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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----
From: DM
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 3:56 PM
Subject: Obama as Emperor
Dear Mr. Bellringer, one of your fans with whom I was discussing in a forum challenged me to write directly to you and ask for a comment. My question is in regard to the following statement you made in "The Power of Spirit" you wrote on Dec. 9, 2013: 
"The U.S. unlawful Corporate Government is drunken with greed and power, fraught with deceit and corruption and so Satanic, as to care nothing whatsoever for the needs of the people of this nation, let alone those of the world.  World Empire is their goal.  Make no mistake about it, they desire Obama to be Emperor Absolute!"
My question is this: are you aware or is the spirit Esu Immanuel Sananda aware that President Obama made plans to retire from politics when his second term ends? What is your comment on this news story published in the Huffington Post that President Obama plans to work with young Americans when he retires? What is your response to this other report by the Hollywood Reporter that he desires to host ESPN's SportsCenter Top 10 List? 
Will Obama still be Emperor?

Thank you for any information you may provide.
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  DM
DATE:  June 20, 2014
Dear DM:
    Thank you for your letter and question.  "Will Obama still be Emperor?"  No!  Obama has already been tossed aside for a new puppet "Emperor" to fool the people.  Obama has reaped great Karma and will be held accountable under God's Laws, and probably under Common Law for great crimes including treason.
    The One World Order will march on under the charade of a new puppet"Emperor" until we stop it.  God and the Forces of Light will help us, but they will not do it for us.  Apparently, our military does not understand this, or they are controlled by fear, so they do no act to remove Obama from office.
    Pray with us that change to Goodness shall come soon.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: DM
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2014 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: Obama as Emperor
Dear Mr. Bellringer:
Thank you for your reply. I have a few follow-up questions for you: 
1) How and when did you know Obama has been tossed asides for the puppet "Emperor"?
2) Who will be the puppet "Emperor"?
3) What great crimes did Obama commit that constitute treachery?
Thank you,
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  DM
DATE:  June 21, 2014
SUBJECT:   Reply
Dear DM:
    Obama had four years running to pull off martial law and slam-dunk all resisters into Fema camps. He failed!  Time was needed to bring the Bush Crime Family's plan to completion to put Jeb Bush in place as the new and last "Emperor", so Obama was allowed a second term.  Of course, clone Hillary Clinton is being used in this One World Order plan to control the world, but first the U.S. must be brought to its knees.
    From We the People's point of view the crimes Obama has committed are legion.  Read the article we recently posted entitled "Obama's Government = Organized Crime.."  Because the One World Order considers Obama expendable, and the "People" know of his repeated treason, it is highly unlikely that he shall finish his term alive.  With the people waking us, hopefully, the OWO shall be decimated this year.
    Are you a new reader to Fourwinds?  There is also a spiritual aspect to the chaos in our world, and in the end, God wins!
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer


# 2  (Reply)


----- Original Message -----
From: DM
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2014 12:16 AM
Subject: Re: Obama as Emperor
Dear Mr. Bellringer,
1. So Obama failed to institute martial law and throw resisters into FEMA camps within four years of his Presidency. How do you think he failed to carry this out? What were the impeding factors? Was it laziness? Was it lack of motivation? Where did he fail?



2. Re the One World Order's plan for Jed Bush to be crowned Emperor of the world, are you aware of the current report that some Republican strategists doubt Jed Bush will be running in 2016 but will accept instead a post as Vice-President. Does this mean he won't be Emperor after all but instead Vice-Emperor?

3. You say that Hillary Clinton is being cloned in order to ensure the One World Order's plan for control of the world is carried out, correct? Or is she just a clone? If so, what is wrong with the original? Where is she? And scientifically speaking, cloning an embryo or young plant, that I can understand, but cloning an adult? A human carbon copy of the adult so to speak? How does this work?
4. How precisely will the U.S. be brought to its knees?
Thank you,
FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  DM
DATE:  June 22, 2014
Dear DM:
     I prefer not to continue this dialogue, as I do not know your intent, and you are lacking greatly in basic knowledge that our readers have known for many years.
     Cloning was perfected by Russia in the late 1970's, Bush, Sr. was clone #34 when he left office, and Bill Clinton, #20.  Hillary has been cloned many years ago.  Should Hillary land Jeb win the presidency, clone Hillary would be removed leaving Jeb to be Emperor.
     Please do your own research.  Read the Phoenix Journals, Hello, Central! forum, etc.  We have an archive of fantastic knowledge, free to all.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
#3  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: DM
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2014 8:28 PM
Subject: Re: Obama as Emperor
Dear Mr. Bellringer: 
Rest assured that my intent is benign and it is simply to investigate what the truth is. Pardon if I was jesting with that term "vice-emperor." What you are saying sounds quite incredible to my ears. I ask for your patience. I am seeking to understand this: 
Regarding the science of cloning, according to this website (link below), instant cloning is not possible. To clone a person one would need to start with an embryo. Was Hillary Clinton cloned when she was an embryo? Was Bush also cloned too when he was an embryo? How is it possible for one to know that those embryos would one day turn into political leaders when they grow up into adulthood? 
Thank you.
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  Dan MM
DATE:  June 22, 2014
Dear DM:
    Thank you for your clarification of your intent.  Your assumption of starting a clone with an embryo is incorrect.  The DNA from a single cell is all that is needed to produce an adult human clone in less than thirty-six hours.  The brain is then down-loaded with the memory of the original person or with whatever information is desired to control the clone.
    The technology and knowledge of the evil Cabal One World Order Illuminati is anywhere from one hundred years to one thousand years ahead of that given to the masses.  I can understand these things sounding incredible to you, if you are just now waking up to Truth.
    May you find the Truth you seek.
                            In Love and Light,
                           Patrick H. Bellringer