oil Spill has proved invaluable to ferreting out the truth of this unprecedented environmental devastation.

BK provided figures 137-06 and 136-3, including the commentary, which only an experienced and highly skilled geohazards expert could furnish with authority.  He is also responsible for most of the articles/essays referred to and linked to in this post.


There are two very significant topics, which have been not been discussed in this report, that beg for acknowledgement and further attention in light of the title:

The Gulf of Mexico is Dying.

Both of these problems are highly consequential and therefore merit separate papers in order to give them the treatment they deserve, if we are to understand why the GOM is slowly dying.  Until those papers are completed, we offer the following short summaries:

#1  The wanton and indiscriminate use of the dispersant, Corexit, turned an extremely serious disaster into an unmitigated catastrophe.

How many times have we all heard that dispersed oil is at least four times more toxic than oil alone?  Here are the test results from the EPA study, as well as the EPA link:

(1) 10.72 parts per million (ppm) of oil alone will kill 50% of the fish test species in a normal aquatic environment within 96 hours.

(2) 25.20 parts per million of dispersant (Corexit 9500) alone will kill 50% of the fish test species in a normal aquatic environment within 96 hours.

(3) 2.61 parts per million of dispersed oil (Corexit-laden) alone will kill 50% of the fish test species in a normal aquatic environment within 96 hours.

“Crude oil has proven toxicity at 1 part per million, with constituents like benzene exhibiting genotoxicity in the parts per billion range. The dispersants have made the oil “disappear,” according to the mainstream media, and yet we have marine toxicology documents PROVING that the dispersants PREVENT the natural break…down of some constituents of the oil, e.g. the lesser soluble hydrocarbons such as naphthalene.” (Per Gulf Oil Spill Truth)

Not only is the dispersed oil much more toxic, it is now virtually impossible to remediate in its current micronized or nano-sized state.  Disappeared they did to the oil, and so did they to the various technologies and methodologies which would have been effective in cleaning up oil alone.  Now we are left with a predicament that requires a form of mitigation which must be conceived, before it can be tried and tested.

In the meantime the entire GOM food chain (including those who continue to eat the seafood) is concentrating these newly formed toxic byproducts in their tissues, the effects of which will gradually wend their way through the bodies of each and every organism that is exposed to them.  Just how poisonous to life dispersed oil is we may not know for years, nor does any government-funded research institution seem to be in a hurry to find out!

Both Corexit 9500 and 9527 were sprayed liberally for many months both on the GOM surface, as well as undersea.  The officially reported amount is shown below; the covert spraying continues to this very day in volumes which can only be determined by reviewing the disbursement records at Nalco Holding Company.  The photo above (Fig. 137-06) , in addition to much anecdotal evidence, unequivocally demonstrates continued dispersant use up to this very day, which therefore indicates a much higher volume used throughout the GOM.

Surface dispersant used: 1, 072,514 gallons

Subsea dispersant used: 771,272 gallons

Total dispersant used: 1,843,786 gallons

Consider what Wikipedia has to say about 9527: “Corexit 9527, considered by the EPA to be an acute health hazard, is stated by its manufacturer to be potentially harmful to red blood cells, the kidneys and the liver, and may irritate eyes and skin.[14][24] The chemical 2-butoxyethanol, found in Corexit 9527, was identified as having caused lasting health problems in workers involved in the cleanup of the Exxon Valdez oil spill.[25] According to the Alaska Community Action on Toxics, the use of Corexit during the Exxon Valdez oil spill caused people “respiratory, nervous system, liver, kidney and blood disorders”.[16] Like 9527, 9500 can cause hemolysis (rupture of blood cells) and may also causeinternal bleeding.”[4]

COREXIT being offloaded according to strict OSHA procedures

Need we say more about how Corexit is contributing to the demise of the GOM?!

#2  The deeper the geological source of the hydrocarbons, the more radioactive isotopes present in the oil and gas.

That hydrocarbons pulled from the bowels of the earth have a scientifically verified radioactive component(s) is the dirty little secret of the Oil & Gas Industry.  So secret in fact that, if it were to get out, this single scientific fact would seal the fate of the entire industry.  It also undergirds the correct understanding that oil and gas are both abiotic in nature and abiogenic in origin – facts which completely upend the corporate myth known as Peak Oil. (i.e. It has been asserted that the Macondo Prospect sits on a reservoir of abiotic oil the size of Mount Everest, but that doesn’t make it economically feasible or practical to extract; nor is it smart to engage in such utter folly, as the sinking of the Deepwater Horizon dramatically demonstrated)

In the immediate aftermath of the BP Gulf Oil Spill there appeared a headline which was more telling than them all:

“They’ve Literally Punched A Hole Into Hell: We Need A Crash Alternative Energy Program Now, Assuming We Even Survive”

Mantle-generated hydrocarbons come from very young geological formations deep in the earth, and are the product of very powerful geo-thermal forces.  The presence of radioactive isotopes such as uranium, thorium, radium show up in much greater concentrations the deeper the well bore is drilled into the earth’s crust, and are ubiquitous throughout the mantle.  Therefore, the hydrocarbon constituents, which are actually found in the interstitial spaces, porous rock formations and quaternary sediments and are scattered everywhere because of their liquid and gaseous states, exist within and around this highly radioactive environment.

How radioactive is the hydrocarbon effluent upsurging from the these wells in the GOM that are drilled at 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 25,000 feet through the crust and into the mantle?  Here’s a link to the American Petroleum Institute website that will partially answer this question.

Whenever there is a higher concentration of methane gas in the mix of oil/gas that comes out of any given well, it means that:

“The more methane that is present reflects the amount of Uranium and Thorium in the oil reserve. The deeper the oil, the younger the radiological decay is that produces helium.”

“Helium is a naturally occurring gas formed in oil reserves. So common that helium detectors have been used to discover oil reserves. Helium is an inert gas known to be a by-product from the radiological decay of uranium and thorium. Uranium and Thorium are known to be in great quantities at greater depths. Yes, radioactive elements occur naturally and can be found and detected in smaller amounts in shallow oil reserves. Oil reserves that do not produce large amounts of methane also lack uranium and thorium. The presence of methane is proportional to the presence of uranium and thorium, both radioactive elements.”

“The energy coming from uranium and thorium decay is thought to be the most significant energy source inside the earth,” Tolich said. “So this is the driving engine for things such as tectonic plate movements, volcanoes and earthquake. We are looking for neutrinos, particularly electron antineutrinos … coming from uranium and thorium decay inside the earth. The uranium and thorium is distributed all through the earth in the mantle.” (Per

Uranium, thorium neutrino research could determine Earth’s age, energy production

From our many discussions with those knowledgeable at the OSATF (Oil Spill Academic Task Force) here in Tallahassee, FL, it became evident early on in the spill that the percentage of methane of the total hydrocarbon composition was quite high.  Some observed that it appeared to very slowly decrease, yet remained high right up until the capping of the gusher.  Hence, we know that we have a radioactive spill in the GOM.

Please understand that we are not suggesting that the fish will start glowing with blue light; only that long term exposure to low level radioactivity has its obvious consequences to all living organisms.  In the meantime, those living on the GOM coastline ought to introduce copious amounts of seaweed (e.g. kelp) into their diets.

Where it concerns the release of radioactivity into the waters, there is simply no way to put this genie back into the bottle within the current scientific paradigm  … unless there is alchemical science yet to be revealed and new age technologies to be developed.

As we said in the introduction, “It is with great regret that we file this report.”

May we all do our part in spreading the awareness of these realities, so that many more of US will be in the position to make informed decisions about where we live, work and play, what we eat, our health and safety, our livelihoods, our families, our communities …  …  …  and our shared environment known as Mother Earth.

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Conclusive evidence Macondo well casing was damaged by gas blowout on April 20th

A Disaster Movie that would not play to script despite the smoking guns

- BK Lim

30 Nov 2010

The biggest deception in the BP’s Mega Oil Spill disaster has been the existence of the third well (S20BC); the only well that actually reached BP’s targeted reservoir at 18,300 ft below mudline (bml). A gushing well drilled deep into the highly faulted fragile Gulf-Salt Geology would be difficult to kill even under the best of conditions. Of the 3 wells drilled, the shallowest and easiest well to kill (Well A) was chosen to be the star of the greatest magic show on earth; a multi-billion “state of the art” Mass Deception Production that needed the full cooperation of the world’s most powerful government and main stream media to produce.

But the featured magic stunt was proving difficult to perform with an unwilling and unpredictable star well. Although drilled only 5000ft (13,000ft short of BP’s targeted oil reservoir), Well A is located in the vicinity of the intersection of a shallow E-W normal shallow fault and the major NW-SE strike-slip fault zone. Well B which was drilled deeper (13,300 ft bml) intercepted this E-W fault and the Rigel Gas reservoir. Therefore Well A is well-supplied with gas and oil from both faults as its last 1000ft (from 4000 – 5000ft bml) was never cased. Does this explain why Well A is so difficult to “kill”, especially with a >3,000 ft drill-string stuck at the bottom of the open well?

Does the short and open bottom well explain the many mysteries of the leaking well?

In particular, the low capped well pressure which maxed out at 6900 psi; far short of the expected pressure range of 8000-9000 psi. Or the mysterious 40% cement loss when 500 barrels of cement were pumped in for the top static kill on 3 Aug? All the unexplainable observations at Well A made no sense simply because it was not the 18,300ft well that reached the targeted reservoir. BP’s managers who knew the truth, must have laughed their asses off at the pro-BP shills leading intricate expert discussions on how to kill the star well that never quite reach the reservoir. Now does that make sense?

Understandably Well A which was unceremoniously laid to rest on 8 Nov 2010, will not lay dead for long. A steady stream of gas bubbles, deep gashes around the wellhead, black clouds of oil seeping through the fault crevices and a couple of bulging mounds waiting to explode are reminders that the Zombie Well will spring back to life.

Meanwhile the real gusher well at S20BC marked by a giant solitary piled tombstone lays eerily silent in a middle of a devastated seafloor. Devoid of life, the wasted seabed scarred by trenches, scattered pieces of wrecks, potholes, craters and an artificial turf of cement-drilling mud mixture, is reminiscent of a bombed out battlefield. But is the gusher well really dead or has it morphed into a “multiple-headed hydra” deep beneath the seafloor that is even more difficult to kill.

BP’s simplistic and geologically unrealistic aim of plugging a single tubular hole in a solid mass of rocks is as unreal and unstable as a “sand castle on the beach”. After months of spewing a corrosive mix of gas, oil and brine into the fragile faulted Gulf Salt-Geology, even the most optimistic geologists would come to the grim conclusion that the 18,300 ft well is no longer the only vertical conduit out of the reservoir. In all probability, a complex multi-pathway monster (more akin to the mythical multi-headed Hydra that Heracles tried to slay) has developed in its place. As said many times before, there is simply no way to plug the genie back into the bottle.

BP’s failure to stop oil and gas escaping from the reservoirs is confirmed by increased (not decreased) work activities at the Macondo site. Officially BP declared they were winding down and packing up after their purported successful permanent bottom kill by the relief well on 19 Sept.  Their “victory cry” rang hollow when an additional drilling rig (West Sirius) arrived without notice at the Macondo Site in mid October.

Why would 4 very expensive rigs, each costing more than 1 million USD/day, be milling around in the Macondo prospect after the MC252 Well was long declared dead?  Why should dozens of expensive vessels still be working with multi-million dollar ROVs scanning the dead seabed for signs of life, months after well A was capped and top-killed?

Is such extravaganza on a dead well warranted? See the contradictions? Why spend tens of millions of dollars per day grouting, combing the seafloor just to observe a couple of eels, spraying chemicals (presumably dispersants) if the oil-gas leaks from the reservoirs had been successfully sealed? Why idle 4 expensive rigs (which were presumably not drilling) around a supposedly dead well?

BP had repeatedly said they would make it right. Yes, right by whom? On the other hand, you have millions of unpaid bills, thousands of unemployed gulf victims waiting in vain for their miserable compensation from BP’s 20 billion dollar fund and thousands of miles of abandoned oiled coastlines waiting for rehabilitation.  Does this sound right? The script of this disaster movie is getting more and more absurd by the day.

Shouldn’t the “main stream media” at least ask what the hell is going on at the Gulf? Their silence on the grieving Gulf is indeed deafening!  There are abundant contentions for investigative journalism. But where are the big boys?

Perhaps the script writer of this Disaster Movie got the script mixed up with the Cinderella Story? Lock up the Cinderella Gulf victims on the coast while the Evil BP Sisters vine and dine on the luxurious drilling rigs at sea. Or did the Marie Antoinette of BP Palace say “let them eat cake”? Whatever it is, the dead corpses are beginning to stink. The script writers were running out of “spinning story lines” to explain the “rotting smell” coming out of the closet.

The nightmare tale of “BP’s Three Wishing Wells” is one of mega extremes. Plagued with massive cost over-runs, the ill-conceived B-rated movie production was forced to change its script each time Mother Nature refused to play ball. It is truly a mega-disaster movie of epic proportions, one with a predictably bad and sad ending for the victims of the Gulf and Mother Nature as the impotent and corrupted regulators watched helplessly on the side stage.

In the original script, the movie was supposed to have ended soon after the carnage of the disaster was exposed and the villains brought to justice. But the script changed to protect the villains when the hawks won over the boardroom. Instead of genuine recovery and containment efforts, the emphasis switched to covering up BP’s criminality and limiting their financial liabilities.

Why else would BP so readily declare that the relief wells would take more than 3 months to drill when 2 months would be more than sufficient? Although BP publicly displayed full confidence in killing the gushing well with their relief well efforts; privately they had reservations. The discrepancy between publicly displayed confidence and private reservation is apparent from several angles. Would they have bought the additional buffer time so secretly if they were so confident of success, operation wise? An open heart surgery in full view of a live world audience would prove BP’s confidence and do wonders for BP’s stocks. On the other hand, unexplained covert relief well efforts with many reversals would make BP look BAD; a total mockery of BP’s professed guaranteed success.

But why would BP want to publicly flaunt the confidence they did not have?

Most independent experts rated the Relief Well Kill efforts to have less than 30% chance of success. Why would there be such a large disparity in predicted success rate? Previous relief well efforts in past disasters achieved their objectives of controlling and killing the wild wells after several failed attempts spanning several months.

So either BP was very naïve or the “race had been rigged” to produce the predicted winner. With little evidence of naivety, it was more likely the polls had been rigged to provide the right winning number. The evidence for this can be deciphered from the many discrepancies between BP’s mass destruction at site and “bogus good intentions” made by BP.

Public confidence is an essential ingredient in any scam. Nobody had expected BP to be perfect in dealing with a mega-disaster never experienced before. A 50% chance of success would have been perfectly acceptable. In trying to project 100% false confidence in an uncertain circumstance BP had only itself to blame for its relief well failures.

Many chapters of BP’s “Art of Mass Deception” manual had been heavily borrowed from the world’s financial bubbles guidebooks. Less than 2 months into the disaster, many independent observers were puzzled by BP’s inconsistent recovery efforts. BP’s capping and relief wells efforts were seen by many, as distractive magic shows. The deliberate efforts to cloud the situation with misinformation were clearly parts of BP’s scheme of Mass Deception.

Why Is Bps Macondo Blowout So Disastrous Beyond Patch Up …29 July 2010

This could also mean that BP was getting less and less confident that the relief wells would work. The relief wells were held up as the last Trump card. If it fails in full (ROV) view of the concerned public throughout the world, BP’s shares would drop like a rock. There are good geological reasons why the chances of the relief wells’ success are less than 30%. But that would be in the next posting.

So instead “of going on a public stage with a final trump card of 30% chance of success” and risking everything BP stands for, a magic show will be set up so that what ever happens, it will be a success. How?

Deception is however a double edge sword. Coded errors are genetic finger-prints which provide valuable clues of bad intentions. Measured against standard professional practices, unethical misconduct stands out like a sore thumb beneath the charade.

The disconnect between the promulgated bogus “good intentions” and the actual mass destruction at ground zero (5000ft below seafloor) is clearly documented by the ROV videos. Although adulterated, valuable information can still be deciphered from the video footages. By why adulterate the videos in the first place? It only meant that BP had a lot to hide.

To prevent uncensored versions and information from getting out, BP had to impose stringent security measures and heavy clampdown of “dissidents”.  Unadulterated insiders’ videos had to be smuggled out using innovative means. If this is not an “Independent Police State” operating within the United States, then authoritarian states like North Korea and other of the world must be “Freedom Paradises”. What a paradox? The world’s foremost champion of freedom of information sanctioning pockets of “communist regimes” within her sovereign borders?

What are the chances of 3 accidental deaths of 3 prominent figures closely associated with the disaster in the last 3 months? The late Matt Simmons died in a hot water bath on 8 Aug; Ex-Senator Stevens in a plane crash in Alaska on 10 Aug and Jim Black, a BP incident commander for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill response team in a plane crash in Florida on 24 Nov 2010. No doubt more deaths will follow.

Perhaps crime does pay but only for those at the very top. The top engineers of the disaster have until today remained free and have gotten their luxurious yachting life back but not the millions who had been sentenced to a life of the walking dead. Thousands are thrown off their normal livelihood with no means of getting them back. But for the perpetrators of the crime of the century, they were amply rewarded with golden parachutes. Heck, this is more rewarding than big time bank robberies. So watch out for more “block buster” mega-disasters in the near future. Which unscrupulous criminal wouldn’t? “State-sponsored” crimes of mass destruction carried out with impunity.

Of course these crimes of mass destruction could not have materialized if the internal check and balance had not been compromised; if not for lapses of judgment, compromised principles and integrity, corruptions and expediency at every level of planning and operation within the industry. Industrial safety standards would not have deteriorated to this low level if only the general population had been more concerned and better informed. Oil companies like BP should not be left to their own devices. Like financial bubbles, these white collar crimes of mass destruction will “bubble and burst” if they are allowed to proliferate with impunity. The most favorite excuse of all time: no concrete evidence of wrongdoing.

Well how concrete do you want the evidence to be? We have already seen video images of the giant solitary piled (concrete) tombstone for the third missing well (S20BC). We have already presented images of large scale mass destruction at the Macondo site. Concrete evidences of increased work activities like grouting were recorded long after the Macondo well was declared dead. This was contrary to BP’s own declared intention of winding down the “killing works” after the reportedly “successful top static kill” on 2 Aug. The forensic analyses of the Deepwater Horizon wreckage, BP’s Macondo bathymetry chart and geohazards assessment showed that all the irregularities and inconsistencies could not have been accidental mistakes. Nobody especially a technological giant with thousands of technical experts could be that STUPID. The trail of premeditated, cleverly disguised “mistakes” can only lead to one conclusion; willful negligence and greed.

If the tens of pages of documented evidence are too tedious to read, just consider the most recent blatant lie by BP. Main stream media all over the world reported BP’s press statement that the relief well finally intercepted the rogue well on 15 Sept after months of waiting just 10 feet from the well. With that, BP declared the crisis to be finally over and the world rewarded BP with a price hike in BP’s stock.

Now for what obvious reason would BP need to lie about the relief well intercept? Although we have long suspected the relief well fiasco much earlier in July, there was a need to keep “radio silence” for obvious reasons. We could only start releasing the concrete ROV evidence in The Hole Truth Nothing But The Truth On The 3rd Hole from 15 Nov 2010 onwards, after BP had clearly shown their “cards”.

Recent insiders’ information also confirmed that Relief Well C had indeed intercepted the rogue well in the first week of July 2010.  Figure 139-1 shows the smoking gun of the third well (S20BC). Were the relief well efforts to kill the rogue well unsuccessful as predicted by independent experts in the first week of July? BP obviously could not show the “casing removal operation” video dated 29 July, as that would confirm the existence of the third missing well BP has denied since day 1. If the relief well had managed to stop the flow (as evident in the video), surely it would have been advantageous for BP to announce it. That was precisely the problem BP faced with the magic show at well A. BP cannot “show the oil leak from the reservoir has been licked” while enormous amount of oil clouds was still spewing uncontrollably through the crevices in the fault zones.

See segment 3:38-5:50 of the 10:33 mins video incriminating video segment had to be embedded between the publicly broadcasted video to escape detection.

BP realised then, their bottom kill by the relief wells would not work as many had earlier feared. Was their silence on the relief well efforts a tacit admission of defeat? Two and a half (2 ½ months) is a long delay by any standard.

Was the sudden announcement that “the well was finally intercepted and permanently killed” on 19 Sept compelled by political pressure before the mid-term election?  Given BP’s admission that the bottom Kill operation required weeks of logistic preparation and analytical calculations, wasn’t the surprised 19 Sept Announcement a “prepack virtual instant kill”; only to be microwaved for serving at a moment notice. That surprised announcement of success took the wind out of BP’s fans who had been waiting anxiously for months to see the exciting grand finale. Suddenly they were told the final match was over. Many felt cheated and disappointed as was Thad Allen who had announced a week earlier, the grand finale postponement. So much for BP’s promise of transparency and accountability. Obviously Thad Allen was not the one calling the shot. Who would want his own credibility shot to pieces, by announcing the week before that the permanent kill via the relief well intercept would not happen until mid October due to “undisclosed problems”?

Was the fanatic extensive grouting effort during the 2 ½ months before the final announcement on 19 Sept anything to do with the extensive oil spewing out of the crevices in the fault zones?

The evidence seems to suggest this was indeed the case. Five days after the 29 July “Well Casing Removal OPS”, the rogue 3rd well was actively spewing coloured fluid again on 3 Aug. What happened on 2 Aug? What triggered the shallow Mag 3 Earthquake at Louisiana on 2 Aug? Coincidentally BP started pumping in cement to “static top kill” Well A on 3 Aug. Does this confirm the fault connection between Well A and the third well at S20BC?

With all the mysteries and coincidental fantasies, this disaster movie is as credible as “Alice in Wonderland”. With all these discrepancies and outright lies, can we ever trust BP or any other oil company again?

No crime is ever committed without motives. Disasters do not occur out of the blue without the seeds of destruction being sowed first. Half-baked and blinded investigation in the BP’s mega oil spill disaster will just sow the seeds for future disasters. Unfortunately both the BP’s official and the Presidential Investigations seem to be just that – a blinded and half-baked investigative show to absolve BP of criminality and limit BP’s financial liability. Both investigation reports never mentioned the 2nd or 3rd wells despite the overwhelming evidences. Any investigation which does not address the obvious damage to the well casing seen in figure 139-1 would be as trustworthy as a fox guarding the chicken coop. Would it be any surprise the main stream media are just as loudly silent on the injustices done to the Gulf victims and Mother Nature?

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

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Extraordinary Double Standard: The US Federal Government persecution of fishermen vs. kid-glove treatment of Big Oil (BP)

The hole truth, nothing but the truth on the 3rd hole.

- dedicated to Borehead, Fishwarrior and others fighting for the oppressed “small people” fishing businesses.

-BK Lim

15 Nov 2010

A crime is not a crime unless you are caught with your pants down. Yet you wonder why the “big people” don’t go to jail for perjury, for insider trading, murder and other crimes even when caught red-handed. On the other hand, the lesser people or “small people” as BP chairman referred to were punished disproportionally.  See the many articles highlighting the high-handed punishments meted out to poor fishermen for failing to observe NOAA’s stringent catch quota and NOAA/NMFS’s unfair treatment of fishermen and the Federal Government’s takeover and redistribution of marine resources at Bore-head007 and fishwarrior columns at

Nowhere is the disparity in double standards more evident than in the regulators’ kid glove treatment of BP’s gross violations and repeated misconducts. See ex-EPA attorney’s 12 years wrestle to disqualify BP from receiving billions of dollars in government contracts and other benefits for repeated misconducts. Yet despite the high risk of offshore exploration drilling, especially in the delicate deep water shelf edge zone, MMS (Minerals Management Services, the federal agency previously in charge of regulating offshore drilling activities) gave permission to BP and dozens of other oil companies to drill in the Gulf of Mexico without first getting required permits from another agency that assesses threats to endangered species, and despite strong warnings from that agency about the impact the drilling was likely to have on the gulf. See US said to allow Drilling without needed permits.

One would have thought NOAA should be more concerned with BP’s gross negligence and misconduct as any disaster like the DeepWater Horizon blowout would have financial, environmental and social impacts far greater than any accidents involving the small fishing businesses. Drilling into a major strike-slip fault zone and an active mud volcano would be inviting trouble yet BP was never charged for gross negligence. Drilling into the worst possible high risk geohazardous location must be willful negligence of the highest order. Yet BP was never prosecuted or punished. On the other hand, “excessive fines are normal” said Gloucester-based fisheries attorney Stephen Ouellette. “Regulatory compliance is less important to NOAA than collecting money for their expenses.”  NOAA Attorney Charles Juliand’s cash demand draws ethic fire.

Would BP, a technological multi-national giant, admit to not knowing the existence of the NW-SE strike-slip fault and mud volcano it was drilling into? That would be an admission of gross incompetence since the broken geology, faults and mud volcanoes are clearly evident even on the basis of publicly available information. It is doubtful BP would publicly challenge the forensic and technical analyses given in

BP has long denied ever drilling more than 1 well at the Macondo 252 prospect. That is a complete lie. Images of 2 different well-heads were published on 11 Nov 2010 to prove this. More images captured by BP’s ROVs are given here to provide the conclusive proof that the third and deepest well (S20BC) did exist. That well was the only well (out of the three) to have reached the oil reservoir at 18,300 ft bml. Images to prove that BP had not ceased chemical spraying despite public denials were published on 13 Nov 2010.

So when Tony Hayward swore to tell the whole truth, nothing but the truth before Congress, was he not guilty of perjury. If NOAA is toothless in prosecuting BP for their crimes of perjury and mass destruction, then NOAA should also lay off persecuting the “small people” fishing businesses.

The following video-footages and images, establish the fact that the third well (S20BC) exists. Further, if the dates on the ROVs’ video are correct then the relief wells must have intercepted the rogue well much earlier than 15 Sept. For BP to be working on the casing of the blown well, the gushing well needed to be bullheaded first by the relief wells. In all probability at least one of the 2 relief wells must have intercepted the rogue well in the first week of July. And while the relief well was bullheading and trying to kill the rogue well, BP was performing a “dog & pony show” on the shallowest well (Well A) which was drilled down to only 5,000ft bml. The whole truth of the 3rd well is reminiscent of “The Emperor Has No Clothes” story.

Businessweek – 2010-07-02 Bp’s Gulf Well Ahead Of Schedule To Intercept Leak

The target date for intercepting the leaking well and pumping in mud and cement to permanently seal it is still mid- August, U.S. National Incident Commander Thad Allen said today on a conference call with reporters. The well is within 600 feet (182 meters) of intercepting the leak, he said.

“They are ahead of schedule at this point,” Allen said. “I am reluctant to tell you that it will happen before the middle of August because I think that everything associated with this spill and response recovery suggests that we should under- promise and over-deliver.”

Huffingtonpost – 2010/06/28 BP relief well within 20 ft of Gusher, On schedule

HOUSTON — BP says the rig drilling the relief well that’s the best hope of stopping the Gulf oil spill has made it within about 20 feet horizontally of the blown-out well that’s gushing crude. BP Senior Vice President Kent Wells said Monday that the rig is going to drill an additional 900 feet down before crews cut in sideways and start pumping in heavy mud to try to stop the flow from the damaged well. It’s currently about 16,770 feet down.

Wells says BP is moving extremely cautiously to make sure everything is lined up correctly and the relief well is still on target to be finished by early August. A second well is being drilled as a backup. Wells says the company has a high degree of confidence in the relief wells.

~~~~~end of quote ~~~~~~

A normal well takes 3 to 4 weeks to drill. A relief well with an inclined trajectory will probably take 6 weeks. So Relief Well C should have reached the 3rd rogue well at 18,000ft bml by the first week of July as suspected. BP was just playing for time and was not sure if the relief wells could successfully kill the well from below even though publicly they still maintained that the Relief Wells were the surest and most reliable way of plugging the leaks. But BP soon found out the hard way what many independent geologists had been expecting of the broken geology; that it was impossible to put the Genie back into the bottle.

From the first week of July until mid-September, BP was lying to the anxious world that the Relief Well C was still waiting to intercept (even though it was less than 20 feet horizontally from the rogue well) when it already had and had been trying to bottom kill it without success. Did Thad Allen “lie” (knowingly or unknowingly) to the shocked world in early Sept that the Relief Well Intercept would not happen until mid-October. Then suddenly on 19 Sept BP released an official press statement that the Macondo 252 well “had been successfully cemented” which started unannounced on 15 Sept. All were taken by surprise including the BP’s goons at TOD who had spent months discussing and, at times, arguing intensely on the intricate details of intercepting the wild well. BP sure fooled the world. Was the 19 Sept press statement prompted by political consideration when nothing had changed with respect to permanent killing of the well, or rather the leaks from the reservoir? Now that the truth of the 3rd Well is blown open wide, NOAA should have no more excuses in prosecuting BP.  Not to do so will be an obvious dereliction of NOAA’s duty.

The following videos show the rare footage of the third well (courtesy of BeePeeOildisaster) and its vicinity:

Click on the photos to enlarge.

Figure 138-1 – Undated video with no ROV information at all. The video is inverted (shown upside down) to confuse.

10 July 2010 (date of video posting)

Figure 138-2 – Shows a casing dipping about 10º into the seafloor, next to a turbulent gas column.

5 July 2010

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Oil And Gas Leaks Continue Unabated At Macondo: Photos document oily fluid all over the seafloor

Secret Chemical Spraying at Macondo has not ceased since official well shutdown on 15 July.

– BK Lim

13 Nov 2010

The MC 252 well has been officially shut since 15 July (BP’s press release and website announcement). As late as Sept 2010, the world was still publicly assured that the bottom kill by the relief wells was the surest and most reliable way of permanently killing the oil leak from the reservoir. BP and Thad Alan publicly declared the rogue well was “successfully and permanently” cemented at 18,000 ft below mudline (bml) by the relief wells that started unannounced on 15 Sept 2010. Is this just empty rhetoric and part of BP’s elaborate Mass Deception Act?

First of all, please be informed that the oil leak from the reservoir was never killed and could never be killed. The late Matt Simmons paid with his life to bring us that message. And the world repaid him with words of ridicule in technical blogs around the world.


Peak oiler, energy blogger, and chemical engineer Robert Rapier has published a series of critical evaluations of Simmons’ work, the most recent of which was published — of all places (!) — inThe Oil Drum website. The TOD article takes a close look at some of Simmons’ recent statements about the oil spill in the Gulf. A careful reader will come away with the clear conclusion that Simmons’ credibility is in tatters, blowing in the breeze. Only the truest of Simmons true believers in TOD comments persists in defending the recent incredible and fantastic statements that Simmons had made to the press.

~~~~end of quote ~~~~~~~~

We have been lied to, through and through. It is very obvious why the activities (besides ramming up the recovery costs to capitalize on the idling rigs) did not decrease after the official “shut down date of 15 July”. The gas-oil spill continues unabated till this day. The capping of well A was just a “dog & pony show” to fool the world. There is a constant need to spray chemicals to disperse and to coagulate the oil and methane leaking into the gulf, to cover up the magnitude of the disaster.

The deception is obvious when BP had to disguise the chemical spraying operations as “Cement OPS” and “Rig Move”; inspection of the grouted seafloor as “biological survey” and intended explosion operations as “gooseneck ops” just to name a few. Any seasoned viwer can tell that these ROV videos are not recording what the label says. Why is the US government still in denial and the main media completely silent? The official spin is that we do not need anymore bad news to derail the financial recovery. This is just as bad as Burma’s Generals with their chests full of fake medals. (See  Burma Bummer – by Dean Johns). Would a few more disasters spur the economy?

Admittedly, one crow does not make a new sun rise. But tens of concrete evidences of criminality and still no prosecution? People of the humane First World were shocked by the immense sufferings and atrocities committed by the authoritarian regimes of Burma, North Korea, Zimbabwe, Somalia and many other 3rd world countries. Powerful first world countries are unwilling to act for various political and economic reasons. But genocide being carried by a foreign multi-national corporation right in the backyard of the world’s most powerful nation and blatantly ignored by the world’s mainstream media? What the heck is going on? Does the world not care a single bit on the mass destruction of the marine life and condemnation of whole coastal communities to a future life of pain and suffering? And we call ourselves civilized?

Capping the well and bottom-killing it with relief wells were the wrong moves. See The High Risk Of Capping BP’s Gushing Well. Despite sending them all the emails and copies of my articles, BP and those in control never responded and never listened. Now we are living out a mega-disaster with urgency as the worst is yet to come.

The evidences at hand clearly debunk that hollow premature victory cry on 19 Sept10. Would BP admit defeat at the hands of Mother Nature? No. Keeping with the same reckless spirit that drove the Macondo Wells to destruction and disaster, BP is now speeding the world into an irreversible ecological catastrophe; one that will start us on the express highway to the eventual destruction of world civilization. Not the planet itself, as Mother Earth is more resilient than the human beings renting the living accommodation on its land surface.

The images of mass destruction and deception in the Gulf are brought to you by concerned citizens of the world. See for yourself, the future of this planet flashing before your eyes in the comfort of your living room. You have been forewarned. In generations to come, you have to answer to your children why nothing had been done to avert their untold miseries.

(Pictures are updated from time to time in no particular order …last update 13 Nov 2010).

9 Nov10

9 Nov10

9 Nov 10







Click on each picture to enlarge:

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Clear evidence that BP has failed to contain the leaks at the Macondo well site

The real picture must be really bad if they have to use a 157-day old wrong image.

– BK Lim

12 Nov 2010

On the 204th day of the continuing BP’s Oil Spill disaster, BP quietly informed through a teleconference on 10 Nov that the “plug and abandonment of the Macondo 152 well” was completed on 2 days ago. This was reported by the Voice of America ( with the title “BP abandons Damaged Gulf of Mexico Oil Well”.


Paul Zukunft: Good morning. This is Admiral Paul Zukunft. This is the 204th day of the Deepwater Horizon response. One milestone that probably most people were not aware of this week – two days ago, the plug and abandonment of the Macondo 252 well was complete. And in fact, when it was completed, the cap that went over it has 11 stars on it to memorialize the 11 lives lost during that tragic explosion on April 20.

~~~~end of quote~~~~~~

But what was most interesting was the picture they chose to display for the article. See figure 136-1.

Not only was the still image of the “well” outdated by more than 157 days (8 June 2010) it is also the wrong image of the well. On 8 June 2010, oil and gas were still gushing out of the first LRMP cap on top of the BOP after the riser had just been cut. See CNN video dated 8 Jun 2010 BP-releases-new-hd-video-of-leaking-oil-well.

Voice of America might not be aware that the date on the Oceaneering ROV is on dd-mm-yy British not American format. Thus 08-06-10 is 8 June 2010 and not 6 August 2010. One must wonder why was this particular image chosen?

There are so many ROV images of the capped well (well A) right up to 10 Nov 2010, the day the news of the “capped well finally laid to rest” was announced. See Is The Last Rite For The Macondo Well For Real published on 8 Nov 2010. So why choose this particular wrong image of the well? To start off with, it is not even close to the capped well. This is the image of the “smaller container dome” that was supposed to be used to contain the oil spill. The idea was abandoned without even being tried. See The Mystery Of The April 20 Blowout Revealed Answers To Questions Raised 001.

