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Kaminski: Letter to Daniel Swift

John Kaminski

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Re: The Bughouse: The Poetry, Politics and Madness of Ezra Pound, by Daniel Swift, New York: Farrar Strauss & Giroux, first American edition, 2017, $27



Hello Daniel,


So there I was, making one of my frequent visits to North Port Library, to pick up usually four CDs of almost exclusively classical music, and since I had completely picked over their collection over a number of years, often wound up choosing CDs I had previously selected, such as Bach’s Adagios, Faure’s Cantique de Jean Racine, Morton Lauridsen’s Lux aeterna and perhaps a little Albinoni or Rachmaninoff; and then of course, one book, usually about ancient history from 900 nonfiction section. But this time I unexpectedly swerved into the biography aisle and The Bughouse caught my eye. The name of the author meant nothing to me at the time I snatched the book off the shelf, having completely forgotten our previous conversations via email in 2013, or our long Skype conversation that followed thereafter.


Since I usually read actual books during meals (most of my reading most of the time in recent years has been on the Internet), the book sat on my dining table for a few weeks as I toured through it a little bit at a time. I thought the introduction was positively lyrical; in fact I want to go back and find those little patches that made me stop and savor them.


And then I was mostly saddened by those poets who visited Uncle Ez in the Bughouse, seeking to energize their own pathetic careers or bask in the reflected glory of their visits to him and their own interpretations of their conversations with this famous poet accused of treason and incarcerated in a mental institution. I had been waiting for a mention of Eustace Mullins, who often billed himself as Pound’s protege, hoping that I might learn something new about the relations between them, so I was significantly amazed when I found my own name before I ever found Eustace’s.


I thought your recounting of our conversation about Eustace was accurate as I remembered except for one inconsequential glitch that I had taken him on tour in the final year of his life when in fact that I had only met him during that tour, which was conducted by a Texas preacher named Jesse Lee who exhibited the care and concern of a skilled nurse in taking care of this fading legend. I had only participated in conversations for three days on a tour that had probably lasted more that a year. If I remember correctly Eustace died several months after our chats. I think that misunderstanding between you and me was probably as much my fault in reciting the details as it might have been your misunderstanding of what I had explained. In any case the inaccuracy was only a faulty minor detail.


But while I have no complaints about the academically fastidious book you produced I did want to mention the lack of understanding you seemed to exhibit about the commitment Ezra Pound exhibited to forcefully oppose the reasons for the war that you — and the rest of the general public — continue to perceive as madness. 


For in fact, Ezra was the sane one, and the people who conducted the war against Germany were the madmen.


In my writings, I have repeatedly described the regrettable carnage of World War II as the victory of three Jewish controlled countries — the USA, Great Britain and the Soviet Union — over the last chance humanity had to escape the worldwide tyranny of the Jewish bankers, who now control 100 percent of the wealth of the world. It was Roosevelt — descendant of two mighty Jewish families, the Rosenfelds and the Delanos and great fan of the Communist Soviet Union — who started WW2 by instituting an oil embargo against Japan and concealing the pre-attack intelligence about Pearl Harbor from the commanding officers of the U.S. fleet in Hawaii. 


It was Churchill — whose bankruptcy was averted by having his overdue mortgage paid by rich Jews — who began WW2, first by dropping the first bombs and then by constantly rejecting German peace offers. 


And it was Stalin who was primarily responsible for murdering 66 million non Jews in the USSR (according to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn), yet received the support of Roosevelt, Churchill and the big bankers of the West. Churchill, the drunken British prime minister during the war, even admitted after the war that it was fought for economic reasons, and not because of any intrinsic evil emanating from Germany.


I trust I don’t need to inform you that today big Jewish money controls the press of the entire world, which is why Hitler remains the world’s arch villain to this day, when all he wanted was to save Germany from the usurers who had obliterated his country during World War I and then ravaged it in an unfair peace conference sandbagged by Jews.


So how can you ever insist that Pound was the insane one for opposing this colossal deception? Your only excuse is that you do not know history; you are severely trapped and misled by the false mainstream version of it.


Especially now as the entire world in locked down into silence and separation with a contrived virus that has absolutely destroyed our freedom of speech and our liberty to travel at will, to continue to insist that Pound was the madman is something that you and your conscience ought to reconsider if you wish to possess a reputation that will be deemed valid into the future.


Poetry has become a minor and largely forgotten pastime because of its historical ignorance. The constant focus on style and context is a malignant narcissism that totally ignores the lies that have been told by rich men who seek to exploit, fleece and destroy the common people. Pound saw that. Mullins recorded it. Your superficial treatment of both is inexcusable, or, is the typical ignorance of poetry that has flushed reality down the drain in favor of meaningless style.


From your terminology I can see you are steeped in false Jewish stereotypes


You call Pound a racist and in the same sentence note that he thought the summit of human truth was to be found in African myth, Chinese philosophy and Japanese plays. You fail to see the irony of your statement.


Pound was not the madman; Pound was a patriot, a staunch defender of humans and humanity. Roosevelt and all the presidents since were and are the insane ones, willing and deceitful criminals, murdering innocents and calling it the defense of freedom when the people they killed could not and and did not a hair on a fly buzzing around the excrement of hypocritical American foreign policy.


Roosevelt started World War II, first by keeping the codebreaking machines from the eyes of the commanders at Pearl Harbor, who easily could have avoided the Japanese attack had they known it was coming. Churchill, the infamous squanderer of the lives of British troops at Gallipoli in a previous war, was a bankrupt sop who was saved by rich Jews after he promised he would disregard all of Hitler’s peace offers and bomb Germany on his first day in office as prime minister, which he did.


In your otherwise factitious book, you didn’t ever really get at the truth, which was that Pound was right and the Jewish dominated governments of the world were wrong, an ultimate miscarriage of justice which continues today in all its terrifying demonic force.


Ezra Pound was not the madman; the Jewish dominated governments who started and won World War Two — and killed 57 million people in the process — were.


Writing about the early 20th century poet Laura Riding, The Poetry Foundation recently expressed another idea.


“The famous poetry critic Donald Davie (whom you quote) reviewing anonymously for the Times Literary Supplement, stated that “once Keats had declared ‘Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty,’ seeming to affirm an indissoluble unity [between the two], it was inevitable that sooner or later there would appear a poet who, having believed in Keats’s assurance, would find that it didn’t square with experience, and would be honest enough to say so.”


Laura Riding finally gave up poetry, because she found it incompatible with truth.


Your book is inadvertent proof of that.


If you desire to really understand why he did what he did, you would do well to read my website carefully. Mr. Pound would have liked it a lot. With it, you can definitely begin your escape from misleading mainstream claptrap. Otherwise, you will remain one of them — an enemy of humanity and falsifier of history, possessed of none of the sheer courage Ezra Pound exhibited by opposing the Satanic Jewish war machine.


Best wishes,

John Kaminski