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'HELLO, CENTRAL!' WHAT TIME IS IT? (Updated Dec. 18, 2009)

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: JH
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 4:56 PM
Subject: Question Kind Sir's
I love the Christmas Story ! So If Esu was born 8-8-8 BC does that mean we are actually 8 years off? Are we actually in the year 2001? I'm sure others would be interested in this answer. Thank You, Lots of Light J. H.
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  J. H.
DATE:  Dec. 17, 2009
Dear J. H.:
    Cosmic Time can be confusing.  The Harmonic Convergence occurred on August 17, 1987 at which point both our Milky Way Galaxy, which is known in cosmic circles, as The Seventh Super Universe, completed its Great Orbit of 206 million years around the Greatest Central Sun, and our solar system completed its Pleiadian orbit of 26,000 years around Alcyone, the Great Central Sun of Pleiades, and both returned to zero point.  At that point Cosmic Time started over.  So, we are now in the 22nd year since August 17, 1987 of Cosmic Time.
    Regarding our Gregorian calendar, which was based on the birth of "Christ" or the BC/AD point in time, that has been off by several years from its beginning.  The true birth of Esu Immanuel, as you have stated, is August 8, 8 BC.  Thus, our present calendar was already off by eight years when it began.
    Secondly, the number of days in each month were irregular, and the number of months were incorrect, according to Cosmic Time.  To be correct our calendar should have been a lunar calendar based upon the cycles of the moon of 28 days.  Each month should have been 28 days long with 13 months in a year.  This would make 364 days in a year.
    Because astronomers had calculated that we were off by one-fourth day (6 hours) every year, a day was added to February every fourth year to correct the error.  This gave February 29 days for that "leap year".  I do not have all the details on this subject, but due to the errors over the last 2000 years we are 14 years behind in our counting of time by our calendar, plus the 8 years BC error.  This would total 22 years, which would match the Cosmic Time of year 22, which would end on next August 16, and not December 31 of our present month.
    Now, considering our present Gregorian Calendar, we are supposedly in December of 2009.  This date does not consider the fact that the higher frequencies of the Photon Belt of which our earth is presently passing through, and has been since 1962, have shortened the second so that time has been speeded up.  Due to this speeding up of time, we passed the 2012 date in 2006, and are now actually in year 2015.
    So, what time is it?  The answer depends upon your perspective.
    Our present calendar shows today as December 17, 2009.  Considering that time is moving faster than we realize,  we are six years ahead of this present year or in 2015 at this time.  In Cosmic Time we are in year 2022.  To be exact this would be Day 123 of year 2022 Cosmic Time.
    Do not ask me how the speeding up of time in our solar system affects the Cosmic calendar, because I cannot remember.  It has been so long since I was in fifth dimension and had my memory.  It is much easier in 5D where time does not exist!
    This is probably as clear as mud!  Oh, well!  You asked!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
#1  (Reply)
----- Original Message -----
From: JH
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2009 2:57 PM
Subject: Re: Question Kind Sir's
Sheesh, I think I'll Take a nap ! Thanks