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GLOBAL ELITES' HOAXES ("Global Warming", "Greenhouse Gas Emissions", "Ozone Depletion", "Climate Change") EXPOSED -- THE TRUE PROBLEM REVEALED (updated 5-16-170

Rocky Montana

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GLOBAL ELITES' HOAXES ("Global Warming", "Greenhouse Gas Emissions", "Ozone Depletion", "Climate Change") EXPOSED -- THE TRUE PROBLEM REVEALED

Rocky Montana

May 14, 2017

This writing is dedicated to revealing the true nature of Earth's and Earthman's true environmental problems which began in earnest approximately 70 years ago.  If you do nothing but read the quoted material below, you will know the true source and cause of Earth's environmental problems.  Further, you will know more about the worldwide problems than 90% of mankind.  Finally, with this new-found knowledge, you will begin to learn what every able-minded, able-bodied person on this planet can do to help solve these man-created problems.  You must realize that the truth has been concealed  and twisted into convoluted lies to fool the masses for decades.  But the truth has also been available to the masses for decades.  It is my hope that you will read and consider this entire article with an open mind and not dismiss it just because it does not agree with what you have been told by the Global Elites paid "experts", socialist college professors, the mainstream propaganda media, and your friends and colleagues.       

This writing is also dedicated to exposing the Global Elite and their conjured, pseudo-scientific terms of "Greenhouse gas emissions", "Ozone depletion", "Global Warming" and now "Climate Change").  While some of these terms represent truths, agents of the Global Elite spin these truths for the purpose of the "carbon tax" (another conjured, pseudo-scientific term) money-making scheme.  Their carbon taxes mandate, to be imposed on virtually every business and industry in the world, is nothing more than an excuse to impose an enormous tax all the people of the Earth via charging all businesses on the planet for their so-called "carbon footprint".  It is the nature of the beast, the Global Elite, to consolidate control and power, to extort money, and to usurp freedom and liberty from the people. 

Quoting from Phoenix Journal 14:

"You are having an increase of carbon dioxide from so many reasons I have not room to outlay in this portion.  However, you are not having increased global warming and records of your own scientists over the past decade prove it.  You ARE having intensified heating in the summers in many, many locations and more frigid winters. The extremes are compounded by atmospheric and manual manipulation of atmosphere.  You will see less and less seasonal changes and more sliding from, say, winter to summer and summer to winter, etc.  The "typical" seasons as you would describe them, are all but absent.

'With the extreme temperature changes, deforestation, melting of your polar ice caps, etc., there will be catastrophic changes in conditions with increasing wind velocities, irregular rainfalls with extreme droughts and flooding.  It will be for protection from the elements, as much as for survival of wars, that your shelter and reserve food storage shall be most useful.  You are moving into a time of incredible extremes which man is not evolved sufficiently to withstand.  You must have protections, as must your domestic animals and food plants if you are to survive the cycle of change." 

--Germain - Phoenix Journal 14 - R.R.P P.* *RAPE, RAVAGE, PILLAGE AND PLUNDER OF THE PHOENIX, VOL. I , Chapter 8, Pages 75-76.

The notion that excess carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is the cause of all our environmental problems, i.e.,  is a half-truth, which is a lie.  Increasing carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere is a symptom of the true problem and a contributing factor, but it is not the cause of increased warming of the planet.  The Global Elite conjured the canard that "man-made carbon dioxide emissions is responsible for "Global Warming" and "Ozone Depletion" ", etc., in order to conceal the true cause of all our environmental problems.  And then to compound the lie, they conjured the "carbon tax".  "Carbon taxes" will not replenish the depleted oxygen levels in the atmosphere; they will not increase ozone levels in the stratosphere; they will not control/reverse the melting polar ice caps and glaciers.  "Carbon taxes" will, however, result in enriching the Global Elite while making the rest of the world's population poorer.  It is time to wake up from this global tyrannical nightmare and put an end to the "carbon tax" hoax.

Man's incessant mining and use of radioactive materials since the early 20th century is the true cause of the environmental changes and problemsMan must learn that the dirtiest and deadliest energy source of all is uranium.  Although invisible to the naked eye, uranium use, from nuclear fuels, nuclear weapons testing/use (above and below ground), nuclear waste, all disperse into the atmosphere, on the land and in the water and is deadly to every lifeform in the planet.  The Global Elites have failed to explain these things and more.  They fail to explain that the mining and use of uranium have caused radioactivity to exist the world over and is the true reason for the recent and rapid melting of polar ice caps and glaciers.  They fail to explain that the radioactive use, waste, cause nuclear dispersion and fallout which kills oxygen in the atmosphere, kills the greatest oxygen generator in the oceans, phytoplankton, and kills the greatest oxygen generator on land, trees.  They fail to explain that when phytoplankton and trees die, oxygen levels drop and all other life suffers.  These causes of imbalance of the natural order, caused by man, are what is responsible for the depletion of oxygen and the increase of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere.

If the Global Elite really wanted to solve the Earth's environmental problems, they would have banned the mining and use of uranium long ago; they would have banned the building of nuclear power plants; they would have banned nuclear-powered ocean vessels; they would have banned nuclear weapons, and they would have banned clear-cutting the rain forests without reforestation.  Why have they failed to do these things?  Simply because the Global Elite are greedy and corrupt beyond measure and these resources provide the them with money and power.  They have no intent to stop their exploitation of these resources.  So they conjure canards (lies) to explain the environmental problems facing mankind and "carbon taxes" to fleece the entire world.     

If "carbon taxes" collected world-wide were used to shut down the mining and use of uranium world-wide, restock the oceans, rivers and lakes with phytoplankton and restock the lands with trees, oxygen depletion could be reversed possibly within decades.  But don't count on the Global Elitists giving up their greed and extortion scam.  Wouldn't it be more logical and less costly to work with God and Nature to help restore balance to the environment?  It only takes the concerted understanding, will, and effort of a few armed with the truth to begin an environmental truth awareness process that could spread the world over. 

Quoting from Phoenix Journal 33:

"Each living body has a normal temperature and pulsation frequency which must be constant in order to live and grow.  Death begins with the slightest upset of that normalcy.  Even one degree of extra heat beyond 98.6 will upset the entire metabolism of man.  That one degree of fever is one fifth of his way to death.  That is equally true of everything.  Your planet already has a degree of "fever", caused by radioactivity—not greenhouse effect nor missing ozone.  That one degree has already upset the earth’s metabolism enough to cause many fishes in the seas to migrate into colder waters.  It is causing ice caps and glaciers to melt, etc.  Actually the degree registers a bit above one degree and rising.  Less than ten more degrees of radioactive fever will make of your planet a barren waste!"

--Hatonn/Germain - Phoenix Journal 33, MURDER BY ATOMIC SUICIDE - PLEIADES CONNECTION IV , Chapter 3, Page 52.

The heating of the planet by 1 plus degree F., the melting of the polar ice caps and glaciers, the depletion of oxygen levels in Earth's atmosphere, the ever-increasing cases of skin cancer and genetic mutations, mass fish migrations to colder waters, marine animal and land animal die-offs, and all life becoming sicker and sicker with no end in sight, sums up the Earth's environmental problems, which Man has yet to face.

Nuclear fall-out, radiation, leakage and contamination in the air, on land, and in the oceans and in fresh water sources have been building up world-wide for the past 70 plus years, due to the insane atomic/nuclear use in WWII and previous, subsequent nuclear bomb testing above and below ground, the use of nuclear power plants world-wide, which leak poisonous radiation into the air, ground and water.  As of June 2015, there were 438 nuclear power plants in 31 countries and it is said that there is over 1,000 ships using nuclear reactors, which also leak nuclear radiation waste wherever they go.

Quoting from Phoenix Journal 33:

"You will find that miserable bouts of "flu", etc., are very debilitating and, frankly, mimic in symptom similarity, radioactive sickness--it is something that it is time to consider in your portfolio of concerns.  Just from that which you have released into your atmosphere (for radioactivity is less at ground level than in the higher elevations) you are experiencing increasing bombardment--the scientists want you to think it is ozone depletion--it is radiation buildup.  Face it and then perhaps we can begin to counter the situation." 

--Hatonn/Germain - Phoenix Journal 33, MURDER BY ATOMIC SUICIDE - PLEIADES CONNECTION IV , Chapter 3, Pages 55-56.  

The Global Elite will never admit that their reckless mining and use of uranium have caused these problems.  Further, it doesn't look like they will stop the building and testing of nuclear weapons and using deadly uranium to heat water and produce electricity.  They continue to hide the truth by banning books and research reports, by silencing whistle-blowers, and by using their government and media prostitutes to continue to hide the truth and brainwash the masses.  And so Man and all other life on Earth continues to be slowly irradiated to illness and death.  But the truth about this global problem has been revealed and is being shared far and wide.  What will man do with this knowledge when armed with this truth, remains to be seen.

Quoting from Phoenix Journal 33:

 "Radioactivity has come into general use and there is a continual discharging of ultramicroscopic particles by the billions per square mile.  Thousands of ships are also now utilizing such material and are releasing radioactivity into the seas which is already killing great numbers of your sea life.  How long will it be before there is no fit food grown because of the pollution of material from the power plants in motion about your planet?  How long will it be before there is no untainted food?  Why do you think we are urging a move to grow in underground growing houses which protect from elements and radiation?  Further, we will probably show you how to grow in mixtures of clean (deep) soil with additives of pumice-type filler to assist in cleansing the products.  Such a thing as the "normal" food you are accustomed to will soon be impossible for you as it is for the cow, which is now compelled to eat contaminated grass to make into the milk you drink and the meat you consume.

"... It is insane to believe that Man would actually continue to produce sure death--so we have to assume that they do not know the full extent of that which they do and work on the assumption of the lies and misfortune of scientific knowledge.  It must be that the deadly nature of the killer metals is simply not known, nor that their power to kill lies in their power to expand every other atom or cell of matter with which they come in contact.  It is that very power which makes them valuable and necessary in their own environment.  Their ability to expand and "kill" granite, basalt, and other rock formations, gives to earth the few feet of decayed soil, atmosphere and water necessary for organic life."

--Hatonn/Germain - Phoenix Journal 33, MURDER BY ATOMIC SUICIDE - PLEIADES CONNECTION IV , Chapter 6, Page 74-75, 78, 79.

Does our species want to replenish and rebalance the dwindling oxygen supply in the atmosphere?  If so, we should start by learning and then sharing the truth with the public about the deadly effects caused by the mining and use of uranium.  We should advocate for:

1.    stopping uranium mining and returning all existing uranium stock piles back into underground rocks from which it came and spread out as sparsely as it was found.  As most of the uranium was extracted from living rock, it should be returned to mountains of living rock in appropriate proportions so that it is allowed to fulfill its natural purpose. 

2.    the restocking of depleted and dying oceans with new phytoplankton and all other marine animal species which have been devastated by radiation poisoning.

3.    the testing of all foods for nuclear radiation exposure and ban foods with too high radiation levels for human consumption.

4.   the UP.S. government to release confiscated and concealed inventions for alternative energy, and that these inventions be allowed to be developed, sold and used world-wide.

We should advocate against mining and using deadly uranium above ground.  And we should advocate against further depletion and clear-cutting of the rain forests without reforestation. 

Phytoplankton, trees and all other vegetation consume sunlight and carbon dioxide to produce oxygen and food (photosynthesis) for animals and humans to eat.  You see?  God and Nature has the solution to balance the Earth's atmosphere if only Man would stop interfering and effort to help the process.  The roots of trees and plants also require oxygen; this is why the farmer aerates the soil around his crops.  NASA has recently reported that only 30 percent of the land is covered by trees, which illustrates that there is much land awaiting forestation and reforestation. 

Quoting from Phoenix Journal 33:

"The Miami Herald prints the following:

"... The eminent scientist authority upon radioactivity, Dr. Ralph Lapp, upholds our contention that the upper stratosphere will not send in its full bill for our payment until the late seventies.  There is no question but what the stratosphere is accumulating death rays for destruction of earth’s oxygen at an increasing rate.  The freely expressed belief that "the pull of gravity" will bring the fall-out to earth is costly to human survival.  A small percentage of the higher potential goes toward Earth, but the LARGER PERCENTAGE IS OF A POTENTIAL WHICH IS LIGHTER THAN THE EARTH PRESSURES.  These seek the upper levels and the stratospheres.  It is possible that enough has already collected to take [the] toll of millions of lives, or cause millions of defective births, even if we stopped the use of radioactivity now.  We print Dr. Lapp's warning in full, as issued by The Daily Oklahoman on July 5, 1956--and other papers."

--Germain - Phoenix Journal 33, MURDER BY ATOMIC SUICIDE - PLEIADES CONNECTION IV , Chapter 7, Pages 84-85.

The hope that Man will come to his senses and muster the courage and intelligence to do the above things appears remote.  It would, however, be a grand gesture on the part of mankind in efforting to right his past wrongs.  As Man looks into the abyss, he sees a bleak future staring back at him, at which point he should realize that the most important thing he can do to change his future is to work with GOD and Nature, not against them, thus becoming the solution instead of the problem.  Asking for God's help in this endeavor is essential, in my view.  "Ask and you shall receive", remember?   

Quoting from Phoenix Journal 33:

"Why don't we alien life-forms just drop in and "fix" things for you?  Well, for one very good reason among many, we really don't want to get nuked!  We understand the problem and don't really have any intent of committing radioactive atomic suicide.  Ours will likely be in service of getting as many off your "hot rock" as will turn unto God within the next few years of your counting time.  It does not generally bode well for the planet, however.  If you stopped your foolish suicide mission today, you have such an incredible build-up that total reversal is highly improbable at any rate or effort expended.  Ability to sustain some life-forms on the planet is possible but that, too, is getting to be a most dim probability in the long millenniums of perceived "future".  Radioactivity is already seeping into EVERY aquifer on your globe.  You have no means to counter or neutralize it.

"Oh, God should fix it for you?  WHY?

"The greatest and most powerful expression of fear from the use of radioactivity which had been made by anyone among the higher intellectuals, up to 1957, is the following world-broadcast by Dr. Albert Schweitzer to the Norwegian Nobel Committee, asking that "public opinion demand an end to nuclear tests."

"The New York Times, April 24, 1957.

"SCHWEITZER URGES WORLD OPINION TO DEMAND END OF NUCLEAR TESTS: Nobel Winner's Pleas Broadcast in 50 Lands Says Alternative is Catastrophe for Mankind. ...

[Note:  Dr. Schweitzer's complete speech is available for reading in Phoenix Journal 33, MURDER BY ATOMIC SUICIDE - PLEIADES CONNECTION IV, pp. 96-100.]

"You petition me to assure you that "things are better now because there is no longer much above-ground testing".  No, I cannot tell you that for it is far worse now.  You have myriads of countries all over the globe now using power plants and doing underground testing--constantly.  Daily there is testing.  The underworld is alive with nuclear radiation--now spread around the entire periphery of the globe.  As these volcanos erupt and the fissures form and break at the fault lines, and massive heat buildup surfaces from the hot lava beneath the testing areas--the deadly material will spew forth as the deadly toxic material from all volcanic activity in addition to more and more of it being radioactive.

"You have effectively allowed the murder by suicide and nuclear holocaust--an entire planet and planet life-forms.  There may be no such thing as "time" nor "space" BUT THERE IS SEQUENCE OF EVENTS AND MOTION!

"What can you do to save your species?  About all I see as a sure bet--is to get off the place while you still can--ah, but you can't, can you?  You have been lied to about the transportation system also, have you not?  Are you still in great enamorment and captivation of those leaders who have set this plague upon you?  So be it.

"God has told you exactly how it will be and what you as a people must do to change this thing come upon you--and what have you done? There are not enough yellow ribbons in the entire of the world to mourn this day, my chelas--not in all they entirety of the world.  You sit squarely atop the time-bomb awaiting final detonation.  OH YES, INDEED, THERE ARE MANY ONES WHO WILL SACRIFICE AND DESTROY YOUR ENTIRE PLANET TO GAIN THEIR OWN PERCEIVED AMBITIONS--MANY!


--Germain - Phoenix Journal 33, MURDER BY ATOMIC SUICIDE - PLEIADES CONNECTION IV, Chapter 8, Pages 95-96, 100-101. 

My sincere appreciation and gratitude goes to Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn and Violinio Germain for bringing the truth of mankind's current condition and foremost problem, as referenced in the above excerpts, which are taken from the two Phoenix Journals referenced below.  I encourage everyone to read or reread these Phoenix Journals and to share this information far and wide.