~~~~~~start of quote from previous article~~~~~~~~

Mysteriously, these sincere efforts appeared to diminish as the full financial implication and magnitude of the oil gushes at several reported locations set in. In the 10 May BP’s statement, the giant containment dome parked at the seabed near the spill area was never used at all. One has to wonder why BP would spend all that expenses to build and transport these containment domes and never even try them on before declaring they could not be used. At the same time, BP appeared to be backing off the containment option and preferring the “TOP KILL” option.

BP’s Update on GOM Spill Response – 10 May

The containment dome that was deployed last week has been parked away from the spill area on the sea bed. Efforts to place it over the main leak point were suspended at the weekend as a build up of hydrates prevented a successful placement of the dome over the spill area.

A second, smaller containment dome is being readied to lower over the main leak point. The small dome will be connected by drill pipe and riser lines to a drill ship on the surface to collect and treat oil. It is designed to mitigate the formation of large hydrate volumes. This operation has never been done before in 5,000 feet of water. In addition, further work on the blow-out-preventer has positioned us to attempt a “top kill” option aimed at stopping the flow of oil from the well. This option will be pursued in parallel with the smaller containment dome over the next two weeks.

How could the hydrates have built-up at the dome which was not even placed over the gas leak? Was this a Freudian slip? Why were the BOP and the “Top Kill” option mentioned only 20 days after the blowout? Surely BP is no novice to containing a disaster situation? Did the hawks win over the doves in the battle of Evil Self-Interest & Mass Deception Vs Admitted Liability & Sincere Containment?

~~~~end of quote~~~~~~~~~

The reasons are obvious why the actual still images of the capped well cannot be used. The situation at site is now much worse than it was shown before. BP has spent so much time and effort to erase the magnitude of the disaster from public memory. With carefully orchestrated Mass deception moves, the world at large has been hypnotized to think that the Macondo Well has been peacefully laid to rest. Not much sense in waking up public concern with disturbing images of turbulent oil and gas columns, blown craters and other evidences of the failed attempts to contain the oil spill. See the sad evidences shown in figures 136-2 and 136-3.

This is why Voice of America could not use any of the later ROV images of the capped well. The images just would not fit the serene funeral service to “memorialize the 11 lives lost during that tragic explosion on April 20”.

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Mounting Evidence Points To 2 Wellheads at Macondo

Deciphering the Da Vinci Code of BP’s Well Deception.

-BK Lim

11 Nov 2010 – dedicated to Sharyn Burley & Gary Simmons for their efforts to spread the truth.

There have been consistent rumors since the disaster broke out that BP had drilled two wells. Figure 135-1 shows 2 different well heads placed side by side. Lately we have also seen the corrosive effects of the “potent mixture” that is pouring out not only from the broken wells but also through the crevices in the seafloor. Naturally the vessels working the longest would suffer the most corrosion. See the many you-tube video postings on the “rumors” of hull corrosion. The difference in the “age” of the two wells is most telling if you examine in close up view the yellow marker band. Test your observation and investigative skills on the number of differences between these two well heads.

Naturally 2 well heads means 2 well locations which also mean at least 2 wells were drilled, right? However, it might be difficult for some to grasp this obvious logic.  See figure 135-2 on the official email reply from BP Press office in UK.

“There was only ever one well drilled on the MC252 lease”….. BP Press Office, London

In case there are doubts the “newer and less corroded” well head at well B location is real, figure 135-3 gives the full details of the well location complete with the signature deceptive movement of the well head. If these videos are fakes or video of other well heads in other parts of the world (not from the Macondo Lease itself as asserted by BP) then the many people who recorded and posted these videos independently on the you-tube, must have been robotically controlled and synchronized within seconds to come out with amazingly identical adulteration.

Just as in genetic decoding in DNA analyses, all mutations leave a pattern of coding errors; a distinct departure from any random errors. We have seen the “flying ROVs”, “time-travel drilling rigs” and many wonderful “time-space magic” technology introduced by BP and company.  But can you actually transport a well-head embedded in the seabed through 557ft in less than 16 seconds? We must ask BP to reveal this important technology. If the world is going to be destroyed by all these senseless mass destructive activities, we may need to transport the White House to a safer location. Or we may need to transport ourselves out of this world to another planet. So BP please help, in the name of HUMANITY!

01-Aug-10..….Well A Inspection,

03-Sep-10………..BOP Recovery,

02-Nov-10.Well Head Inspection,

26-Oct-10……Well A Inspection,

29-Oct-10……Well A Inspection,

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The Case of the Flying Oil Rigs

BP continues to dazzle us with their unlimited magic

Update on BP Rigs location & Fault Connection – 10 Nov 2010

- BK Lim

10 Nov 2010.

Figure 134-1 shows the satellite image with the location of the four drilling rigs at the Macondo Site. West Sirius moved out on the morning of 2 Nov 2010 to park at the edge of the Mississippi Canyon, south of Grande Isle. But the position track for the last week, after our articles on the mysteries of the “flying drilling rigs” were out, had been anomalous. West Sirius has been flying all over the place as shown in figure 134-2. The position has been obtained from Perhaps this website, which receives the vessel update information from BP, is not aware of the position discrepancies.

Click on the diagrams to enlarge.

So, just as the BP’s ROVs can “magic marine travel” by flying all over the place, from the Macondo site to the Atlantis site (240 km distance), BP has also come out with the “same advanced technology” of transporting the massive drilling rigs weighing over 20,000 tons over thousands of km within seconds. BP is truly now way beyond petroleum. This travel and transport at the speed of BP’s imagination is clearly evidence of the game of mass deception which BP has played with the public since the early days of this catatrophe.

So now, we have to take the position of the “flying drilling rigs” with a pinch of salt. Occasionally, we are able to acquire a reasonable position. How do we verify the rig position? Well, we cannot tell at the moment, but let’s just say there are enough people with conscience to feed us.

The updates on 10 Nov 2010 tell us a scary picture. BP appears to have abandoned the triple wells location (Well A, Well B and S20BC) completely. Discoverer Enterprise (DE) is still working at a location that it has been sitting on for the last 2 months. Notice the red line passing thru this location to the triple well location. That is the deep major NW-SE strike-slip fault we had been talking about for the last 3 months or so.

Development Driller 2 (DD2) has moved from Well A location, after removing the expensive BOP and replacing it with a memorial cap – In Memory of the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) and the 11 personnel killed there. This is a new location after DD2 had flown thousands of miles (twice) to the South Pacific. Simply amazing this new transport technology BP has. We do not know what DD2 is doing or even if this location is accurate. We just have to take BP’s word for it (tongue in cheek).

DD3 is still around the location it was sitting at since moving from Relief Well C in mid Sept.

It is scary to note that the three rigs positions are 6.3 miles (DD3), 7.4 miles (DE) and 8.8 miles (DD2) from well A. DD3 and DE are both at the toe of the shelf slope (escarpment), while DD2 is on the mid-slope. So was the late Matt Simmons right about the massive leaks 7 miles from the blown out well on 20 April 2010? It would not be surprising to have oil and gas leaking out here at the toe of these huge escarpments, which are many times larger than the escarpment at the Macondo well location. Is the 22 Mile River of Oil 5-7 Miles Sw Of Well A as reported by WHOI associated with the leak from BP’s broken oil reservoir?


Scientists from WHOI, along with the Coast Guard and other institutions, used an array of high-tech gadgets — including an autonomous unmanned vehicle (AUV) named the Sentry—along with mass spectrometers, to find and track the plume.

Dr. Richard Camilli of WHOI had this to say: “We’ve shown conclusively, not only that a plume exists, but also defined its origin and near-field structure.”

That certainly runs counter to most of the reports we’ve seen so far.

Dr.Samantha Joye a marine science professor at the University of Georgia, told The New York Times: “The idea that 75% of the oil is gone and is of no further concern to the environment is just incorrect.”

For now, we don’t know if more plumes are lurking out there. The ocean currents at these depths are still somewhat of a mystery, even to scientists who study them for a living.

~~~end of quote ~~~~~~~

Many bloggers had reported that skimmer-vessels had been busy there in the last few months and the Coast Guard had noted in their logs that an Orange Spill was noted on 22 April 2010 on the day of the second explosion which brought the DWH down. It gets even scarier if you follow the fault line 56 miles NW from well A and the “giant gas bubble” noted by the Coast Guard on their return (to base) hours after the 22 April 2nd explosion. Follow the adjacent NW-SE fault line another 158 miles 316º NW you get to the epicentre of the 2 Aug earthquake, magnitude 3 on the Richter scale. See figure 134-3.

Are all these “oil events” and the earthquake connected to the Macondo broken reservoir unleashed by the 20 and 22 April 2010 blowouts? Looking at figure 134-4 it would be hard to dismiss the connection. These ancient deep-seated faults beneath the Quaternary Sediment are believed to have been formed when the Gulf of Mexico was tectonically active. The fractured underlying geology as confirmed by Dr. Bea in his Interview With The Georgewashington2.Blogspot.Com could be the main reason why BP’s broken Macondo reservoir was so difficult to patch up.

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BP Oil Spill Cover-up & “Cleanup”: Disaster Capitalism At Its Worst

Has the Post-Disaster Recovery Program become a profitable scam? – Part IIIc of Root Causes.

- BK Lim

9 Nov 2010

As we have seen in many cases, disasters can be highly profitable for those who know in advance or privileged few in the know (PFitK). This is very clear from the pattern of massive selling by BP’s directors and Goldman Sachs before the advent of an impending disaster. See A pattern of massive shares sell-off by BP directors prior to expected disasters.

Though hard to believe, there are many who would profit without hesitation upon the miseries of others. A mega-disaster like the BP’s Oil Spill is one of those. Sometimes it is hard to say if a prescribed cure is supposed to make you feel better or improve the bottom line of the one prescribing it. Time will always tell, as it is revealing in the case of the BP Gulf Oil disaster.

Just as it would be highly improper for surgeons to mislead on the medical procedures, BP the “doctor” should lose its “medical license” and be held criminally liable for deliberate misleading information on so many occasions. Six months later, NOAA and the Presidential Investigative Panel should have been able to evaluate not only the effectiveness of the medicine prescribed but also the manner it was administered. If these regulatory bodies are still sleeping on their job after six months, then either delinquency or corruption has already set in.

By most accounts BP, NOAA and all the regulatory bodies fared poorly in this disaster. Later postings will delve into the technological and geological aspects. In this posting, we will concentrate on the question whether the post-disaster recovery program had become a profitable scam. It goes without saying that BP as an organization would suffer hefty financial losses not monetary gains. That would make it all the more; much “safer” for the privileged few to profit personally. Evidence of profit motives in the post-disaster recovery efforts would substantiate earlier suspicions that this disaster had been allowed to happen.

It is an undeniable fact that corners are cut everyday across the globe in almost every sector of human societies. Of all the industries, the offshore oil industry is the most regulated with the most stringent HSE policies. Hence it is logically impossible for a potential mega disaster to sail through the elaborate screening “Check & Balance” process. Unlike wildcat drillings in the pre-seventies, every location to be drilled had to be evaluated with respect to exploration and production objectives, shallow geohazards, seabed and logistics problems. That is why few mega-disasters occurred even though near-misses and accidents do occur on a daily basis. By all accounts, this disaster could have been averted. Yet it was allowed to happen. Why?

Obviously there must be a profit motive, not for BP but for the PFitK. Having established this fact we will proceed to examine the deliberate misleading information BP has been giving recently. In every post-disaster recovery efforts, there is the right way and the wrong way. No crime is committed, even if the wrong (but profitable) way was deliberately chosen. There is no lack of senseless recovery works that can be carried out without contributing anything to the recovery or the welfare of the Gulf Victims (environment, people and marine wildlife). Readers can contribute more examples but for now we concentrate on the high cost items.

Four Drilling Rigs at Site

We can argue until the cows come home on BP’s intentions but does BP really need four expensive rigs at the cost of 0.5 to 1 million USD/day at the Macondo site? Even if they need to drill more wells (relief or otherwise) it would stretch resources to the hilt with 5 wells going together within the same site. But if the intention is to chalk up tax-deductible expenses for the idling rigs then it made sense. No wonder the recovery costs keep ballooning especially in early November with an additional 7.7 billion USD.

Normal exploration budgets are guided by precedence. In a mega-disaster, there is virtually no cost control. Would BP exploit the disaster to dump all their idling rigs into the Macondo site? You bet BP will, given its opportunistic instincts. BP’s unfortunate partners (Mitsui and Anadarko) will have to foot 10% and 25% respectively. Few would dare to question the need for four drilling rigs under classified disaster circumstances. Is that why the Live Feed from West Sirius ROV1 is still shown on BP’s website even though West Sirius had moved out of the Macondo site to park at the edge of Mississippi Canyon, south of Grand Isle? Obviously the ROV1 cannot be deployed from West Sirius to work at the Macondo site 165km away. Alternatively if the ROV1 is working at the Mississippi Canyon (for whatever reasons), the daily operation cost of West Sirius cannot be charged to the Macondo Post-Disaster Recovery Program (MPDRP). Any responsible corporation would not cheat and evade tax on an unfortunate disaster.

It would probably look less absurd if West Sirius was sitting within the Macondo Site. It however, moved out less than a week (3 NOV) after an earlier posting (A New Drilling Rig At Macondo Site) questioned the need for 4 drilling rigs to be stationed so close to each other. Drilling rigs normally work in isolation with support vessels. This was strange when Well A was already declared capped in mid July and permanently killed in mid Sept by DD3 at Relief Well C.

