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'Hello, Central!' Earth Shan's Sustainable Population

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: ST
Sent: Sunday, November 23, 2008 12:08 PM
Subject: 500,000,000
Hi Patrick,
               I recently made a connection... between the NewWorldOrder "Georgia Guidstones", and the Phoenix Journals...  Have you seen pictures of them?  Go on Youtube and look them up.  See the highlighted number on there as to what number is what we "should" maintain for this earth in connection with nature.  I wonder how the "Powers that be" propose to "sustain humanity" under that number?  Genocide?  Coincidental Earth changes?  Why in the Hell, is the same number in both texts, as to how much Population this Earth can handle??!?  500,000,000!??? 
I know of many places on Earth, where the rich hold massive amounts of tracts of land/acreage that can support many more people than their greedy, lazy hands can handle.  Right now at this time, if there are any projects in the world to "save" this Earth, it would be to give the masses, LAND to co-create and work the Earth.... "beating our swords into plowshares" to create Heaven on Earth!  To be Sovereign Citizens in cohesive oneness and Divine Unity with each other and the Land.  How much empty, workable LAND exists on Earth left is there, that could support families, and assist them to be self sufficient... NONE?  In my State alone, I think the latest statistic of what the Federal and State ownership of land is, is 75%.  Is that crazy or what?  So far that I have seen, there are millions of workable, useable acreage, not being used.  I guess the biggest Issue in these lands, is "right-use", as far as the masses is concerned.  In my Home state alone, (Hawaii) anthropologists discovered that the Hawaiian people on the North Shore of the Island of Oahu, coexisted upon the Land with each other and the earth for over 200 years in perpetual harmony.... that there was balance and harmony.  Apparently in the study, there were not many other "primitive" cultures throughout the world who managed to live that long on the Earth, without destroying the land.  Maybe the Earth changes Need to happen, in order to shift the peoples consciousness into harmonious living upon Mother Earth that does not include genocide, the imbalances of power between powerful (as they suppose) people, who hoard knowledge, land, resources, etc... and the redistribution of those resources among all the people of the Earth?
If top secret governments as well as well meaning off-world brothers and sisters are so concerned about our well-being, why not focus on our shifting into changing the balances of power in governemnt, globally back to the people in True Constitutional government, and the right use of land?  How do I know that the Phoenix Journals are not just another part of the Global Government's "Project Bluebook"??  Have you heard of it?  I'm sure you have.  As you can tell, I am pissed off.  I am a Truth Seeker, and I no longer care WHO is right, I do care what is right, under Divine law.  If someone is telling me that "True, Divine laws" exist in the Phoenix Journals, and I discover that certain details in them "coincidently" match up with New World Order Agendas.... that PISSES me off!!!  No what I'm saying?  I mean no offense to you... Please forgive me for my venting.  Any insight into this detail that could possibly resolve this concern about that 500,000,000 number would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks, Aloha, ST
FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  ST
DATE:  Nov. 23, 2008
Dear ST:
    Thank you for your letter.  You raise an important question.
    There definitely is a connection between the New World Order Georgia Guidestones and the Phoenix Journals.  The would-be world controllers know Truth.  They know more about the Truth contained in the Phoenix Journals than most people.  Why do you suppose they are constantly trying to stop the Truth in these Journals from reaching the people by shutting down Fourwinds?
    The New World Order created the Georgia Guidestones, as a subtle way to present Truth to the people to test their reactions to it.  They have proven to themselves that the people are sufficiently mind-controlled to not recognize nor understand the Truth in plain sight.  People look at the Georgia Guidestones and say, "That's interesting", and walk away.  The same holds true of the Phoenix Journals.
    Now, let me answer your question directly.
    Cosmic Law determines what human population any newly created planet can sustain.  This is based on the size of the planet and the resources it contains to provide food, water, shelter and the other essentials needed to support a viable and self-sustaining human, animal and plant population in balance and harmony with all of nature.
    The human population that was determined Earth Shan could comfortably support in her original pristine condition was one-half billion or five hundred million ((500,000,000) people.  As you well know our planet passed that population density eons ago.  We now have twelve to fourteen times that number today and counting.  The would-be world controllers know this Truth, and are determined by whatever means to again reduce our planet's population to that sustainable number of humans.
    You ask, "How do I know that the Phoenix Journals are not just another part of the Global Government's Project Bluebook?"  Are you basing your question on the fact that they both contain the same number for our planet's sustainable population?  How foolish!  Had you read the Phoenix Journals with true discernment, you would not even be asking your question.  They speak Truth, including the plans of the New World Order in their Project Bluebook.  Truth is given to you for your discernment and wisdom.  What you choose to do with them is your choice.
    As a "pissed off Truthseeker", your only recourse is to quit slashing around in the underbrush and get back on the Red Road of Truth, the road that all true Lightworkers follow.  Your venting is acknowledged and accepted.  No offense is taken.  May you follow the Light, my friend.
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer