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Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: DB

 To: "Bellringer" <>

 Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 2:19 PM

 Subject: America Ready to Explode with Rage

Mr. Bellringer:

 "Prediction - as America collapses and the culprit Jews are found out, people will start spilling their guts and scream bloody murder about the Jews"

 You are now inciting violence. You clearly are not a light bringer - you  are a hate bringer by continuing to print articles like the above. This is  worse than someone who wants to kill Jews through ignorance and hatred. The revolution now is one of the heart and moving to a higher level of consciousness. You are fueling the fire of fear and ignorance. We have had discussions before about the difference of educating people and helping people to become autonomous responsible human beings making wise decisions and learning about life and how to take care of our beautiful planet Earth and the plants, animals, birds, insects and  human beings that live with  the Earth and inciting hatred. It is time to return to wisdom, peace and balance. You are disseminating hatred. Please stop now. Remember you are a light being and can create a beautiful peaceful dynamic world. Thank you.

 With light and love.


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

    TO:  DB

 DATE:  Feb. 2, 2011

 SUBJECT:  Reply

Dear DB:

    Again, today, you continue your many weeks of attacks against me and  against Fourwinds for posting articles revealing the Truth about the  evilness of the Jews.  You quote Joe Talache's article "America Ready To  Explode into Emotional Rage", and claim I am a "hate bringer, inciting  violence, disseminating hatred, and clearly not a light bringer".

    I find it interesting that you use the age-old Jewish trick of avoiding  the message and attacking and discrediting the messenger to vindicate  yourself.  For the record I wish to make it very clear that I stand upon the  Laws of God and Creation, and specifically Law number twelve in that I  condemn no human being but rightly judge their actions and behavior against  the Laws of God and Creation.

    Your Bible records the confrontation the Truthbringer, Esu Immanuel  (Jesus) had with the Pharisees (Jews) of his day in Jerusalem, where he  called them "vipers and white-washed sepulchers" appearing clean on the  outside but filled with filth on the inside.

    Judaism is the most vile "religion" on our planet.  No other religion  teaches the murder of their enemies is quite acceptable.  Jews are taught to  lie, cheat, steal, rape or kill any non-Jew to achieve their goals.  Their  teachings stand in total opposition to the Laws of God and Creation.  It  matters not if one claims to be a Talmudic Jew or a Torah Jew or a Zionist.  All are taught and believe the same principles of the Protocols of the  Learned Elders of Zion, and all repeat the Kol Nidre yearly to exonerate  their evil.

    When everything is our civilization has been orchestrated and  minipulated and influenced by the evil teachings and the evilness of the  Zionist/Bolshevik/Khazar/Jew/Judaism by whatever name, you expect me, a  Truthbringer to remain silent?

    You say you do not like what we post on Fourwinds.  Try reading the  Phoenix Journals!  At least two-thirds of these writings deal specifically  with the evilness of Judaism, Zionism, and the Jew problem, and written by  Creator God Aton (Hatonn), no less.

    There has been historically and presently no greater purveyor of  violence and hatred on this planet than the Jews by whatever name.  They  tried to kill Esu Immanuel and every other Truthbringer since then, and have  fooled the whole world, and you, with their lies.  It's a neat trick to take  the Truth of Esu's teachings and twist it, so Christians believe lies to the  point of supporting and protecting the liars.

    They constructed the Bible to their liking at the Council of Nicea  (323-325 A.D) and even voted on the acceptable name for God (Yahwah,  Jehovah, "Satan").   To this day Christians believe the lies, that Esu died  on the cross, that Esu died as Creator God's Son and as a ransom for their  evil deeds, that they are not responsible for their evil doing, that the Jews  are God's "chosen people", that Palestine (Israel) is their "Promised Land",  that Christians must support and protect the Jews at all costs, and that Esu  Immanuel (Jesus) will return and "rapture" them away to "Heaven" to live  happily ever after.

    I can assume that any sincere Christian or Jew would be offended and  repulsed by Fourwinds presenting such Truth to the whole world, and thus,  would attack the messenger, claiming hatred and disseminatintg violence.  Other than Judasim, no other religion in this civilization has been more  hateful, disseminated more violence and killed more people than has 


    Tell me, my friend, would you tell Esu Immanuel to stop saying the  Pharisees were "vipers' because he was inciting hatred and violence?  Would  you tell Creator God Aton of Light to "shut up", and not say that Zionism  and Judaism were the scourge of the earth, parasites of humanity?  Get real!  Wake up, before it is too late!

    I honor John Kaminski for his many truthful articles on this very important subject.  His website is:

                            In Love and Light,

                            Patrick H. Bellringer

#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From:  F
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 3:07 PM
Subject: America Ready to Explode with Rage
At least he didn't call you an anti-semite.  You did an excellent job of telling DB how it is.  I often wonder how anyone can be so blind, but I guess when your god has horns it can be expected.  People can think what they want about the bible and what you said is certainly true.  Anyhow when I read your response it reminded be of Revelations chapter3 verse 9:

"Behold I will make them of the synagogue of Satan which say they are Jews and are not."  Quite prophetic considering it was written hundreds of years before the Khazars converted to Judaism, and 90% of so called Jews don't have a drop of semitic blood.  You didn't ask him how the weather is in Tel Aviv. 


#2  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: DB
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 9:59 PM
Subject:: Fw: America Ready to Explode with Rage
 Mr. Bellringer:

   If you are teaching people advocating violence against Jewish people this is not going to help..

 The Jew you hate ---

 With light, love and peace.


#3 ( Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: DB
To: "Bellringer" <>
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2011 8:19 PM
Subject: <no subject>
 Mr. Bellringer:

 A light worker does not continually spout hatred against anyone. You ar teaching people to hate and be afraid rather than discern between the light and the dark and choose the light. How much more hatred, grief and suffering do you need to experience to begin to create with light and love?



(Response to #2 and #3)
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  DB
DATE:  Feb. 3, 2011
Dear DB:
    I have deleted all but two pertinent quotes in your second letter, so as not be bore our readers with your psycho-analysis of my personality and your opinions and ideas that are not germain to our discussion.  I include your third epistle.
    Quoting:  "If you are teaching people advocating violence against Jewish people this is not going to help." and, "The Jews you hate---"
    Where do you get this nonsense?  Does judging someone's behavior and actions, as required by Law #12 of the Laws of God and Creation, mean that you hate them?  Did Esu Immanuel hate the money-changers he drove from the Jerusalem temple?  Did he hate the Pharisees he criticized for their evil deeds?  Was he a hateful, violent man?
    Or did he say, now, now be nice to each other!  We are not going to point out anybody's wrong-doing, because that could hurt someone's feelings, which could warp their personality.  Just ignore the wrongs and be loving, because we are all One!
    Tell me, do you know the difference between hatred and righteous anger?  Esu expressed righteous anger at those doing evil deeds that hurt others.  Is that hatred?  Is that violence?  Absolutely not!  That's called "tough Love".  A true Lightworker will have strong emotions about good and evil, and will express them to teach Truth, as is his mission.
    This is the key problem with the Christian community today.  Seldom does anyone get excited and speak out in righteous anger against the evils of our day.  All is "swept under the carpet", so no feelings get hurt and no flack comes back on the speaker.  Is it better to be silent and live with the lie, than to be "attacked" for speaking the Truth?
    If you think that telling it like it is, is being hateful and inciting violence, you have many lessons to learn in soul growth, sister.  Confrontation is a very real part of stopping evil and waking up people to the Truth.  Hatred and rigtheous anger operate on two different dimensions.  May you have the wisdom to know the difference.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#4  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: AM
Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2011 6:31 AM
Subject: Hello Central "It's The Jews Stupid"
Dear Patrick,

This exchange between DB and Patrick Bellringer is a a perfect teaching example of how a word label can promote negative energy fields. The English word “Jew” was invented for that very purpose, among others, to promote this kind of negative energy field as a tool to divide and conquer people, pitting people against people. The word Jew is a label for a group of people who choose to follow a man made religion based upon the so called Jewish Talmud.

Use of the label is a two edged sword that is defensive and offensive all at the same time. This is why I call these kinds of exchanges a product of the Jewish Conundrum. This label was invented by the Khazars, master deceivers and identity thieves, who also invented the idea that Jew or Jewish is a race and a Nation. Not so. The Khazars are, and were, a mixed, mongrel tribe of barbarians. Even so, the emotions attached to this culture, religion, and cult practices needs to be processed at this end time. I support Patrick's stance. The best process is in the Light of Truth.

DB, you are not condemned nor are you hated here and neither are the people you are defending. You may feel condemned or hated because you are hurting within, as you lash out at messengers you condemn, convinced there is hate mongering going on. The reality is you may be having a wake up call. Truth can hurt, but Truth works it's own work. Does it not seem odd to you that you defend a people that promote the murder of other human beings because it says to do so in a man made religious book? What part of Creator God's commandment “Do not murder” are you not understanding? Think!

In Love and Light,