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"Hello, Central!" I Stand for the Light! I Speak Out! Who will Join Me?

Thomas Wilcox

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Hello again! Patrick and Fourwinds have been good enough to post my polite rantings on several occasions.  If this is another, I promise to make it count, with a hearty thanks to any and all that care enough to read it.

  I feel it is time to speak my mind and state my mission, more than that, perhaps the very nature of my entire existence, as revealed to me in my quest for inner growth.  I must confess I am guilty.  I have been quiet, thoughtful, meditative, and introspective long enough. The inner power, strength, and spiritual confidence I have found compels me to move forward, as always within the bounds of peace I have always stood for.  Growth happens, and my shell cracks.  I must come out from under the weight of my own ego to assist others.  In honoring of free will they have to have their own mind, plan, and direction.  I would like to help anybody simply avoid the common pitfalls I managed to climb out of most of mine.

   I have embraced the living wisdom and unlimited love of Creator God, as given to me by my Higher Self, and the time has come for me to give something back.  It may not be quiet, thoughtful or meditative, but  it will be real.  I have kept safe, anonymous, and absent from possible harm long enough.  True unconditional love only works when given away!  I have watched, as my fellow beings have been decimated, some willingly while slumbering by darkness, and by association have taken friends, family, and other loved ones with them.  I have my own scars to prove that I, too, have slept way far too much of my life waiting for the truth to come out and for the Light to win, while I stayed out of the heat.  I have waited for others to risk everything, while the foot soldiers of the Light took all the risks.

   Enough is enough.  I do not aim criticism at anybody but myself.  If any of you feel the same burn, so be it.  You, too, are in the same leaky boat along with more than a few others.   Ask yourself these questions, as I have.   Did I do everything possible to assist the Forces of Light?   Did I even do as my heart of hearts asked of me?  Did I risk any part of my energy, my peace of mind, of myself?  Was I ever afraid of coming out in the wide open air and saying "enough"?  Have I told myself I was "too busy" doing mundane stuff thinking it was important.   In the eternal life, what is important?   Carrying the Light is more than an idea, mindset, or position of choice. True freedom is a God-given right, yes?  Is not a God-given right worth risking anything personal for?  Is it  worth more than the peace of the non-involved, like I have been?  Is life becoming too short to live

it out in the cage imposed upon us by our own selfishness?   Are you feeling it yet?  Is not the life you live being restricted by having to work like a slave just to almost survive? Still waiting for others to come and save you?   Biblical figures?  Are you not made from the same substance? Are you not an eternal being, .a small part of which is embodied upon Earth?

   If you are feeling the burn of having spent too much of your personal energy just to watch, as the lifeforce is sucked from you and taken away to be used to destroy people, cities, and the planet,  then you, too, are being used.  If you find that you feel the cloud of doubt hanging over your every thought, when trying to plan a future for yourself and family, you are being used.  Does the religion you have been clinging to become too thin of truth, God's substance, and compassion to accommodate the times?   Does it speak of 'enemies' too often and divide people, or does it make you feel empty?  Have the courage to keep the God, and let the rest go.  Keep the soul, the mind, and the  Divine Will given as the greatest gift to you, dear soul, as a right just for having been created by a loving God.


  I have been living within the law of the land, the law of the universe, and will continue to do so.   Even the current Homeland Security police state laws have been easy enough to live within.  I have been a peaceful, happy,  unarmed citizen, and will continue to be so.  I need not oppose our corrupted leaders.  I simply support the Divine Plan and its simple workings.  It is still possible to overcome the darkness that seems to be choking the lifeforce of the people.  We are actually very close!  Laws can be legally changed, but changing the person is easy. too.  Then they can be stronger, happier, and more confident, any place, any time, and under even these conditions.  If I can be doing this, so can you!  I am no better than any other. 


    I have managed to grow beyond much of my own inflated ego and reach out to others, as life demands of me. Now,  I invite you to take my hand, that of others, and grow into the greater self within you, and feel lifted up. My path is my own.  You have yours.  I cannot give you the answers you may be seeking, but perhaps together, we can find the right questions.  I will never take your donations, money of any kind, or your personal energy.  If you find that you would like to just talk to another being that has found the growth mindset, the path is in front of you, your path.  Perhaps mine and yours run parallel.  Turn off the TV and talk to me.  I will be here.  I  invite others to join me in this joyous effort! Learn, grow, teach, repeat. 


Yours, out in the open and no longer afraid,

Tom Wilcox

Portland, Oregon   USA