There was not much news on DD2 at Relief Well D. Industry’s experts were surprised when BP spared no efforts to drill 2 relief wells when one should be sufficient. Anyone questioning the need for two relief wells in May would have been scorned, if not “executed”in the press. This is the unconstrained purchasing power of any disaster; 911, Afghan War, Iraqi War or any disaster-relief efforts. You question, you die either by character assassination or … !

Anyway, it was thought to be a good PR move, to show the world that BP would spare no effort to contain the spill. Those with the “evil thoughts” that BP could be fielding the additional drilling rig to pad up the MPDRP expenses had to hold their tongues and wait to be vindicated. But when the Discovery Enterprise (DE) was added on and all the 3 rigs (DE, DD2 and DD3) did not demobilize from site after the completion of the relief wells, the suspicion firmed up. When the West Sirius moved in, all doubts were erased.

Drilling rigs that do not drill offer many corrupt opportunities. With skeletal maintenance crew and cooperation between the operation managers of BP and contractors, the lure to “capitalize” on operational costs for unused operation workers is just too high to ignore. Even at the minimum average of 500 USD/day/worker for 100 workers works out to be 1,500,000 USD/month per rig. This common scam of fielding virtual workers is undetectable by outside parties except the most diligent accountant / QC consultant.

Materials, consumables and disposable instruments offer abundant opportunities for site managers to cooperate with suppliers to cheat. Besides wastage, the important question is “Are some of the work at site warranted or merely to line the pockets?” It is virtually impossible to QC the volume needed to grout the seafloor, notwithstanding whether they were effective or necessary. Like virtual workers, the reported amount consumed could actually be more than triple the actual amount used. No wonder contractors, body shops and suppliers laughed all the way to the bank, and workers paid handsomely with bonuses do not talk.

If anyone has any doubt in this, just look up the drilling rig position at For months tracking the drilling rigs’ position was never a problem. A week after A New Drilling Rig At Macondo Site was posted on 31 Oct, the position of these rigs went haywire. DE was flung (virtually) to Lake Superior, DD2 to South Pacific and DD3 to Arctic, Africa and South Pacific. It is hilarious that BP would control website to adulterate the satellite position. These position anomalies just confirmed the accuracy of this report and our previously reported ROV coordinates adulteration. It also confirms BP’s record spending on buying up websites like The Oil Drum and bloggers so that they speak kindly of BP in spite of BP’s evil deeds. No wonder the mainstream media all over the world speak with one silent voice on BP’s misguided ways. Now you understand.

So when BP says “We Are Here To Stay And Make Things Right”, they probably meant it wholeheartedly. Who wouldn’t? With impunity for causing any disaster (Alaska pipeline, Texas Refinery, Macondo and future) life is good for BP in America when they make things right (for themselves).

The following diagrams plot the movements and current locations of the relevant drilling rigs.


Position of Development Driller 2:


Position of Development Driller 3:


Position of Discoverer Enterprise:

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It appears the Macondo Well has had a hasty funeral


Is the last rite for the Macondo Well for real?

- BK Lim

- 8 Nov 2010.

After the flurry of activities at the Macondo site in the last week of October until today at 2am, the Macondo Well Site suddenly becomes quiet and abandoned. The unexpected removal of West Sirius out of the Macondo Site on 2 Nov apparently signaled a sudden 180º change in the direction of operation. The ROV video showing the solitary wellhead with the cap labeled “In Memory of the Deep Water Horizon, 11” and a steady stream of gas bubbles coming out from the southern side of the wellhead, says it all.  Is the last rite for the ill-fated Macondo Well for real?

The pictures in the figures speak for themselves.  It is a clear admission of defeat.

Click on each picture to enlarge.

Gaping holes eroded by escaping gas

New fissures developing in the seafloor.


As if on cue, the presidential Gulf Oil spill panel issued their preliminary findings to absolve BP of blame.

“No evidence was found that a conscious decision was made to sacrifice safety in order to save money, the presidential Gulf oil spill panel said in preliminary findings released Monday  8 Nov 2010.”

“Fred Bartlit, Jr., the panel’s chief investigator, said in his presentation to the seven-member oil spill commission that he agreed with about 90 percent of BP’s findings, although the company left out some critical details and there were other areas where the panel’s probe will conflict.”

“““End of Quote.

If such blatant abuse of power, safety inconsideration, misconduct and public display of deception can be tolerated, there is little hope for the future. More man-made catastrophes loom in the horizon.  Tony Hayward can have his life of luxurious yachting back but can the American Public?  Can a dead well rest in peace when it is not really dead?

See the gapping fissures and blown out craters around the well before the BOP was removed and more cement pumped in on 6 Nov 2010 to fill up them up. These are understandably temporary patch-ups as the Macondo Disaster has already tilted beyond Patch-UP.

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Siesta Key GOM beach sample with 173 ppm of BP’s Oil (Macondo Prospect)

Testing the Waters reports that a GOM beach sample from Siesta Key, FL  contains 173

ppm of BP’s oil from the Macondo Prospect.  A fingerprint match was identified by the testing laboratory.

What makes this finding so extraordinary is that it came from a citizens’ initiative -TESTING THE WATERS – which was formed by Gulf Coast residents who simply want to know if their beaches are oil free, the water is clean enough to swim in, and the seafood is safe to eat.

Isn’t this what government is supposed to do? Test the water! They test it for everything else, and yet getting regular testing like this done seems to take an act of GOD.

Does BP have such a lock on the entire governmental system responsible for the necessary testing, interpreting and reporting of these kinds of results that we still do not hear from the EPA, FL DEP, NOAA, CDC, Coast Guard, State/County Public Health Departments, etc. in any substantive way. And when we do hear from the appropriate government bureaucracy, it’s pure propaganda.

So, here we have individual citizens putting up their own money to fund essential testing from a public health and safety standpoint. Isn’t this what are tax dollars are for? If so, what are they doing with the tax revenue besides promoting the BP marketing campaign. You know, the one that lulls you to sleep with the cyborg mouthing the words:

The seafood is safe to eat … don’t worry.

The water is safe to swim in … be happy.

The beaches are oil-free … come and relax.

Perhaps it’s time we all held those government authorities and departments accountable for at least doing their bare minimum jobs. Obviously, they have chosen to not hold BP responsible for anything. (See today’s headline below at Yahoo! News – 11/08/10)

“Panel: Dollars did not trump safety in Gulf spill”

If you still don’t believe it, here it is a couple of more times.;_ylt=AsEdY3szJfIYjR341Mw1.mB34T0D;_ylu=X3oDMTM0YXNjYTlqBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAxMTA4L3VzX2d1bGZfb2lsX3NwaWxsX2ludmVzdGlnYXRpb24EcG9zAzEEc2VjA3luX2FydGljbGVfc3VtbWFyeV9saXN0BHNsawNwYW5lbGRvbGxhcnM-

**Posted by the Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference on Monday, November 8, 2010**

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Here are the official results from Testing the Waters:



by Testing The Gulf Water – Citizen’s Initiative on Monday, November 8, 2010 at 3:39pm







Dec. 3, 2010