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"Hello, Central!" What Is Your Vision of God's Plan 2000?

Patrick H. Bellringer

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From: CS
To: Bellringer
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 9:35 AM
Subject: Gods Plan 2000

Dear Patrick and Anne

Please will you share your vision of God's Plan 2000

Thank you for your steadfast support of the Truth



FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  CS
DATE:  March 31, 2008
Dear CS:
    Thank you for your question.  As you probably know, Creator God Aton of Light has discussed His Plan 2000 in The Phoenix Journals.  Had the Darkside stepped down in 1987, as they had agreed to do, we would have had 25 years to make a smooth transition into 5D.  This did not happen and Plan A is now not an option.
    Mother Earth is dying and is beyond our 3D help.  Therefore, we have moved to Plan B, where we do what we can to restore balance and harmony until Mother Earth tips on her axis and does serious self-cleansing.  Then the enlightened shall be evacuated to safety and move on in their journey in soul growth.  In 3000 earth years Earth Shan shall be restored to her original pristine condition, but as a 5D planet with no evil.
    During her cleansing process ocean floors shall rise and continents shall sink under the oceans.  Mountain ranges shall sink and others rise, as Earth Shan is renewed.  Nothing shall be left unchanged, as all is again made new.
    Those with frequencies too low to pass safely through the evacuation beam of Light, shall die a physical death.  Their soul goes to the Astral Plane or 4D, and there they judge themselves before Creator God Aton according to the Laws of God and Creation, and determine where they shall go to continue their lessons in soul growth in their next 3D lifestream.  They will continue their lessons where they left off in this lifestream.
    The enlightened ones, who board the evacuation ships, are all Returned Masers, who awakened to the Truth and to their missions of helping during this transition of Earth Shan into 5D.  They shall return to their homes in the stars on other planets, go on other chosen missions or return to the new Earth Shan to assist in establishing a new enlightened 5D civilization on her.
    Time is short, my friend. This planet has never been so Dark, and she is planning to dump the Dark Energies quite suddenly.  Be in peace, as you continue you mission and await the ships. 
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer