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'HELLO, CENTRAL! ' THE GOLDEN AGE! (Updated April 11, 2013)

Patrick H, Bellringer

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----- Original Message ----
-From: FM
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2013 4:25 PM
Subject: Golden Age???
Dear Patrick and Anne,
Is it possible that we are about to enter into a Golden Age here on Earth? With all of the new changes that are reported on the internet, it seems that God Aton of Light has postponed Mother Earth's major cleansing and letting us live for a while with the blessings which are predicted to happen soon after the Announcements.  Perhaps we will have disclosure and the release of the new technologies.
If all of this is true, then, surely the Light has won over the dark.  Many are saying that these happenings are leading us into a Golden Age of the Fifth Dimension. Though I welcome all of these blessings with great joy, I have difficulty envisioning that all evil will disappear unless there is a massive awakening of the people who will be living in harmony and brotherhood throughout the entire planet. 
How can this be when we still see all of the aggression, threats of warfare, selfishness, greed, materialism, confusion, and the evil Media still controlling the masses.
Is this Golden Age just a New Age idea that is  spreading and giving us hope? Is it possible that the major cleansing described in the Phoenix journals and the ships waiting to pick up Sananda's fold are the reality here?
I stand in wait and look forward to share my blessing of the revaluation of the dinar with many poor and needy folks.  I already have gifted some to my family and needy friends.  Surely the Truth and financial blessings that we wait is meant to bring relief to people and some time to enjoy abundance and the opportunity to share with the needy throughout the entire planet.
I realize that we have waited for so long to see Nesara be implemented and the promise of the prosperity packages being delivered, the Farm claims paid, the New Financial banking system based on precious metals completed, etc. Do you suppose that all of this is part of God's Plan to show us that the Cabal has been defeated and that we may live in peace for a while before Mother earth flips on hear axis and we are taken up into the ships?
I await your take on these concerns of mine.  Thank you for all of your postings on Fourwinds bringing us education as to what is really going on in the world.
Love and Light,
    TO:  FW
DATE:  April 11, 2013
Dear FW:
    The question you raise is most crucial to all life on Earth Shan and is one that has been debated by prophets and seers, religions and spiritual Gurus for eons, and is the foundation of the New Age movement today.  Are we to have a Golden Age on our planet,here and now, in this third dimensional experience?  The answer is a very big emphatic "No!", but let me explain.
    I understand your anticipation, your expectation and hopefulness of such to happen,after all the "Hell" we have experienced these many years past.  Finally, Light is peeking through the cracks.  Some (a few) people are gradually waking up to the Truth and the Lie.  A few new technologies have escaped the Darkside's clutches and are being revealed to the masses.  The New World Order is off in its timing by several years, the presence of our Star Friends is becoming known by some, and with the world's new financial system about to enter the scene, it would seem that "Good times" are coming to Earth Shan.
    I agree that anything better than our past experiences on this Dark Planet would be welcomed, even by the less informed.  Less war, less destruction of our environment, less disease, less evil doers, more food and shelter, free energy and disclosure of our higher dimension friends would be fantastic, but evil, always the evil, remains to counteract Goodness. More money brings more greed and corruption of all sorts.  Truly, "money is the root of all evil". 
    How do you remove evil in 3D?  Those, who, are evil, have a freewill and the right to choose evil over Goodness.  They have the right to be here, as do we.  In fact, they are here for our lessons in soul growth.  Would you have it otherwise?  How would you grow without the challenge, the choice, the temptation, the confrontation that evil provides?  3D is our schoolroom and evil provides the lessons for soul growth.
    How is it possible to have a "massive awakening", where everyone chooses to live according to the Laws of God and the Creation?  How is it possible in a freewill world to obtain "harmony and brotherhood  throughout the entire planet?"   That is only wishful thinking.  The only space in 3D that can be free of evil, is what you create---in your space, for that is the only space you control. 
    Creator God Aton (Hatonn) of Light has given to us quite clearly the ending scenario for this last 3D civilization on Shan.  Do you doubt Aton's words?  I have never detoured from Aton's message of the "end times" for our planet, as given to us in the Phoenix Journals.  That is the very reason for their existence.  One last time Creator God Aton has given us Truth, for us to find our way to the Light and to the ships.
    Evil has nearly destroyed Earth Shan over these many years, and she "can't take it anymore!"  She is about to react violently, to blow up in order to remove toxins, destruction, evil energy, to save her very life.  Removing the evil will allow her to raise her frequencies to match those of fifth dimension.  That is when we shall have the Golden Age on Shan!
    Shall we have a bit of reprieve on Shan with a new financial system, funding, new government and a peaceful world?  That is certainly possible, but only Shan knows.  If that happens, and you knew the joy and peace (and great music!) that awaits you on the ships, you would not want to stay here one minute longer.
    So, I say, let her blow!
In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer 
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: FM
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2013 8:55 AM
Subject: Re: Golden Age???
Thank you Patrick, for your words of wisdom and comfort.  That is what I have been thinking...that the message of the Phoenix Journals is the REAL  truth.  Every day I try to listen to the nudges from my angel friends, or maybe it is Creator God, Aton, himself that inspires me to help in any way that I can.  I have created for myself a happy place in my own home and seek through meditation and spiritual readings from the Journals, peace, harmony and balance.  This is my retreat from the worldly distractions as I look forward to my arrival on the ships.
I am sending a small donation to help you in your work at Fourwinds.
Gratefully, FW