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Patrick H. Bellringer

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----- Original Message -----
From: AM
To: Bellringer
Sent: Sunday, May 05, 2013 12:39 PMSubject: Re : OPPT and New message

Dear Patrick ;

here in Italy and, as far as I know, also in Germany and other European countries, OPPT has created a cyclone on the net and on the social networks.

Many people believe OPPT will free them from the slavery of the banks as it seems that at the due time, every person will get 10 billion dollars.

On the other hand, I was following Caspers’ reports and especially the last one of yesterday with information not very enthusiastic  about Heather .

I gave my availability to translate some of the OPPT documents to be published on the OPPT Italian website, but following Caspers’ message of yesterday,

I’m now a bit confused and therefore, I’m asking you to enlighten me.

If you don’t mind, and have the responses, I would like to ask your opinion  about OPPT.

Is  what Casper says true? Is Heather after the collateral accounts? Can Heather be trusted?

Is Heather working for the Black cabal?.

Many thanks in advance for your reply.

In Love and Light.





FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
    TO:  AM
DATE:  May 6, 2013
Dear AM:
    OPPT (One People's Public Trust) is just another decoy by the Darkside to fool the people and take attention away from the true NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act) legislation of the U.S. of 2000, which will change the world, when it is enforced.
    Casper has made reference to it and the big fight by Obama to stop it.  I do believe we shall see NESARA happen---and soon.  I do not see how Mother Earth can wait much longer for mankind to act to bring and end to the Darkside's reign.
    Hold the Light, my friend, and stay hopeful.
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: AM
Sent: Monday, May 06, 2013 9:29 AM
Subject: R: OPPT

Dear Patrick ;

very many thanks for your  reply.

I wanted to have your opinion, because when I asked my spirit within whether Heather Ann Tucci ( one of the 3 people that created OPPT),  was working for the good of humanity, the response I had was positive “sik”

Following Casper’s updates, I’ve been reading for years about the Collateral Accounts. But what really are these Collateral Accounts?

Can you please explain to me or, ask Casper to explain if you do not know the answer?.

Many thanks.

In Love and Light.




FROM:  Patrick  H. Bellringer
    TO:  AM
DATE:  May 6, 2013
Dear AM:
    As I have explained in previous writings, Global Family sits above all nations, and holds control of the world's wealth, as arranged hundreds of years ago by the Family Dynasties of the world.  This wealth is held in various countries and under custodians appointed by Global Family.
    Dr. Ray C. Dam of Cambodia was appointed many years ago by Global Family, as a very low level custodian with some assets to be used only for humanitarian purposes.  These assets Dr. Dam called "Collateral Accounts" under his organization, the OITC (Office of the International Treasury Control).  Dr. Dam, Whistleblower, Keenan and others working with OITC have led people to believe they control the world's wealth, when in fact, they can do nothing without the approval of Dr. Tsai Cheng Lee of China, who is the sole signatory for the Global Family wealth.
    OITC has no connection whatsoever to NESARA, the Prosperity Programs or the Farm Claims, or to the World Trust of Violinio Germain.  Global Family wealth comes from the many Family Dynasties of the world, some as old as 5000 years and more.  Some years ago, Dr. Ray C. Dam was caught in fraudulent activity in Cambodia and subsequently was demoted in his status with Global Family.  Today, OITC hold little wealth and authority, but they have succeeded in fooling many people to believe otherwise.
    This is another example of how greed over money is a source of evil.  May Love and Light soon conquer the Darkness.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer